24 research outputs found

    Improving web personalization re-engineering processes using cognitive knowledge management

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    A re-design process implies dealing with complex interactions between stakeholders, especially if we are talking about a personalization re-engineered process, which can be applied to an existing web application. In this context, knowledge becomes a main factor of influence, but the tacit acquisition and application of valuable knowledge is not a simple task. Discovering new ways to achieve, share and re-use available knowledge is a key concern for improving re-design environments. To support this challenge, we address Cognitive Informatics concepts and principles that might help improve knowledge specification and communication.Eje: Ingeniería de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Hypertext and news stories

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    An investigation of the development of navigation design guidelines for online educational applications delivery to a primary school audience

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    Despite growing interest in educational websites for children, there has been surprisingly little research conducted into the design of websites intended for a younger audience. This research aims to determine how the design principles identified in the extant body of literature, might be fused with the development practices currently employed within a focus organisation (case study organisation), to synthesise and partially validate a set of website navigation design guidelines for use when developing website navigation for primary school students, between the ages of nine and twelve years

    Improving web personalization re-engineering processes using cognitive knowledge management

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    A re-design process implies dealing with complex interactions between stakeholders, especially if we are talking about a personalization re-engineered process, which can be applied to an existing web application. In this context, knowledge becomes a main factor of influence, but the tacit acquisition and application of valuable knowledge is not a simple task. Discovering new ways to achieve, share and re-use available knowledge is a key concern for improving re-design environments. To support this challenge, we address Cognitive Informatics concepts and principles that might help improve knowledge specification and communication.Eje: Ingeniería de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The W Life Cycle Model and Associated Methodology for Corporate Web Site Development

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    The last few years witnessed the increasing internal and external use of the Internet by organizations. Web sites grew in sophistication from conventional sites composed of a simple collection of Web pages for public relations or marketing to complex Web information systems dealing with business-to-customer transactions or business-to-business networks. However, most organizations still do not have a formal process of Web site development, and corporate Web sites are often developed in an unorganized and uncoordinated fashion. The results of this chaotic situation include slow delivery, conflicting standards, discrepancies with respect to corporate objectives, and redundant development efforts. To help alleviate this situation, this paper presents the W software life cycle model for corporate web site development along with an associated methodology to guide Web development groups in their endeavors. The proposed process model and methodology are based on insights gleaned by studying development projects for three types of corporate Web sites: intranets, Web-presence sites, and transactional sites. However, because Web information systems are more complex, the article also provides recommendations for how the methodology can be adapted to handle these types of applications better

    25 Years of Model-Driven Web Engineering : What we achieved, what is missing

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    Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) approaches aim to improve the Web applications development process by focusing on modeling instead of coding, and deriving the running application by transformations from conceptual models to code. The emergence of the Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML) has been an important milestone in the evolution of Web modeling languages, indicating not only the maturity of the field but also a final convergence of languages. In this paper we explain the evolution of modeling and design approaches since the early years (the 90’s) detailing the forces which drove that evolution and discussing the strengths and weaknesses of some of those approaches. A brief presentation of IFML is accompanied with a thorough analysis of the most important achievements of the MDWE community as well as the problems and obstacles that hinder the dissemination of model-driven techniques in the Web engineering field.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzada (LIFIA

    Web Design Frameworks: An Approach to Improve Reuse in Web Applications

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    In this paper we introduce Web design frameworks as a conceptual approach to maximize reuse in Web applications. We first discuss the need for building abstract and reusable navigational design structures, exemplifying with different kinds of Web Information Systems. Then, we briefly review the state of the art of object-oriented application frameworks and present the rationale for a slightly different approach focusing on design reuse instead of code reuse. Next, we present OOHDM-frame, a syntax for defining the hot-spots of generic Web application designs. We illustrate the use of OOHDM-frame with a case study in the field of electronic commerce. We finally discuss how to implement Web design frameworks in different kind of Web platforms.Trabajo publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, vol. 2016)Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Designing personalized web applications

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    The goal of this paper is to argue the need to approach the personalization issues in Web applications from the very beginning in the application’s development cycle. Since personalization is a critical aspect in many popular domains such as e-commerce, it important enough that it should be dealt with through a design view, rather than only an implementation view (which discusses mechanisms, rather than design options). We present different scenarios of personalization covering most existing applications. Since our design approach is based on the Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Method, we briefly introduce i the way in which we build Web application models as object -oriented views of conceptual models. We show how we specify personalized Web applications by refining views according to users’ profiles or preferences; we show that an object -oriented approach allows maximizing reuse in these specifications. We discuss some implementation aspects and compare our work with related approaches, and present some concluding remarks.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Model-Based Web Application Development

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    In this chapter we present our experience with the Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Method (OOHDM), a model-based approach for developing Web applications. We first describe the main activities in OOHDM and then we illustrate the application of the method with a simple example, a CD store.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    25 Years of Model-Driven Web Engineering : What we achieved, what is missing

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    Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) approaches aim to improve the Web applications development process by focusing on modeling instead of coding, and deriving the running application by transformations from conceptual models to code. The emergence of the Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML) has been an important milestone in the evolution of Web modeling languages, indicating not only the maturity of the field but also a final convergence of languages. In this paper we explain the evolution of modeling and design approaches since the early years (the 90’s) detailing the forces which drove that evolution and discussing the strengths and weaknesses of some of those approaches. A brief presentation of IFML is accompanied with a thorough analysis of the most important achievements of the MDWE community as well as the problems and obstacles that hinder the dissemination of model-driven techniques in the Web engineering field.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzada (LIFIA