1,359 research outputs found

    Space-Time Trellis and Space-Time Block Coding Versus Adaptive Modulation and Coding Aided OFDM for Wideband Channels

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    Abstract—The achievable performance of channel coded spacetime trellis (STT) codes and space-time block (STB) codes transmitted over wideband channels is studied in the context of schemes having an effective throughput of 2 bits/symbol (BPS) and 3 BPS. At high implementational complexities, the best performance was typically provided by Alamouti’s unity-rate G2 code in both the 2-BPS and 3-BPS scenarios. However, if a low complexity implementation is sought, the 3-BPS 8PSK space-time trellis code outperfoms the G2 code. The G2 space-time block code is also combined with symbol-by-symbol adaptive orthogonal frequency division multiplex (AOFDM) modems and turbo convolutional channel codecs for enhancing the system’s performance. It was concluded that upon exploiting the diversity effect of the G2 space-time block code, the channel-induced fading effects are mitigated, and therefore, the benefits of adaptive modulation erode. In other words, once the time- and frequency-domain fades of the wideband channel have been counteracted by the diversity-aided G2 code, the benefits of adaptive modulation erode, and hence, it is sufficient to employ fixed-mode modems. Therefore, the low-complexity approach of mitigating the effects of fading can be viewed as employing a single-transmitter, single-receiver-based AOFDM modem. By contrast, it is sufficient to employ fixed-mode OFDM modems when the added complexity of a two-transmitter G2 scheme is affordable

    Self-concatenated code design and its application in power-efficient cooperative communications

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    In this tutorial, we have focused on the design of binary self-concatenated coding schemes with the help of EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts and Union bound analysis. The design methodology of future iteratively decoded self-concatenated aided cooperative communication schemes is presented. In doing so, we will identify the most important milestones in the area of channel coding, concatenated coding schemes and cooperative communication systems till date and suggest future research directions

    On the Convergence Speed of Turbo Demodulation with Turbo Decoding

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    Iterative processing is widely adopted nowadays in modern wireless receivers for advanced channel codes like turbo and LDPC codes. Extension of this principle with an additional iterative feedback loop to the demapping function has proven to provide substantial error performance gain. However, the adoption of iterative demodulation with turbo decoding is constrained by the additional implied implementation complexity, heavily impacting latency and power consumption. In this paper, we analyze the convergence speed of these combined two iterative processes in order to determine the exact required number of iterations at each level. Extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) charts are used for a thorough analysis at different modulation orders and code rates. An original iteration scheduling is proposed reducing two demapping iterations with reasonable performance loss of less than 0.15 dB. Analyzing and normalizing the computational and memory access complexity, which directly impact latency and power consumption, demonstrates the considerable gains of the proposed scheduling and the promising contributions of the proposed analysis.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing on April 27, 201

    Iterative Detection of Diagonal Block Space Time Trellis Codes, TCM and Reversible Variable Length Codes for Transmission over Rayleigh Fading Channels

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    Iterative detection of Diagonal Block Space Time Trellis Codes (DBSTTCs), Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) and Reversible Variable Length Codes (RVLCs) is proposed. With the aid of efficient iterative decoding, the proposed scheme is capable of providing full transmit diversity and a near channel capacity performance. The performance of the proposed scheme was evaluated when communicating over uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. Explicitly, significant iteration gains were achieved by the proposed scheme, which was capable of performing within 2~dB from the channel capacity

    Relay Switching Aided Turbo Coded Hybrid-ARQ for Correlated Fading Channel

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    Hybrid-Automatic-Repeat-reQuest (HARQ) has become an indispensable technique in reliable communications systems. However, its performance is inevitably affected by the channel’s fading correlation. In this paper, we proposed a novel relay-switching aided HARQ scheme in order to mitigate the detrimental effects of correlated fading without unduly increasing the system’s complexity and delay. Our results show that the proposed relay-switching regime operates efficiently in correlated channels, hence significantly reduces the error floor of turbo-coded HARQ. Additionally, a HARQ scheme using Segment Selective Repeat (SSR) is incorporated in the relay-switching scheme for achieving further improvements. Quantitatively, the proposed relay-switching aided turbo-coded HARQ scheme using SSR may achieve an approximately 2 dB gain, compared to the conventional amplify-and-forward aided turbo coded HARQ arrangement using Chase Combining. Index Terms - Relay switching, correlated fading channel, Hybrid-ARQ, turbo codes, chase combining, incremental redundancy, selective segment repeat

    Burst-by-Burst Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalised TCM, TTCM and BICM for H.263-Assisted Wireless Video Telephony

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    Decision Feedback Equaliser (DFE) aided wideband Burst-by-Burst (BbB) Adaptive Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM), Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation (TTCM) and Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM) assisted H.263-based video transceivers are proposed and characterised in performance terms when communicating over the COST 207 Typical Urban wideband fading channel. Specifically, four different modulation modes, namely 4QAM, 8PSK, 16QAM and 64QAM are invoked and protected by the above-mentioned coded modulation schemes. The TTCM assisted scheme was found to provide the best video performance, although at the cost of the highest complexity. A range of lower-complexity arrangements will also be characterised. Finally, in order to confirm these findings in an important practical environment, we have also investigated the adaptive TTCM scheme in the CDMA-based Universal Mobile Telecommunications System's (UMTS) Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA) scenario and the good performance of adaptive TTCM scheme recorded when communicating over the COST 207 channels was retained in the UTRA environment

    TTCM-aided rate-adaptive distributed source coding for Rayleigh fading channels

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    Adaptive turbo-trellis-coded modulation (TTCM)-aided asymmetric distributed source coding (DSC) is proposed, where two correlated sources are transmitted to a destination node. The first source sequence is TTCM encoded and is further compressed before it is transmitted through a Rayleigh fading channel, whereas the second source signal is assumed to be perfectly decoded and, hence, to be flawlessly shown at the destination for exploitation as side information for improving the decoding performance of the first source. The proposed scheme is capable of reliable communications within 0.80 dB of the Slepian-Wolf/Shannon (SW/S) theoretical limit at a bit error rate (BER) of 10-5. Furthermore, its encoder is capable of accommodating time-variant short-term correlation between the two sources

    Equivalent-Capacity-Based Design of Space-Time Block-Coded Sphere-Packing-Aided Multilevel Coding

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    A multilevel coding (MLC) scheme invoking sphere packing (SP) modulation combined with space time block coding (STBC) is designed. The coding rates of each of the MLC component codes are determined using the so-called equivalent capacity based constituent-code rate-calculation procedure invoking a 4-dimensional (4D) sphere packing bit-to-symbol mapping scheme. Four different-rate Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC) constituent-codes are used by the MLC scheme. The performance of the resultant equivalent capacity based design is characterized using simulation results. Our results demonstrate an approximately 3.5dB gain over an identical scheme dispensing with SP modulation. Furthermore although a similar performance gain is attained by both the proposed MLC scheme and its benchmarker, which uses a single-class LDPC code, the MLC scheme is preferred, since it benefits from the new classic philosophy of using low-memory, low-complexity component codes as well as providing an unequal error protection capability

    Distributed Self-Concatenated Coding for Cooperative Communication

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    In this paper, we propose a power-efficient distributed binary self-concatenated coding scheme using iterative decoding (DSECCC-ID) for cooperative communications. The DSECCC-ID scheme is designed with the aid of binary extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) charts. The source node transmits self-concatenated convolutional coded (SECCC) symbols to both the relay and destination nodes during the first transmission period. The relay performs SECCC-ID decoding, where it mayor may not encounter decoding errors. It then reencodes the information bits using a recursive systematic convolutional (RSC) code during the second transmission period. The resultant symbols transmitted from the source and relay nodes can be viewed as the coded symbols of a three-component parallel concatenated encoder. At the destination node, three-component DSECCC-ID decoding is performed. The EXIT chart gives us an insight into operation of the distributed coding scheme, which enables us to significantly reduce the transmit power by about 3.3 dB in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) terms, as compared with a noncooperative SECCC-ID scheme at a bit error rate (BER) of 10-5. Finally, the proposed system is capable of performing within about 1.5 dB from the two-hop relay-aided network’s capacity at a BER of 10-5 , even if there may be decoding errors at the relay