2 research outputs found

    Ensemble equivalence for distinguishable particles

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    Statistics of distinguishable particles has become relevant in systems of colloidal particles and in the context of applications of statistical mechanics to complex networks. When studying these type of systems with the standard textbook formalism, non-physical results such as non-extensive entropies are obtained. In this paper, we will show that the commonly used expression for the partition function of a system of distinguishable particles leads to huge fluctuations of the number of particles in the grand canonical ensemble and, consequently, to non-equivalence of statistical ensembles. We will see how a new proposed definition for the entropy of distinguishable particles by Swendsen [J. Stat. Phys. 107, 1143 (2002)] solves the problem and restores ensemble equivalence. We also show that the new proposal for the partition function does not produce any inconsistency for a system of distinguishable localized particles, where the monoparticular partition function is not extensive

    In Defense of Gibbs and the Traditional Definition of the Entropy of Distinguishable Particles

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    The traditional Gibbs’ calculation of the entropy of distinguishable classical particles that leads to Gibbs Paradox has been criticized recently. This criticism, if valid, would require a substantially different definition of entropy in general. However, the traditional definition of entropy works quite well in situations where the distinguishability of classical particles is taken seriously while a suggested replacement definition fails