3 research outputs found

    Boosting the Opportunities of Open Learning (MOOCs) through Learning T heories

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    The recent evolution of computing technology has led to dramatic developments and changes in online learning. Open learning is a new form of online learning that allows learning materials to be freely available on the Internet and accessible to anyone who is interested. Different initiatives, which are based on the open learning concept, have been initiated by various prestigious institutions. Although all of these initiatives provide courses with free access to content, each has its own approach in terms of teaching, assessment and even their own goals of defining an open learning environment. Massive Open Online Courses is the term for courses provided in these open environments. These courses attract a large number of learners, however their success and efficacy in terms of the learning process has yet to be determined. The authors found that there is no clear model for open learning environments and therein lies our research objective. Many aspects still need to be considered and addressed in order to achieve a reliable and sustainable model. These aspects can be addressed with consideration to the principles of cognitive science so that better learning models can be obtained. This paper presents some learning theories that can be considered and applied to enhance open learning environments. The use of knowledge maps, as an approach to implement schema theory, was selected to present and organize the learning concepts. In addition, the Felder-Silverman learning styles theory was selected to personalize the learning environment and provide learning materials based on every learner’s needs and preferences

    The strategic role of MOOCs in education and its effects on the competitive recovery of Portugal

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    Competitiveness and competition are drivers that guide our society during this Era: competition between countries, competition between firms, competition at work to achieve promotions, competition for vacancies in the best universities, competition for the best partners and even the beginning of life starts with a competition. The main objective of this project is to study if MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses, an innovation in the education field brought us by technology) can help Portugal in its Competitive recovery. To achieve this goal it was important to study in depth the correlation between competitiveness and Education and if the Portuguese Language could have a leverage role. Primary research in form of a survey and in-depth interviews were made, adding to desk-based research of updating Porter’s study of Portuguese competitiveness to the days we live and other assessments such as how can MOOCs work and which business models can be effective. The intended results were to prove that MOOCs could have a strategic role on the economic recovery of the country. The main findings also concluded that the Portuguese language could leverage MOOCs into an exportation strategy of Portuguese educational contents.A Competitividade e a competição são fatores que marcam e guiam a sociedade da nossa Era: competição entre países, competição entre empresas, competição no trabalho para ser promovido, competição para as vagas nas melhores universidades, competição pelos melhores parceiros e até o início da vida tem origem numa competição. O principal objetivo deste projeto é estudar se os MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course, uma inovação no campo da educação proporcionada pela tecnologia) podem ajudar Portugal na sua recuperação ao nível da competitividade. Para atingir este objetivo é importante estudar em profundidade a correlação entre Competitividade e Educação e ainda e se a Língua Portuguesa poderá ter um papel de alavancagem. Um questionário e entrevistas em profundidade foram realizadas de forma a obter insights que pudessem permitir validar estas hipóteses, aos quais se soma a atualização do estudo de Michael Porter sobre a Competitividade Portuguesa para os dias de hoje entre outros estudos como por exemplo o modus operandi correto dos MOOCs em Portugal e que modelos negócios permitiriam a viabilidade destes. Os resultados pretendidos baseiam-se na prova de que os MOOCs podem ter um papel estratégico na recuperação económica do país. Outra conclusão a destacar é a importância que a Língua Portuguesa pode ter a alavancar os MOOCs para os países que falam Português e a abertura que isso pode dar para a exportação de conteúdos educativos em Língua Portuguesa