71,062 research outputs found

    A survey on the use of relevance feedback for information access systems

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    Users of online search engines often find it difficult to express their need for information in the form of a query. However, if the user can identify examples of the kind of documents they require then they can employ a technique known as relevance feedback. Relevance feedback covers a range of techniques intended to improve a user's query and facilitate retrieval of information relevant to a user's information need. In this paper we survey relevance feedback techniques. We study both automatic techniques, in which the system modifies the user's query, and interactive techniques, in which the user has control over query modification. We also consider specific interfaces to relevance feedback systems and characteristics of searchers that can affect the use and success of relevance feedback systems

    Ranking algorithms for implicit feedback

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    This report presents novel algorithms to use eye movements as an implicit relevance feedback in order to improve the performance of the searches. The algorithms are evaluated on "Transport Rank Five" Dataset which were previously collected in Task 8.3. We demonstrated that simple linear combination or tensor product of eye movement and image features can improve the retrieval accuracy

    Relevance-based Word Embedding

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    Learning a high-dimensional dense representation for vocabulary terms, also known as a word embedding, has recently attracted much attention in natural language processing and information retrieval tasks. The embedding vectors are typically learned based on term proximity in a large corpus. This means that the objective in well-known word embedding algorithms, e.g., word2vec, is to accurately predict adjacent word(s) for a given word or context. However, this objective is not necessarily equivalent to the goal of many information retrieval (IR) tasks. The primary objective in various IR tasks is to capture relevance instead of term proximity, syntactic, or even semantic similarity. This is the motivation for developing unsupervised relevance-based word embedding models that learn word representations based on query-document relevance information. In this paper, we propose two learning models with different objective functions; one learns a relevance distribution over the vocabulary set for each query, and the other classifies each term as belonging to the relevant or non-relevant class for each query. To train our models, we used over six million unique queries and the top ranked documents retrieved in response to each query, which are assumed to be relevant to the query. We extrinsically evaluate our learned word representation models using two IR tasks: query expansion and query classification. Both query expansion experiments on four TREC collections and query classification experiments on the KDD Cup 2005 dataset suggest that the relevance-based word embedding models significantly outperform state-of-the-art proximity-based embedding models, such as word2vec and GloVe.Comment: to appear in the proceedings of The 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '17

    Parsimonious Language Models for a Terabyte of Text

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    The aims of this paper are twofold. Our first aim\ud is to compare results of the earlier Terabyte tracks\ud to the Million Query track. We submitted a number\ud of runs using different document representations\ud (such as full-text, title-fields, or incoming\ud anchor-texts) to increase pool diversity. The initial\ud results show broad agreement in system rankings\ud over various measures on topic sets judged at both\ud Terabyte and Million Query tracks, with runs using\ud the full-text index giving superior results on\ud all measures, but also some noteworthy upsets.\ud Our second aim is to explore the use of parsimonious\ud language models for retrieval on terabyte-scale\ud collections. These models are smaller thus\ud more efficient than the standard language models\ud when used at indexing time, and they may also improve\ud retrieval performance. We have conducted\ud initial experiments using parsimonious models in\ud combination with pseudo-relevance feedback, for\ud both the Terabyte and Million Query track topic\ud sets, and obtained promising initial results

    The application of user log for online business environment using content-based Image retrieval system

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    Over the past few years, inter-query learning has gained much attention in the research and development of content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems. This is largely due to the capability of inter-query approach to enable learning from the retrieval patterns of previous query sessions. However, much of the research works in this field have been focusing on analyzing image retrieval patterns stored in the database. This is not suitable for a dynamic environment such as the World Wide Web (WWW) where images are constantly added or removed. A better alternative is to use an image's visual features to capture the knowledge gained from the previous query sessions. Based on the previous work (Chung et al., 2006), the aim of this paper is to propose a framework of inter-query learning for the WWW-CBIR systems. Such framework can be extremely useful for those online companies whose core business involves providing multimedia content-based services and products to their customers

    Interactive retrieval of video using pre-computed shot-shot similarities

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    A probabilistic framework for content-based interactive video retrieval is described. The developed indexing of video fragments originates from the probability of the user's positive judgment about key-frames of video shots. Initial estimates of the probabilities are obtained from low-level feature representation. Only statistically significant estimates are picked out, the rest are replaced by an appropriate constant allowing efficient access at search time without loss of search quality and leading to improvement in most experiments. With time, these probability estimates are updated from the relevance judgment of users performing searches, resulting in further substantial increases in mean average precision
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