2 research outputs found

    Estimating the potential for shared autonomous scooters

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    Recent technological developments have shown significant potential for transforming urban mobility. Considering first- and last-mile travel and short trips, the rapid adoption of dockless bike-share systems showed the possibility of disruptive change, while simultaneously presenting new challenges, such as fleet management or the use of public spaces. In this paper, we evaluate the operational characteristics of a new class of shared vehicles that are being actively developed in the industry: scooters with self-repositioning capabilities. We do this by adapting the methodology of shareability networks to a large-scale dataset of dockless bike-share usage, giving us estimates of ideal fleet size under varying assumptions of fleet operations. We show that the availability of self-repositioning capabilities can help achieve up to 10 times higher utilization of vehicles than possible in current bike-share systems. We show that actual benefits will highly depend on the availability of dedicated infrastructure, a key issue for scooter and bicycle use. Based on our results, we envision that technological advances can present an opportunity to rethink urban infrastructures and how transportation can be effectively organized in cities

    Penyusunan Standar Uji Performa Dan Keselamatan Peralatan Battery Pack

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    Battery Pack adalah salah satu bagian yang ada pada kendaraan listrik, battery pack sendiri dapat berupa gabungan dari beberapa baterai atau satu baterai saja bergantung pada kebutuhan daya maupun kapasitas dari kendaraan listrik. Baterai merupakan sumber utama bagi kendaraan listrik untuk dapat beroperasi. Performa dari baterai sendiri bergantung pada kontruksi luar baterai (battery pack) maupun proteksi keamanan yang terdapat pada battery management system-nya. Kegagalan atau malfungsi dari salah satu bagian baterai dapat menyebabkan kerusakan yang mungkin menggangu performa motor listrik tersebut. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pengujian terhadap performansi dan keselamatan baterai yang sesuai dengan standard agar kendaraan listrik dapat beroperasi secara normal tanpa gangguan. Dalam tugas akhir ini akan dilakukan penyusunan standar pengujian performansi dan keselamatan bagi battery pack yang terdapat di MOLINA ITS berdasarkan pada standard dan regulasi yang berlaku. Kemudian berdasarkan analisis terkait hasil pengujian, peralatan telah terdapat proteksi yang sesuai dengan standard namun perlu adanya penambahan beberapa proteksi supaya battery pack tersebut sesuai dengan regulasi yang ada. ================================================================================================================================ A battery is one part of an electric vehicle, the battery itself can consist of only a few batteries or one battery depending on the power requirements of an electric vehicle. Batteries are the main source for electric vehicles to be used. Where the performance of the battery itself depends on battery construction (battery pack) or security protection available on the battery management system. Failure or damage from one part of the battery can cause damage that might interfere with the performance of the electric motor. Therefore it is necessary to test the performance and safety of the battery in accordance with the standard so that electric vehicles can be used normally without interference. In this final project, we will discuss performance and safety testing standards for battery packs provided at MOLINA ITS based on applicable standards and regulations. Based on the analysis related to the test results and some parts has been in accordance with the standards but there needs to be some protection of the battery pack in accordance with the existing provisions