36 research outputs found

    In Defense of MinHash Over SimHash

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    MinHash and SimHash are the two widely adopted Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) algorithms for large-scale data processing applications. Deciding which LSH to use for a particular problem at hand is an important question, which has no clear answer in the existing literature. In this study, we provide a theoretical answer (validated by experiments) that MinHash virtually always outperforms SimHash when the data are binary, as common in practice such as search. The collision probability of MinHash is a function of resemblance similarity (R\mathcal{R}), while the collision probability of SimHash is a function of cosine similarity (S\mathcal{S}). To provide a common basis for comparison, we evaluate retrieval results in terms of S\mathcal{S} for both MinHash and SimHash. This evaluation is valid as we can prove that MinHash is a valid LSH with respect to S\mathcal{S}, by using a general inequality S2≤R≤S2−S\mathcal{S}^2\leq \mathcal{R}\leq \frac{\mathcal{S}}{2-\mathcal{S}}. Our worst case analysis can show that MinHash significantly outperforms SimHash in high similarity region. Interestingly, our intensive experiments reveal that MinHash is also substantially better than SimHash even in datasets where most of the data points are not too similar to each other. This is partly because, in practical data, often R≥Sz−S\mathcal{R}\geq \frac{\mathcal{S}}{z-\mathcal{S}} holds where zz is only slightly larger than 2 (e.g., z≤2.1z\leq 2.1). Our restricted worst case analysis by assuming Sz−S≤R≤S2−S\frac{\mathcal{S}}{z-\mathcal{S}}\leq \mathcal{R}\leq \frac{\mathcal{S}}{2-\mathcal{S}} shows that MinHash indeed significantly outperforms SimHash even in low similarity region. We believe the results in this paper will provide valuable guidelines for search in practice, especially when the data are sparse

    DotHash: Estimating Set Similarity Metrics for Link Prediction and Document Deduplication

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    Metrics for set similarity are a core aspect of several data mining tasks. To remove duplicate results in a Web search, for example, a common approach looks at the Jaccard index between all pairs of pages. In social network analysis, a much-celebrated metric is the Adamic-Adar index, widely used to compare node neighborhood sets in the important problem of predicting links. However, with the increasing amount of data to be processed, calculating the exact similarity between all pairs can be intractable. The challenge of working at this scale has motivated research into efficient estimators for set similarity metrics. The two most popular estimators, MinHash and SimHash, are indeed used in applications such as document deduplication and recommender systems where large volumes of data need to be processed. Given the importance of these tasks, the demand for advancing estimators is evident. We propose DotHash, an unbiased estimator for the intersection size of two sets. DotHash can be used to estimate the Jaccard index and, to the best of our knowledge, is the first method that can also estimate the Adamic-Adar index and a family of related metrics. We formally define this family of metrics, provide theoretical bounds on the probability of estimate errors, and analyze its empirical performance. Our experimental results indicate that DotHash is more accurate than the other estimators in link prediction and detecting duplicate documents with the same complexity and similar comparison time

    Parallel Index-Based Structural Graph Clustering and Its Approximation

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    SCAN (Structural Clustering Algorithm for Networks) is a well-studied, widely used graph clustering algorithm. For large graphs, however, sequential SCAN variants are prohibitively slow, and parallel SCAN variants do not effectively share work among queries with different SCAN parameter settings. Since users of SCAN often explore many parameter settings to find good clusterings, it is worthwhile to precompute an index that speeds up queries. This paper presents a practical and provably efficient parallel index-based SCAN algorithm based on GS*-Index, a recent sequential algorithm. Our parallel algorithm improves upon the asymptotic work of the sequential algorithm by using integer sorting. It is also highly parallel, achieving logarithmic span (parallel time) for both index construction and clustering queries. Furthermore, we apply locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) to design a novel approximate SCAN algorithm and prove guarantees for its clustering behavior. We present an experimental evaluation of our algorithms on large real-world graphs. On a 48-core machine with two-way hyper-threading, our parallel index construction achieves 50--151×\times speedup over the construction of GS*-Index. In fact, even on a single thread, our index construction algorithm is faster than GS*-Index. Our parallel index query implementation achieves 5--32×\times speedup over GS*-Index queries across a range of SCAN parameter values, and our implementation is always faster than ppSCAN, a state-of-the-art parallel SCAN algorithm. Moreover, our experiments show that applying LSH results in faster index construction while maintaining good clustering quality

    Improving the Sensitivity of MinHash Through Hash-Value Analysis

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    MinHash sketching is an important algorithm for efficient document retrieval and bioinformatics. We show that the value of the matching MinHash codes convey additional information about the Jaccard similarity of S and T over and above the fact that the MinHash codes agree. This observation holds the potential to increase the sensitivity of minhash-based retrieval systems. We analyze the expected Jaccard similarity of two sets as a function of observing a matching MinHash value a under a reasonable prior distribution on intersection set sizes, and present a practical approach to using MinHash values to improve the sensitivity of traditional Jaccard similarity estimation, based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test for sample distributions. Experiments over a wide range of hash function counts and set similarities show a small but consistent improvement over chance at predicting over/under-estimation, yielding an average accuracy of 61% over the range of experiments

    Building K-Anonymous User Cohorts with\\ Consecutive Consistent Weighted Sampling (CCWS)

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    To retrieve personalized campaigns and creatives while protecting user privacy, digital advertising is shifting from member-based identity to cohort-based identity. Under such identity regime, an accurate and efficient cohort building algorithm is desired to group users with similar characteristics. In this paper, we propose a scalable KK-anonymous cohort building algorithm called {\em consecutive consistent weighted sampling} (CCWS). The proposed method combines the spirit of the (pp-powered) consistent weighted sampling and hierarchical clustering, so that the KK-anonymity is ensured by enforcing a lower bound on the size of cohorts. Evaluations on a LinkedIn dataset consisting of >70>70M users and ads campaigns demonstrate that CCWS achieves substantial improvements over several hashing-based methods including sign random projections (SignRP), minwise hashing (MinHash), as well as the vanilla CWS