5 research outputs found

    The dual-path execution model for efficient GPU control flow

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    Current graphics processing units (GPUs) utilize the single instruction multiple thread (SIMT) execution model. With SIMT, a group of logical threads executes such that all threads in the group execute a single common instruction on a particular cycle. To enable control flow to diverge within the group of threads, GPUs partially serialize execution and follow a single control flow path at a time. The execution of the threads in the group that are not on the current path is masked. Most current GPUs rely on a hardware reconvergence stack to track the multiple concurrent paths and to choose a single path for execution. Control flow paths are pushed onto the stack when they diverge and are popped off of the stack to enable threads to reconverge and keep lane utilization high. The stack algorithm guarantees optimal reconvergence for applications with structured control flow as it traverses the structured control-flow tree depth first. The downside of using the reconvergence stack is that only a single path is followed, which does not maximize available parallelism, degrading performance in some cases. We propose a change to the stack hardware in which the execution of two different paths can be interleaved. While this is a fundamental change to the stack concept, we show how dual-path execution can be implemented with only modest changes to current hardware and that parallelism is increased without sacrificing optimal (structured) control-flow reconvergence. We perform a detailed evaluation of a set of benchmarks with divergent control flow and demonstrate that the dual-path stack architecture is much more robust compared to previous approaches for increasing path parallelism. Dual-path execution either matches the performance of the baseline single-path stack architecture or outperforms single-path execution by 14.9% on average and by over 30% in some cases.1

    Impact of Warp Formation on GPU Performance

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    An OpenCL software compilation framework targeting an SoC-FPGA VLIW chip multiprocessor

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    Modern systems-on-chip augment their baseline CPU with coprocessors and accelerators to increase overall computational capability and power efficiency, and thus have evolved into heterogeneous multi-core systems. Several languages have been developed to enable this paradigm shift, including CUDA and OpenCL. This paper discusses a unified compilation environment to enable heterogeneous system design through the use of OpenCL and a highly configurable VLIW Chip Multiprocessor architecture known as the LE1. An LLVM compilation framework was researched and a prototype developed to enable the execution of OpenCL applications on a number of hardware configurations of the LE1 CMP. The presented OpenCL framework fully automates the compilation flow and supports work-item coalescing which better maps onto the ILP processor cores of the LE1 architecture. This paper discusses in detail both the software stack and target hardware architecture and evaluates the scalability of the proposed framework by running 12 industry-standard OpenCL benchmarks drawn from the AMD SDK and the Rodinia suites. The benchmarks are executed on 40 LE1 configurations with 10 implemented on an SoC-FPGA and the remaining on a cycle-accurate simulator. Across 12 OpenCL benchmarks results demonstrate near-linear wall-clock performance improvement of 1.8x (using 2 dual-issue cores), up to 5.2x (using 8 dual-issue cores) and on one case, super-linear improvement of 8.4x (FixOffset kernel, 8 dual-issue cores). The number of OpenCL benchmarks evaluated makes this study one of the most complete in the literature