173 research outputs found

    Fusion of Urban TanDEM-X raw DEMs using variational models

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    Recently, a new global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with pixel spacing of 0.4 arcseconds and relative height accuracy finer than 2m for flat areas (slopes 20%) was created through the TanDEM-X mission. One important step of the chain of global DEM generation is to mosaic and fuse multiple raw DEM tiles to reach the target height accuracy. Currently, Weighted Averaging (WA) is applied as a fast and simple method for TanDEM-X raw DEM fusion in which the weights are computed from height error maps delivered from the Interferometric TanDEM-X Processor (ITP). However, evaluations show that WA is not the perfect DEM fusion method for urban areas especially in confrontation with edges such as building outlines. The main focus of this paper is to investigate more advanced variational approaches such as TV-L1 and Huber models. Furthermore, we also assess the performance of variational models for fusing raw DEMs produced from data takes with different baseline configurations and height of ambiguities. The results illustrate the high efficiency of variational models for TanDEM-X raw DEM fusion in comparison to WA. Using variational models could improve the DEM quality by up to 2m particularly in inner-city subsets.Comment: This is the pre-acceptance version, to read the final version, please go to IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing on IEEE Xplor

    Beyond the 12m TanDEM-X DEM

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    The standard TanDEM-X product meats HRTI-3 DEM specification and comes with a sample spacing of 12 m.We apply non-local means (NL) interferogram filtering to the TanDEM-X data. In this paper, we present modifications of the original NL filter which render it more appropriate and efficient for massive processing of TanDEM-X data. Further, we investigate the noise reduction properties as well as the resolution and the coherence estimation accuracy of the new NL filter. Simulations and tests with TanDEM-X data hint that the improved DEMs possess a quality close to the HRTI-4 standard. Also future global InSAR missions like Tandem-L will greatly benefit from this type of filters

    Development of the TanDEM-X Calibration Concept: Analysis of Systematic Errors

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    The TanDEM-X mission, result of the partnership between the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Astrium GmbH, opens a new era in spaceborne radar remote sensing. The first bistatic satellite synthetic aperture radar mission is formed by flying the TanDEM-X and TerraSAR-X in a closely controlled helix formation. The primary mission goal is the derivation of a high-precision global digital elevation model (DEM) according to High-Resolution Terrain Information (HRTI) level 3 accuracy. The finite precision of the baseline knowledge and uncompensated radar instrument drifts introduce errors that may compromise the height accuracy requirements. By means of a DEM calibration, which uses absolute height references, and the information provided by adjacent interferogram overlaps, these height errors can be minimized. This paper summarizes the exhaustive studies of the nature of the residual-error sources that have been carried out during the development of the DEM calibration concept. Models for these errors are set up and simulations of the resulting DEM height error for different scenarios provide the basis for the development of a successful DEM calibration strategy for the TanDEM-X mission

    Applications of SAR Interferometry in Earth and Environmental Science Research

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    This paper provides a review of the progress in regard to the InSAR remote sensing technique and its applications in earth and environmental sciences, especially in the past decade. Basic principles, factors, limits, InSAR sensors, available software packages for the generation of InSAR interferograms were summarized to support future applications. Emphasis was placed on the applications of InSAR in seismology, volcanology, land subsidence/uplift, landslide, glaciology, hydrology, and forestry sciences. It ends with a discussion of future research directions

    Integration of LIDAR and IFSAR for mapping

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    LiDAR and IfSAR data is now widely used for a number of applications, particularly those needing a digital elevation model. The data is often complementary to other data such as aerial imagery and high resolution satellite data. This paper will review the current data sources and the products and then look at the ways in which the data can be integrated for particular applications. The main platforms for LiDAR are either helicopter or fixed wing aircraft, often operating at low altitudes, a digital camera is frequently included on the platform, there is an interest in using other sensors such as 3 line cameras of hyperspectral scanners. IfSAR is used from satellite platforms, or from aircraft, the latter are more compatible with LiDAR for integration. The paper will examine the advantages and disadvantages of LiDAR and IfSAR for DEM generation and discuss the issues which still need to be dealt with. Examples of applications will be given and particularly those involving the integration of different types of data. Examples will be given from various sources and future trends examined

    Rice Plant Height Monitoring from Space with Bistatic Interferometry

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    This chapter provides an overview of the possibility to derive paddy rice plant heights with spaceborne bistatic SAR interferometry (InSAR). By using the only available interferometer in space, TanDEM-X, an investigation of rice crops located in Turkey is performed. Before analyzing the main outcomes, an introduction to the generation of elevation models with InSAR is provided, with a special focus on the agricultural land cover. The processing chain and the modifications foreseen to properly produce plant elevations and a roadmap for the quality assessment are described. The results obtained, with a very high interferometric coherence supporting an accurate estimation due to a limited electromagnetic wave penetration into the canopy, support a temporal change analysis on a field-by-field basis. For the purpose, an automatic approach to segment the fields without external auxiliary data is also provided. The study is concluded with an analysis of the impact of the wave polarization in the results

    Elevation and Deformation Extraction from TomoSAR

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    3D SAR tomography (TomoSAR) and 4D SAR differential tomography (Diff-TomoSAR) exploit multi-baseline SAR data stacks to provide an essential innovation of SAR Interferometry for many applications, sensing complex scenes with multiple scatterers mapped into the same SAR pixel cell. However, these are still influenced by DEM uncertainty, temporal decorrelation, orbital, tropospheric and ionospheric phase distortion and height blurring. In this thesis, these techniques are explored. As part of this exploration, the systematic procedures for DEM generation, DEM quality assessment, DEM quality improvement and DEM applications are first studied. Besides, this thesis focuses on the whole cycle of systematic methods for 3D & 4D TomoSAR imaging for height and deformation retrieval, from the problem formation phase, through the development of methods to testing on real SAR data. After DEM generation introduction from spaceborne bistatic InSAR (TanDEM-X) and airborne photogrammetry (Bluesky), a new DEM co-registration method with line feature validation (river network line, ridgeline, valley line, crater boundary feature and so on) is developed and demonstrated to assist the study of a wide area DEM data quality. This DEM co-registration method aligns two DEMs irrespective of the linear distortion model, which improves the quality of DEM vertical comparison accuracy significantly and is suitable and helpful for DEM quality assessment. A systematic TomoSAR algorithm and method have been established, tested, analysed and demonstrated for various applications (urban buildings, bridges, dams) to achieve better 3D & 4D tomographic SAR imaging results. These include applying Cosmo-Skymed X band single-polarisation data over the Zipingpu dam, Dujiangyan, Sichuan, China, to map topography; and using ALOS L band data in the San Francisco Bay region to map urban building and bridge. A new ionospheric correction method based on the tile method employing IGS TEC data, a split-spectrum and an ionospheric model via least squares are developed to correct ionospheric distortion to improve the accuracy of 3D & 4D tomographic SAR imaging. Meanwhile, a pixel by pixel orbit baseline estimation method is developed to address the research gaps of baseline estimation for 3D & 4D spaceborne SAR tomography imaging. Moreover, a SAR tomography imaging algorithm and a differential tomography four-dimensional SAR imaging algorithm based on compressive sensing, SAR interferometry phase (InSAR) calibration reference to DEM with DEM error correction, a new phase error calibration and compensation algorithm, based on PS, SVD, PGA, weighted least squares and minimum entropy, are developed to obtain accurate 3D & 4D tomographic SAR imaging results. The new baseline estimation method and consequent TomoSAR processing results showed that an accurate baseline estimation is essential to build up the TomoSAR model. After baseline estimation, phase calibration experiments (via FFT and Capon method) indicate that a phase calibration step is indispensable for TomoSAR imaging, which eventually influences the inversion results. A super-resolution reconstruction CS based study demonstrates X band data with the CS method does not fit for forest reconstruction but works for reconstruction of large civil engineering structures such as dams and urban buildings. Meanwhile, the L band data with FFT, Capon and the CS method are shown to work for the reconstruction of large manmade structures (such as bridges) and urban buildings

    High-accuracy digital elevation model generation and ship monitoring from synthetic aperture radar images: innovative techniques and experimental results.

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    In this Thesis several state-of-the-art and innovative techniques for Digital Elevation Model (DEM) generation from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images are deeply analyzed, with a special focus on the methods which allow the improvement of the accuracy of the DEM product, which is directly related to the geolocation accuracy of geocoded images and is considered as an enabling factor for a large series of civilian and Defence applications. Furthermore, some of the proposed techniques, which are based both on phase and amplitude information, are experimented on real data, i.e. COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) data, assessing the achievable performances compared with the state-of-the-art, and pointing out and quantitatively highlighting the acquisition and processing strategies which would allow to maximize the quality of the results. Moreover, a critical analysis is performed about the main errors affecting the applied techniques, as well as the limitations of the orbital configurations, identifying several complementary techniques which would allow to overcome or mitigate the observed drawbacks. An innovative procedure for on-demand DEM production from CSK SAR data is elaborated and proposed, as well as an auto-validation technique which would enable the validation of the produced DEM also where vertical ground truths are not available. Based on the obtained results and on the consequent critical analysis, several interferometric specifications for new generation SAR satellites are identified. Finally, a literature review is proposed about the main state-of-the-art ship monitoring techniques, considered as one of the main fields of application which takes benefit from SAR data, based on single/multi-platform multi-channel SAR data, with a focus on TanDEM-X (TDX). In particular, in Chapter 1 the main concepts concerning SAR operating principles are introduced and the main characteristics and performances of CSK and TDX satellite systems are described; in Chapter 2 a review is proposed about the state-of-the-art SAR interferometric techniques for DEM generation, analyzing all the relevant processing steps and deepening the study of the main solutions recently proposed in the literature to increase the accuracy of the interferometric processing; in Chapter 3 complementary and innovative techniques respect to the interferometric processing are analyzed to mitigate disadvantages and to improve performances; in Chapter 4 experimental results are presented, obtained in the generation of high accuracy DEM by applying to a dataset of CSK images properly selected state-of-the-art interferometric techniques and innovative methods to improve DEM accuracy, exploring relevant limitations, and pointing out innovative acquisition and processing strategies. In Chapter 5, the basic principles of Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) are described, focusing on Displaced Phase Center Antenna (DPCA) and Along-Track Interferometry (ATI) techniques