57,838 research outputs found

    Estimating heart rate and rhythm via 3D motion tracking in depth video

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    Low-cost depth sensors, such as Microsoft Kinect, have potential for non-intrusive, non-contact health monitoring that is robust to ambient lighting conditions. However, captured depth images typically suer from low bit-depth and high acquisition noise, and hence processing them to estimate biometrics is dicult. In this paper, we propose to capture depth video of a human subject using Kinect 2.0 to estimate his/her heart rate and rhythm (regularity); as blood is pumped from the heart to circulate through the head, tiny oscillatory head motion due to Newtonian mechanics can be detected for periodicity analysis. Specifically, we first restore a captured depth video via a joint bit-depth enhancement / denoising procedure, using a graph-signal smoothness prior for regularization. Second, we track an automatically detected head region throughout the depth video to deduce 3D motion vectors. The detected vectors are fed back to the depth restoration module in a loop to ensure that the motion information in two modules are consistent, improving performance of both restoration and motion tracking in the process. Third, the computed 3D motion vectors are projected onto its principal component for 1D signal analysis, composed of trend removal, band-pass filtering, and wavelet-based motion denoising. Finally, the heart rate is estimated via Welch power spectrum analysis, and the heart rhythm is computed via peak detection. Experimental results show accurate estimation of the heart rate and rhythm using our proposed algorithm as compared to rate and rhythm estimated by a portable oximeter

    A Comparative Evaluation of Heart Rate Estimation Methods using Face Videos

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    This paper presents a comparative evaluation of methods for remote heart rate estimation using face videos, i.e., given a video sequence of the face as input, methods to process it to obtain a robust estimation of the subjects heart rate at each moment. Four alternatives from the literature are tested, three based in hand crafted approaches and one based on deep learning. The methods are compared using RGB videos from the COHFACE database. Experiments show that the learning-based method achieves much better accuracy than the hand crafted ones. The low error rate achieved by the learning based model makes possible its application in real scenarios, e.g. in medical or sports environments.Comment: Accepted in "IEEE International Workshop on Medical Computing (MediComp) 2020

    DistancePPG: Robust non-contact vital signs monitoring using a camera

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    Vital signs such as pulse rate and breathing rate are currently measured using contact probes. But, non-contact methods for measuring vital signs are desirable both in hospital settings (e.g. in NICU) and for ubiquitous in-situ health tracking (e.g. on mobile phone and computers with webcams). Recently, camera-based non-contact vital sign monitoring have been shown to be feasible. However, camera-based vital sign monitoring is challenging for people with darker skin tone, under low lighting conditions, and/or during movement of an individual in front of the camera. In this paper, we propose distancePPG, a new camera-based vital sign estimation algorithm which addresses these challenges. DistancePPG proposes a new method of combining skin-color change signals from different tracked regions of the face using a weighted average, where the weights depend on the blood perfusion and incident light intensity in the region, to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of camera-based estimate. One of our key contributions is a new automatic method for determining the weights based only on the video recording of the subject. The gains in SNR of camera-based PPG estimated using distancePPG translate into reduction of the error in vital sign estimation, and thus expand the scope of camera-based vital sign monitoring to potentially challenging scenarios. Further, a dataset will be released, comprising of synchronized video recordings of face and pulse oximeter based ground truth recordings from the earlobe for people with different skin tones, under different lighting conditions and for various motion scenarios.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figure

    CaloriNet: From silhouettes to calorie estimation in private environments

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    We propose a novel deep fusion architecture, CaloriNet, for the online estimation of energy expenditure for free living monitoring in private environments, where RGB data is discarded and replaced by silhouettes. Our fused convolutional neural network architecture is trainable end-to-end, to estimate calorie expenditure, using temporal foreground silhouettes alongside accelerometer data. The network is trained and cross-validated on a publicly available dataset, SPHERE_RGBD + Inertial_calorie. Results show state-of-the-art minimum error on the estimation of energy expenditure (calories per minute), outperforming alternative, standard and single-modal techniques.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure