1,688 research outputs found

    Improving resiliency using graph based evolutionary algorithms

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    Resiliency is an important characteristic of any system. It signifies the ability of a system to survive and recover from unprecedented disruptions. Various characteristics exist that indicate the level of resiliency in a system. One of these attributes is the adaptability of the system. This adaptability can be enhanced by redundancy present within the system. In the context of system design, redundancy can be achieved by having a diverse set of good designs for that particular system. Evolutionary algorithms are widely used in creating designs for engineering systems, as they perform well on discontinuous and/or high dimensional problems. One method to control the diversity of solutions within an evolutionary algorithm is the use of combinatorial graphs, or graph based evolutionary algorithms. This diversity of solutions is key factor to enhance the redundancy of a system design. In this work, the way how graph based evolutionary algorithms generate diverse solutions is investigated by examining the influence of representation and mutation. This allows for greater understanding of the exploratory nature of each representation and how they can control the number of solution generated within a trial. The results of this research are then applied to the Travelling [sic] Salesman Problem, a known NP hard problem often used as a surrogate for logistic or network design problems. When the redundancy in system design is improved, adaptability can be achieved by placing an agent to initiate a transfer to other good solutions in the event of a disruption in network connectivity, making it possible to improve the resiliency of the system --Abstract, page iii

    Advancements in Enhancing Resilience of Electrical Distribution Systems: A Review on Frameworks, Metrics, and Technological Innovations

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    This comprehensive review paper explores power system resilience, emphasizing its evolution, comparison with reliability, and conducting a thorough analysis of the definition and characteristics of resilience. The paper presents the resilience frameworks and the application of quantitative power system resilience metrics to assess and quantify resilience. Additionally, it investigates the relevance of complex network theory in the context of power system resilience. An integral part of this review involves examining the incorporation of data-driven techniques in enhancing power system resilience. This includes the role of data-driven methods in enhancing power system resilience and predictive analytics. Further, the paper explores the recent techniques employed for resilience enhancement, which includes planning and operational techniques. Also, a detailed explanation of microgrid (MG) deployment, renewable energy integration, and peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading in fortifying power systems against disruptions is provided. An analysis of existing research gaps and challenges is discussed for future directions toward improvements in power system resilience. Thus, a comprehensive understanding of power system resilience is provided, which helps in improving the ability of distribution systems to withstand and recover from extreme events and disruptions

    On Improving the Robustness of Partitionable Internet-Based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Recent technological advances in portability, mobility support, and high speed wireless communications and users' insatiable interest in accessing the Internet have fueled to development of mobile wireless networks. Internet-based mobile ad hoc network (IMANET) is emerging as a ubiquitous communication infrastructure that combines a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) and the Internet to provide universal information accessibility. However, communication performance may be seriously degraded by network partitions resulted from frequent changes of the network topology. In this paper, we propose an enhanced least recently used replacement policy as a part of the aggregate cache mechanism to improve the information accessibility and reduce the access latency in the presence of network partitioning. The enhanced aggregate cache is analyzed and also evaluated by simulation. Extensive simulation experiments are conducted under various network topologies by using three different mobility models: random waypoint, Manhattan grid, and mo -di -fied random waypoint. The simulation results indicate that the proposed policy significantly improves communication performance in varying network topologies, and relieves the network partition problem to a great extent

    Resilience assessment and planning in power distribution systems:Past and future considerations

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    Over the past decade, extreme weather events have significantly increased worldwide, leading to widespread power outages and blackouts. As these threats continue to challenge power distribution systems, the importance of mitigating the impacts of extreme weather events has become paramount. Consequently, resilience has become crucial for designing and operating power distribution systems. This work comprehensively explores the current landscape of resilience evaluation and metrics within the power distribution system domain, reviewing existing methods and identifying key attributes that define effective resilience metrics. The challenges encountered during the formulation, development, and calculation of these metrics are also addressed. Additionally, this review acknowledges the intricate interdependencies between power distribution systems and critical infrastructures, including information and communication technology, transportation, water distribution, and natural gas networks. It is important to understand these interdependencies and their impact on power distribution system resilience. Moreover, this work provides an in-depth analysis of existing research on planning solutions to enhance distribution system resilience and support power distribution system operators and planners in developing effective mitigation strategies. These strategies are crucial for minimizing the adverse impacts of extreme weather events and fostering overall resilience within power distribution systems.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, submitted for review to Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review

    Electric Power Grid Resilience to Cyber Adversaries: State of the Art

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    © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. The smart electricity grids have been evolving to a more complex cyber-physical ecosystem of infrastructures with integrated communication networks, new carbon-free sources of powergeneratio n, advanced monitoring and control systems, and a myriad of emerging modern physical hardware technologies. With the unprecedented complexity and heterogeneity in dynamic smart grid networks comes additional vulnerability to emerging threats such as cyber attacks. Rapid development and deployment of advanced network monitoring and communication systems on one hand, and the growing interdependence of the electric power grids to a multitude of lifeline critical infrastructures on the other, calls for holistic defense strategies to safeguard the power grids against cyber adversaries. In order to improve the resilience of the power grid against adversarial attacks and cyber intrusions, advancements should be sought on detection techniques, protection plans, and mitigation practices in all electricity generation, transmission, and distribution sectors. This survey discusses such major directions and recent advancements from a lens of different detection techniques, equipment protection plans, and mitigation strategies to enhance the energy delivery infrastructure resilience and operational endurance against cyber attacks. This undertaking is essential since even modest improvements in resilience of the power grid against cyber threats could lead to sizeable monetary savings and an enriched overall social welfare

    Architecture and algorithm for reliable 5G network design

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    This Ph.D. thesis investigates the resilient and cost-efficient design of both C-RAN and Xhaul architectures. Minimization of network resources as well as reuse of already deployed infrastructure, either based on fiber, wavelength, bandwidth or Processing Units (PU), is investigated and shown to be effective to reduce the overall cost. Moreover, the design of a survivable network against a single node (Baseband Unit hotel (BBU), Centralized/Distributed Unit (CU/DU) or link failure proposed. The novel function location algorithm, which adopts dynamic function chaining in relation to the evolution of the traffic estimation also proposed and showed remarkable improvement in terms of bandwidth saving and multiplexing gain with respect to conventional C-RAN. Finally, the adoption of Ethernet-based fronthaul and the introduction of hybrid switches is pursued to further decrease network cost by increasing optical resource usage