23,183 research outputs found

    Paired Comparisons-based Interactive Differential Evolution

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    We propose Interactive Differential Evolution (IDE) based on paired comparisons for reducing user fatigue and evaluate its convergence speed in comparison with Interactive Genetic Algorithms (IGA) and tournament IGA. User interface and convergence performance are two big keys for reducing Interactive Evolutionary Computation (IEC) user fatigue. Unlike IGA and conventional IDE, users of the proposed IDE and tournament IGA do not need to compare whole individuals each other but compare pairs of individuals, which largely decreases user fatigue. In this paper, we design a pseudo-IEC user and evaluate another factor, IEC convergence performance, using IEC simulators and show that our proposed IDE converges significantly faster than IGA and tournament IGA, i.e. our proposed one is superior to others from both user interface and convergence performance points of view

    Multi-objective engineering shape optimization using differential evolution interfaced to the Nimrod/O tool

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    This paper presents an enhancement of the Nimrod/O optimization tool by interfacing DEMO, an external multiobjective optimization algorithm. DEMO is a variant of differential evolution – an algorithm that has attained much popularity in the research community, and this work represents the first time that true multiobjective optimizations have been performed with Nimrod/O. A modification to the DEMO code enables multiple objectives to be evaluated concurrently. With Nimrod/O’s support for parallelism, this can reduce the wall-clock time significantly for compute intensive objective function evaluations. We describe the usage and implementation of the interface and present two optimizations. The first is a two objective mathematical function in which the Pareto front is successfully found after only 30 generations. The second test case is the three-objective shape optimization of a rib-reinforced wall bracket using the Finite Element software, Code_Aster. The interfacing of the already successful packages of Nimrod/O and DEMO yields a solution that we believe can benefit a wide community, both industrial and academic

    A Hybrid Differential Evolution Approach to Designing Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have demonstrated their superiority in image classification, and evolutionary computation (EC) methods have recently been surging to automatically design the architectures of CNNs to save the tedious work of manually designing CNNs. In this paper, a new hybrid differential evolution (DE) algorithm with a newly added crossover operator is proposed to evolve the architectures of CNNs of any lengths, which is named DECNN. There are three new ideas in the proposed DECNN method. Firstly, an existing effective encoding scheme is refined to cater for variable-length CNN architectures; Secondly, the new mutation and crossover operators are developed for variable-length DE to optimise the hyperparameters of CNNs; Finally, the new second crossover is introduced to evolve the depth of the CNN architectures. The proposed algorithm is tested on six widely-used benchmark datasets and the results are compared to 12 state-of-the-art methods, which shows the proposed method is vigorously competitive to the state-of-the-art algorithms. Furthermore, the proposed method is also compared with a method using particle swarm optimisation with a similar encoding strategy named IPPSO, and the proposed DECNN outperforms IPPSO in terms of the accuracy.Comment: Accepted by The Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 201

    Shuffled Complex-Self Adaptive Hybrid EvoLution (SC-SAHEL) optimization framework

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    Simplicity and flexibility of meta-heuristic optimization algorithms have attracted lots of attention in the field of optimization. Different optimization methods, however, hold algorithm-specific strengths and limitations, and selecting the best-performing algorithm for a specific problem is a tedious task. We introduce a new hybrid optimization framework, entitled Shuffled Complex-Self Adaptive Hybrid EvoLution (SC-SAHEL), which combines the strengths of different evolutionary algorithms (EAs) in a parallel computing scheme. SC-SAHEL explores performance of different EAs, such as the capability to escape local attractions, speed, convergence, etc., during population evolution as each individual EA suits differently to various response surfaces. The SC-SAHEL algorithm is benchmarked over 29 conceptual test functions, and a real-world hydropower reservoir model case study. Results show that the hybrid SC-SAHEL algorithm is rigorous and effective in finding global optimum for a majority of test cases, and that it is computationally efficient in comparison to algorithms with individual EA

    Parameters identification of unknown delayed genetic regulatory networks by a switching particle swarm optimization algorithm

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    The official published version can be found at the link below.This paper presents a novel particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm based on Markov chains and competitive penalized method. Such an algorithm is developed to solve global optimization problems with applications in identifying unknown parameters of a class of genetic regulatory networks (GRNs). By using an evolutionary factor, a new switching PSO (SPSO) algorithm is first proposed and analyzed, where the velocity updating equation jumps from one mode to another according to a Markov chain, and acceleration coefficients are dependent on mode switching. Furthermore, a leader competitive penalized multi-learning approach (LCPMLA) is introduced to improve the global search ability and refine the convergent solutions. The LCPMLA can automatically choose search strategy using a learning and penalizing mechanism. The presented SPSO algorithm is compared with some well-known PSO algorithms in the experiments. It is shown that the SPSO algorithm has faster local convergence speed, higher accuracy and algorithm reliability, resulting in better balance between the global and local searching of the algorithm, and thus generating good performance. Finally, we utilize the presented SPSO algorithm to identify not only the unknown parameters but also the coupling topology and time-delay of a class of GRNs.This research was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of PR China (Grant No. 60874113), the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (Grant No. 200802550007), the Key Creative Project of Shanghai Education Community (Grant No. 09ZZ66), the Key Foundation Project of Shanghai (Grant No. 09JC1400700), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council EPSRC of the UK under Grant No. GR/S27658/01, the International Science and Technology Cooperation Project of China under Grant No. 2009DFA32050, an International Joint Project sponsored by the Royal Society of the UK, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Open-ended evolution to discover analogue circuits for beyond conventional applications

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10710-012-9163-8. Copyright @ Springer 2012.Analogue circuits synthesised by means of open-ended evolutionary algorithms often have unconventional designs. However, these circuits are typically highly compact, and the general nature of the evolutionary search methodology allows such designs to be used in many applications. Previous work on the evolutionary design of analogue circuits has focused on circuits that lie well within analogue application domain. In contrast, our paper considers the evolution of analogue circuits that are usually synthesised in digital logic. We have developed four computational circuits, two voltage distributor circuits and a time interval metre circuit. The approach, despite its simplicity, succeeds over the design tasks owing to the employment of substructure reuse and incremental evolution. Our findings expand the range of applications that are considered suitable for evolutionary electronics

    Comparing and Combining Lexicase Selection and Novelty Search

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    Lexicase selection and novelty search, two parent selection methods used in evolutionary computation, emphasize exploring widely in the search space more than traditional methods such as tournament selection. However, lexicase selection is not explicitly driven to select for novelty in the population, and novelty search suffers from lack of direction toward a goal, especially in unconstrained, highly-dimensional spaces. We combine the strengths of lexicase selection and novelty search by creating a novelty score for each test case, and adding those novelty scores to the normal error values used in lexicase selection. We use this new novelty-lexicase selection to solve automatic program synthesis problems, and find it significantly outperforms both novelty search and lexicase selection. Additionally, we find that novelty search has very little success in the problem domain of program synthesis. We explore the effects of each of these methods on population diversity and long-term problem solving performance, and give evidence to support the hypothesis that novelty-lexicase selection resists converging to local optima better than lexicase selection

    Neuroevolution in Deep Neural Networks: Current Trends and Future Challenges

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    A variety of methods have been applied to the architectural configuration and learning or training of artificial deep neural networks (DNN). These methods play a crucial role in the success or failure of the DNN for most problems and applications. Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) are gaining momentum as a computationally feasible method for the automated optimisation and training of DNNs. Neuroevolution is a term which describes these processes of automated configuration and training of DNNs using EAs. While many works exist in the literature, no comprehensive surveys currently exist focusing exclusively on the strengths and limitations of using neuroevolution approaches in DNNs. Prolonged absence of such surveys can lead to a disjointed and fragmented field preventing DNNs researchers potentially adopting neuroevolutionary methods in their own research, resulting in lost opportunities for improving performance and wider application within real-world deep learning problems. This paper presents a comprehensive survey, discussion and evaluation of the state-of-the-art works on using EAs for architectural configuration and training of DNNs. Based on this survey, the paper highlights the most pertinent current issues and challenges in neuroevolution and identifies multiple promising future research directions.Comment: 20 pages (double column), 2 figures, 3 tables, 157 reference
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