83 research outputs found

    Improving the lower bound on the maximum nonlinearity of 1-resilient Boolean functions and designing functions satisfying all cryptographic criteria

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    In this paper, we improve the lower bound on the maximum nonlinearity of 1-resilient Boolean functions, for nn even, by proposing a method of constructing this class of functions attaining the best nonlinearity currently known. Thus for the first time, at least for small values of nn, the upper bound on nonlinearity can be reached in a deterministic manner in difference to some heuristic search methods proposed previously. The nonlinearity of these functions is extremely close to the maximum nonlinearity attained by bent functions and it might be the case that this is the highest possible nonlinearity of 1-resilient functions. Apart from this theoretical contribution, it turns out that the cryptographic properties of these functions are overall good apart from their moderate resistance to fast algebraic attacks (FAA). This weakness is repaired by a suitable modification of the original functions giving a class of balanced functions with almost optimal resistance to FAA whose nonlinearity is better than the nonlinearity of other methods

    A Survey of Metaheuristic Algorithms for the Design of Cryptographic Boolean Functions

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    Boolean functions are mathematical objects used in diverse domains and have been actively researched for several decades already. One domain where Boolean functions play an important role is cryptography. There, the plethora of settings one should consider and cryptographic properties that need to be fulfilled makes the search for new Boolean functions still a very active domain. There are several options to construct appropriate Boolean functions: algebraic constructions, random search, and metaheuristics. In this work, we concentrate on metaheuristic approaches and examine the related works appearing in the last 25 years. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first survey work on this topic. Additionally, we provide a new taxonomy of related works and discuss the results obtained. Finally, we finish this survey with potential future research directions

    A survey of metaheuristic algorithms for the design of cryptographic Boolean functions

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    Boolean functions are mathematical objects used in diverse domains and have been actively researched for several decades already. One domain where Boolean functions play an important role is cryptography. There, the plethora of settings one should consider and cryptographic properties that need to be fulfilled makes the search for new Boolean functions still a very active domain. There are several options to construct appropriate Boolean functions: algebraic constructions, random search, and metaheuristics. In this work, we concentrate on metaheuristic approaches and examine the related works appearing in the last 25 years. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first survey work on this topic. Additionally, we provide a new taxonomy of related works and discuss the results obtained. Finally, we finish this survey with potential future research directions.</p

    Quantum Advantage in Cryptography with a Low-Connectivity Quantum Annealer

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    The application in cryptography of quantum algorithms for prime factorization fostered the interest in quantum computing. However, quantum computers, and particularly quantum annealers, can also be helpful to construct secure cryptographic keys. Indeed, finding robust Boolean functions for cryptography is an important problem in sequence ciphers, block ciphers, and hash functions, among others. Due to the superexponential size O(22n) of the associated space, finding n-variable Boolean functions with global cryptographic constraints is computationally hard. This problem has already been addressed employing generic low-connected incoherent D-Wave quantum annealers. However, the limited connectivity of the Chimera graph, together with the exponential growth in the complexity of the Boolean-function design problem, limit the problem scalability. Here, we propose a special-purpose coherent quantum-annealing architecture with three couplers per qubit, designed to optimally encode the bent-function design problem. A coherent quantum annealer with this tree-type architecture has the potential to solve the eight-variable bent-function design problem, which is classically unsolved, with only 127 physical qubits and 126 couplers. This paves the way to reach useful quantum supremacy within the framework of quantum annealing for cryptographic purposes

    On applications of simulated annealing to cryptology

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    Boolean functions are critical building blocks of symmetric-key ciphers. In most cases, the security of a cipher against a particular kind of attacks can be explained by the existence of certain properties of its underpinning Boolean functions. Therefore, the design of appropriate functions has received significant attention from researchers for several decades. Heuristic methods have become very powerful tools for designing such functions. In this thesis, we apply simulated annealing methods to construct Boolean functions with particular properties. Our results meet or exceed the best results of available theoretical constructions and/or heuristic searches in the literature, including a 10-variable balanced Boolean function with resiliency degree 2, algebraic degree 7, and nonlinearity 488 for the first time. This construction affirmatively answers the open problem about the existence of such functions. This thesis also includes results of cryptanalysis for symmetric ciphers, such as Geffe cipher and TREYFER cipher

    A Class of 1-Resilient Function with High Nonlinearity and Algebraic Immunity

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    In this paper, we propose a class of 1-resilient Boolean function with optimal algebraic degree and high nonlinearity, moreover, based on the conjecture proposed in [4], it can be proved that the algebraic immunity of our function is at least suboptimal

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2006, nr 3

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    On the Design and Analysis of Stream Ciphers

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    This thesis presents new cryptanalysis results for several different stream cipher constructions. In addition, it also presents two new stream ciphers, both based on the same design principle. The first attack is a general attack targeting a nonlinear combiner. A new class of weak feedback polynomials for linear feedback shift registers is identified. By taking samples corresponding to the linear recurrence relation, it is shown that if the feedback polynomial has taps close together an adversary to take advantage of this by considering the samples in a vector form. Next, the self-shrinking generator and the bit-search generator are analyzed. Both designs are based on irregular decimation. For the self-shrinking generator, it is shown how to recover the internal state knowing only a few keystream bits. The complexity of the attack is similar to the previously best known but uses a negligible amount of memory. An attack requiring a large keystream segment is also presented. It is shown to be asymptotically better than all previously known attacks. For the bit-search generator, an algorithm that recovers the internal state is given as well as a distinguishing attack that can be very efficient if the feedback polynomial is not carefully chosen. Following this, two recently proposed stream cipher designs, Pomaranch and Achterbahn, are analyzed. Both stream ciphers are designed with small hardware complexity in mind. For Pomaranch Version 2, based on an improvement of previous analysis of the design idea, a key recovery attack is given. Also, for all three versions of Pomaranch, a distinguishing attack is given. For Achterbahn, it is shown how to recover the key of the latest version, known as Achterbahn-128/80. The last part of the thesis introduces two new stream cipher designs, namely Grain and Grain-128. The ciphers are designed to be very small in hardware. They also have the distinguishing feature of allowing users to increase the speed of the ciphers by adding extra hardware