3 research outputs found

    Theoretical model for cascading effects analyses

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    Abstract In case of exceptional events of natural or anthropogenic type, the elements at risk (people, buildings, infrastructures, economy, etc.) are often hit by sequences of 'cascading events', function of time and space, caused by the triggering event (earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption, fire, electric failure, etc.). Generally, sequences of events can involve the same element at risk, and the combined effects of cascading phenomena can strongly amplify the impact caused by single events in terms of extension of the affected area and damage level. The final impact on the territory can be significant and require to be carefully assessed in terms of emergency planning and management. This paper discusses from a theoretical point of view the modelling needs and the main issues to be taken into account in the development of simulation tools aiming to include cascading effects analyses to effectively support decision-makers in their preparedness and disaster mitigation strategies in the framework of emergency planning at local, national and international level. The model aims at developing cascading effects scenarios at different level of detail, depending on the availability of inventory/exposure data for the different categories of elements at risk and hazard/impact models for the various hazard sources. It has been developed within EU-FP7 SNOWBALL project (Lower the impact of aggravating factors in crisis situations thanks to adaptive foresight and decision-support tools, 2015–2017)

    Protecting Electricity Networks from Natural Hazards

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    This handbook supports OSCE participating States in better protecting critical electrical energy infrastructure from natural hazards. By providing risk management options, tools and case studies, it is designed as a guide for policy-makers, state authorities, transmission networks operators and regulators in charge of protecting energy networks. In recent years the risk of supra-national power blackouts in the OSCE area causing significant economic losses has increased. One contributing factor is that extreme weather conditions occur more frequently. Another is an increased connectivity of power and telecommunication infrastructures and a higher technical complexity of the grid due to a changing energy mix, leaving industrial and commercial companies, the public and the private sector at risk