5,740 research outputs found

    Underpinning success : the Department for Employment and Learning’s research agenda 2012-2015

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    Underpinning success: the Department for Employment and Learning’s research agenda 2012 – 2015

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    Nanowire Volatile RAM as an Alternative to SRAM

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    Maintaining benefits of CMOS technology scaling is becoming challenging due to increased manufacturing complexities and unwanted passive power dissipations. This is particularly challenging in SRAM, where manufacturing precision and leakage power control are critical issues. To alleviate some of these challenges a novel non-volatile memory alternative to SRAM was proposed called nanowire volatile RAM (NWRAM). Due to NWRAMs regular grid based layout and innovative circuit style, manufacturing complexity is reduced and at the same time considerable benefits are attained in terms of performance and leakage power reduction. In this paper, we elaborate more on NWRAM circuit aspects and manufacturability, and quantify benefits at 16nm technology node through simulation against state-of-the-art 6T-SRAM and gridded 8T-SRAM designs. Our results show the 10T-NWRAM to be 2x faster and 35x better in terms of leakage when compared to high performance gridded 8T-SRAM design

    Transitional labour markets in a transitional economy: Could they work? The example of Poland

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    The prospects for successful implementation of the TLM approach in Poland depend on numerous factors, and it is important to remember that the impact of these factors will rarely be one-dimensional. TLMs would entail a series of both advantages and disadvantages for employers, employees, the self-employed, non-paid workers, the unemployed, trainees and older workers facing retirement. Moreover, the unique mix of economic, social, technological and demographic changes found in Poland will have a substantial impact on the prospects for implementing TLMs. There is no conclusive answer to the question formulated in the title. A number of arguments suggest that the reply might be positive: the prospect of social and political approval for TLMs, EU membership, the need to combat widespread unemployment and illicit employment, the rising level of education, the high rate of economic growth, and many others. There are also, however, many potential obstacles: the poor level of agreement between the social partners, the lack of funds for ALMP, inadequate links between different employment statuses on the labour market, the scale of poverty, inadequate mobility, structural reforms, poor implementation of labour law, etc. -- Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Faktoren, die die Chancen einer effizienten Implementierung des Konzepts der ÜbergangsarbeitsmĂ€rkte (ÜAM) in Polen beeinflussen und die sich zudem selten in nur eine Richtung auswirken. ÜAM wĂŒrden eine Reihe von Vor- wie Nachteilen fĂŒr Arbeitgeber, Arbeitnehmer, SelbstĂ€ndige, Unbezahlte, Arbeitslose, Auszubildende und Ă€ltere BeschĂ€ftigte vor dem Ruhestand mit sich bringen. DarĂŒber hinaus werden die Perspektiven fĂŒr die Realisierung von ÜAM in Polen auch stark von den Besonderheiten des ökonomischen, gesellschaftlichen, technologischen und demographischen Wandels in diesem Lande bestimmt. Die im Titel formulierte Frage lĂ€sst sich nicht endgĂŒltig bejahen oder verneinen. Etliche Argumente sprechen fĂŒr eine positive Antwort: die Aussicht auf gesellschaftliche und politische Zustimmung zu ÜAM, die EUMitgliedschaft, die Notwendigkeit, die hohe Arbeitslosigkeit und die weit verbreitete Schwarzarbeit zu bekĂ€mpfen, das steigende Bildungsniveau, das hohe Wirtschaftswachstum und vieles mehr. Es existieren jedoch auch viele potentielle Hindernisse: fehlendes Einvernehmen zwischen den Sozialpartnern, mangelnde finanzielle Mittel fĂŒr aktive arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahmen, keine adĂ€quaten BrĂŒcken fĂŒr ÜbergĂ€nge in eine andere Erwerbsform, Armut, zu geringe MobilitĂ€t, Strukturreformen, schlechte Umsetzung des Arbeitsrechts usw.

    The Flexibility-Security Nexus in Transitional Labour Markets: An empirical analysis

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    This article is intended to serve as a basis for discussions and, as well, a stimulating critique on monitoring Transitional Labour Markets (TLM) in Europe. TLM arouse interest from many researchers across Europe and beyond trying to develop new policy directions based on a complementary relationship between flexibility and security with the aim of allowing people to move both in and out of paid employment more easily. The concept of TLM provides a framework and guidelines to develop a new strategy of social risk management and social integration as well as an alternative to full employment deemed to be no longer applicable to Europe. Currently, the so-called European social model is seen having a big stake in the future of TLM. Numerous items in the TLM tool-kit are already good practices in Europe. The lack of foresight concerning the elements of successful supportive bridging mechanisms comes from the fact that such situations, in most cases, were not the outcome of deliberate TLM and “flexicurity” strategies. The level of consensus-building, the type of welfare regimes, in a word, the “context” should still be considered as a crucial linchpin. Using a linear scaling technique and the Principal Components Analysis (PCA), the article states a way at improving the European political and strategic learning process through the building of a composite TLM index.Principal Components Analysis, Transitional labour markets, Comparative Economics

    Patterns of work and use of benefits over the life course: Estimates and simulations based on Dutch microdata

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    This report analyses patterns of work and use of benefits over the full life course on the basis of Dutch data. The available data, however, only cover a period of twelve years. Therefore, the patterns observed during this period are used to simulate life courses for a cohort. The simulation implies that for each (simulated) member of the cohort we know on a quarterly basis for approximately 50 years whether he has a job, a social benefit or neither a job nor a social benefit. So, we have approximately 200 data points for each (simulated) individual. The original data on which the simulation model is based contain the following individual characteristics: age, gender and ethnic origin. The level of education was estimated on the basis of income data from our dataset. The distinction according to these four characteristics has been maintained in the simulation. --

    A framework for the comparison of different EEG acquisition solutions

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    The purpose of this work is to propose a framework for the benchmarking of EEG amplifiers, headsets, and electrodes providing objective recommendation for a given application. The framework covers: data collection paradigm, data analysis, and statistical framework. To illustrate, data was collected from 12 different devices totaling up to 6 subjects per device. Two data acquisition protocols were implemented: a resting-state protocol eyes-open (EO) and eyes-closed (EC), and an Auditory Evoked Potential (AEP) protocol. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on alpha band (EO/EC) and Event Related Potential (ERP) were extracted as objective quantification of physiologically meaningful information. Then, visual representation, univariate statistical analysis, and multivariate model were performed to increase results interpretability. Objective criteria show that the spectral SNR in alpha does not provide much discrimination between systems, suggesting that the acquisition quality might not be of primary importance for spectral and specifically alpha-based applications. On the contrary, AEP SNR proved much more variable stressing the importance of the acquisition setting for ERP experiments. The multivariate analysis identified some individuals and some systems as independent statistically significant contributors to the SNR. It highlights the importance of inter-individual differences in neurophysiological experiments (sample size) and suggests some device might objectively be superior to others when it comes to ERP recordings. However, the illustration of the proposed benchmarking framework suffers from severe limitations including small sample size and sound card jitter in the auditory stimulations. While these limitations hinders a definite ranking of the evaluated hardware, we believe the proposed benchmarking framework to be a modest yet valuable contribution to the field

    Place typologies and their policy applications: a report prepared for the Department of Communities and Local Government

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