545 research outputs found

    Air pollution forecasts: An overview

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    © 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Air pollution is defined as a phenomenon harmful to the ecological system and the normal conditions of human existence and development when some substances in the atmosphere exceed a certain concentration. In the face of increasingly serious environmental pollution problems, scholars have conducted a significant quantity of related research, and in those studies, the forecasting of air pollution has been of paramount importance. As a precaution, the air pollution forecast is the basis for taking effective pollution control measures, and accurate forecasting of air pollution has become an important task. Extensive research indicates that the methods of air pollution forecasting can be broadly divided into three classical categories: statistical forecasting methods, artificial intelligence methods, and numerical forecasting methods. More recently, some hybrid models have been proposed, which can improve the forecast accuracy. To provide a clear perspective on air pollution forecasting, this study reviews the theory and application of those forecasting models. In addition, based on a comparison of different forecasting methods, the advantages and disadvantages of some methods of forecasting are also provided. This study aims to provide an overview of air pollution forecasting methods for easy access and reference by researchers, which will be helpful in further studies

    Forecasting in Mathematics

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    Mathematical probability and statistics are an attractive, thriving, and respectable part of mathematics. Some mathematicians and philosophers of science say they are the gateway to mathematics’ deepest mysteries. Moreover, mathematical statistics denotes an accumulation of mathematical discussions connected with efforts to most efficiently collect and use numerical data subject to random or deterministic variations. Currently, the concept of probability and mathematical statistics has become one of the fundamental notions of modern science and the philosophy of nature. This book is an illustration of the use of mathematics to solve specific problems in engineering, statistics, and science in general

    The State-of-the-Art in Air Pollution Monitoring and Forecasting Systems using IoT, Big Data, and Machine Learning

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    The quality of air is closely linked with the life quality of humans, plantations, and wildlife. It needs to be monitored and preserved continuously. Transportations, industries, construction sites, generators, fireworks, and waste burning have a major percentage in degrading the air quality. These sources are required to be used in a safe and controlled manner. Using traditional laboratory analysis or installing bulk and expensive models every few miles is no longer efficient. Smart devices are needed for collecting and analyzing air data. The quality of air depends on various factors, including location, traffic, and time. Recent researches are using machine learning algorithms, big data technologies, and the Internet of Things to propose a stable and efficient model for the stated purpose. This review paper focuses on studying and compiling recent research in this field and emphasizes the Data sources, Monitoring, and Forecasting models. The main objective of this paper is to provide the astuteness of the researches happening to improve the various aspects of air polluting models. Further, it casts light on the various research issues and challenges also.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figures, Wireless Personal Communications. Wireless Pers Commun (2023

    NAQPMS-PDAF v2.0: A Novel Hybrid Nonlinear Data Assimilation System for Improved Simulation of PM2.5 Chemical Components

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    PM2.5, a complex mixture with diverse chemical components, exerts significant impacts on the environment, human health, and climate change. However, precisely describing spatiotemporal variations of PM2.5 chemical components remains a difficulty. In our earlier work, we developed an aerosol extinction coefficient data assimilation (DA) system (NAQPMS-PDAF v1.0) that is suboptimal for chemical components. This paper introduces a novel hybrid nonlinear chemical DA system (NAQPMS-PDAF v2.0) to accurately interpret key chemical components (SO42-, NO3-, NH4+, OC, and EC). NAQPMS-PDAF v2.0 improves upon v1.0 by effectively handing and balancing stability and nonlinearity in chemical DA, which is achieved by incorporating the non-Gaussian-distribution ensemble perturbation and hybrid Localized Kalman-Nonlinear Ensemble Transform Filter with an adaptive forgetting factor for the first time. The dependence tests demonstrate that NAQPMS-PDAF v2.0 provides excellent DA results with a minimal ensemble size of 10, surpassing previous reports and v1.0. A one-month DA experiment shows that the analysis field generated by NAQPMS-PDAF v2.0 is in good agreement with observations, especially reducing the underestimation of NH4+ and NO3- and the overestimation of SO42-, OC, and EC. In particular, the CORR values for NO3-, OC, and EC are above 0.96, and R2 values are above 0.93. NAQPMS-PDAF v2.0 also demonstrates superior spatiotemporal interpretation, with most DA sites showing improvements of over 50 %–200 % in CORR and over 50 %–90 % in RMSE for the five chemical components. Compared to the poor performance in global reanalysis dataset (CORR: 0.42–0.55, RMSE: 4.51–12.27 µg/m3) and NAQPMS-PDAF v1.0 (CORR: 0.35–0.98, RMSE: 2.46–15.50 µg/m3), NAQPMS-PDAF v2.0 has the highest CORR of 0.86–0.99 and the lowest RMSE of 0.14–3.18 µg/m3. The uncertainties in ensemble DA are also examined, further highlighting the potential of NAQPMS-PDAF v2.0 for advancing aerosol chemical component studies

    Optimising air quality prediction in smart cities with hybrid particle swarm optimization‐long‐short term memory‐recurrent neural network model

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    In smart cities, air pollution is a critical issue that affects individual health and harms the environment. The air pollution prediction can supply important information to all relevant parties to take appropriate initiatives. Air quality prediction is a hot area of research. The existing research encounters several challenges that is, poor accuracy and incorrect real‐time updates. This research presents a hybrid model based on long‐short term memory (LSTM), recurrent neural network (RNN), and Curiosity‐based Motivation method. The proposed model extracts a feature set from the training dataset using an RNN layer and achieves sequencing learning by applying an LSTM layer. Also, to deal with the overfitting issues in LSTM, the proposed model utilises a dropout strategy. In the proposed model, input and recurrent connections can be dropped from activation and weight updates using the dropout regularisation approach, and it utilises a Curiosity‐based Motivation model to construct a novel motivational model, which helps in the reconstruction of long short‐term memory recurrent neural network. To minimise the prediction error, particle swarm optimisation is implemented to optimise the LSTM neural network's weights. The authors utilise an online Air Pollution Monitoring dataset from Salt Lake City, USA with five air quality indicators for comparison, that is, SO2, CO, O3, and NO2, to predict air quality. The proposed model is compared with existing Gradient Boosted Tree Regression, Existing LSTM, and Support Vector Machine based Regression Model. Experimental analysis shows that the proposed method has 0.0184 (Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)), 0.0082 (Mean Absolute Error), 2002*109 (Mean Absolute Percentage Error), and 0.122 (R2‐Score). The experimental findings demonstrate that the proposed LSTM model had RMSE performance in the prescribed dataset and statistically significant superior outcomes compared to existing methods

    An investigation into machine learning approaches for forecasting spatio-temporal demand in ride-hailing service

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    In this paper, we present machine learning approaches for characterizing and forecasting the short-term demand for on-demand ride-hailing services. We propose the spatio-temporal estimation of the demand that is a function of variable effects related to traffic, pricing and weather conditions. With respect to the methodology, a single decision tree, bootstrap-aggregated (bagged) decision trees, random forest, boosted decision trees, and artificial neural network for regression have been adapted and systematically compared using various statistics, e.g. R-square, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and slope. To better assess the quality of the models, they have been tested on a real case study using the data of DiDi Chuxing, the main on-demand ride hailing service provider in China. In the current study, 199,584 time-slots describing the spatio-temporal ride-hailing demand has been extracted with an aggregated-time interval of 10 mins. All the methods are trained and validated on the basis of two independent samples from this dataset. The results revealed that boosted decision trees provide the best prediction accuracy (RMSE=16.41), while avoiding the risk of over-fitting, followed by artificial neural network (20.09), random forest (23.50), bagged decision trees (24.29) and single decision tree (33.55).Comment: Currently under review for journal publicatio

    Application of Random Forest in a Predictive Model of PM10 Particles in Mexico City

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    Over time, predictive models tend to become more accurate but also more complex, thus achieving better predictive accuracy. When the data is improved by increasing its quantity and availability, the models are also better, which implies that the data must be processed to filter and adapt it for initial analysis and then modeling. This work aims to apply the Random Forest model to predict PM10 particles. For this purpose, data were obtained from environmental monitoring stations in Mexico City, which operates 29 stations of which 12 belong to the State of Mexico. The pollutants analyzed were CO carbon monoxide, NO nitrogen oxide, and PM10 particulate matter equal to or less than 10 μg.m-3, NOx nitrogen oxide, NO2 nitrogen dioxide, SO2 sulfur dioxide, O3 ozone, and PM2.5 particulate matter equal to or less than 2.5 μg.m-3. The result was that when calculating the certainty of our model, we have a value of 80.40% when calculating the deviation from the mean, using 15 reference variables

    Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability-Volume 2

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    Our world is facing many challenges, such as poverty, hunger, resource shortage, environmental degradation, climate change, and increased inequalities and conflicts. To address such challenges, the United Nations proposed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), consisting of 17 interlinked global goals, as the strategic blueprint of world sustainable development. Nevertheless, the implementation of the SDG framework has been very challenging and the COVID-19 pandemic has further impeded the SDG implementation progress. Accelerated efforts are needed to enable all stakeholders, ranging from national and local governments, civil society, private sector, academia and youth, to contribute to addressing this dilemma. This volume of the Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability book series aims to offer inspiration and creativity on approaches to sustainable development. Among other things, it covers topics of COVID-19 and sustainability, environmental pollution, food production, clean energy, low-carbon transport promotion, and strategic governance for sustainable initiatives. This book can reveal facts about the challenges we are facing on the one hand and provide a better understanding of drivers, barriers, and motivations to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all on the other. Research presented in this volume can provide different stakeholders, including planners and policy makers, with better solutions for the implementation of SDGs. Prof. Bao-Jie He acknowledges the Project NO. 2021CDJQY-004 supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. We appreciate the assistance from Mr. Lifeng Xiong, Mr. Wei Wang, Ms. Xueke Chen and Ms. Anxian Chen at School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, China