1,324 research outputs found

    Performance Improvement of Secret Key Generation Scheme in Wireless Indoor Environment

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    The Secret Key Generation (SKG) scheme that exploits the reciprocity and uniqueness of wireless channel between two users plays a significant part in a new increasing distributed security system. The scheme performance can be distinguished based on the low value of Key disagreement Rate (KDR), the high value of Key Generation Rate (KGR), as well as the fulfillment of the NIST randomness standard. The previous SKG scheme has a high KDR due to a direct quantization of a measurement result of the Received Signal Strength (RSS). To overcome the above issue, we conduct a pre-processing of measurement result before quantization with the Kalman method. The pre-process is carried out to improve the channel reciprocity between two legitimate users with the objective to reduce the bit mismatch. Through an experiment, we propose a new quantization scheme called a Modified Multi-Bit (MMB) that uses a multi-bit system on every level of quantization. The test results show that the proposed combination of preprocessing and the MMB scheme has a better performance compared to the existing schemes in terms of KDR and KGR. The Secret Key generated by our scheme also fulfills the NIST randomness standard

    Higher Rate Secret Key Formation (HRKF) based on Physical Layer for Securing Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication

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    One effort to secure vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication is to use a symmetrical cryptographic scheme that requires the distribution of shared secret keys. To reduce attacks on key distribution, physical layer-based key formation schemes that utilize the characteristics of wireless channels have been implemented. However, existing schemes still produce a low bit formation rate (BFR) even though they can reach a low bit error rate (BER). Note that V2V communication requires a scheme with high BFR in order to fulfill its main goal of improving road safety. In this research, we propose a higher rate secret key formation (HRKF) scheme using received signal strength (RSS) as a source of random information. The focus of this research is to produce keys with high BFR without compromising BER. To reduce bit mismatch, we propose a polynomial regression method that can increase channel reciprocity. We also propose a fixed threshold quantization (FTQ) method to maintain the number of bits so that the BFR increases. The test results show that the HRKF scheme can increase BFR from 40% up to 100% compared to existing research schemes. To ensure the key cannot be guessed by the attacker, the HRKF scheme succeeds in producing a key that meets the randomness of the NIST test

    A Novel Hybrid Protocol and Code Related Information Reconciliation Scheme for Physical Layer Secret Key Generation

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    Wireless networks are vulnerable to various attacks due to their open nature, making them susceptible to eavesdropping and other security threats. Eavesdropping attack takes place at the physical layer. Traditional wireless network security relies on cryptographic techniques to secure data transmissions. However, these techniques may not be suitable for all scenarios, especially in resource-constrained environments such as wireless sensor networks and adhoc networks. In these networks having limited power resources, generating cryptographic keys between mobile entities can be challenging. Also, the cryptographic keys are computationally complex and require key management infrastructure. Physical Layer Key Generation (PLKG) is an emerging solution to address these challenges. It establishes secure communication between two users by taking advantage of the wireless channel's inherent features. PLKG process involves channel probing, quantization, information reconciliation (IR) and privacy amplification to generate symmetric secret key. The researchers have used various PLKG techniques to get the secret key, sTop of Form till they face problems in the IR scheme to obtain symmetric keys between the users who share the same channel for communication. Both the code based and protocol based methods proposed in the literature have advantages and limitations related to their performance parameters such as information leakage, interaction delay and computation complexity. This research work proposes a novel IR mechanism that combines the protocol and code-based error correction methods to obtain reduced Bit Mismatch Rate (BMR), reduced information leakage, reduced interaction delay, and reduced computational time to enhance physical layer secret key's quality. In the proposed research work, the channel samples are generated using the Received Signal Strength (RSS) and Channel Impulse Response (CIR) parameters. These samples are quantized using Vector Quantization with Affinity Propagation Clustering (VQAPC) method to generate the preliminary key. The samples collected by the two users who wish to communicate, (for example Alice and Bob) will be different due to noise in the channel and hardware limitations. Hence their preliminary keys will be different. Removing this discrepancy between Bob's and Alice's initial keys, using novel Hybrid Protocol and Code related Information Reconciliation (HPC-IR) scheme to generate error corrected key, is the most important contribution of this research work. This key is further encoded by the MD5 hash function to generate a final secret key for exchanging information between two users over the wireless channel. It is observed that the proposed HPC-IR scheme achieves BMR of 19.4%, information leakage is 0.002, interaction delay is 0.001 seconds and computation time is 0.02 seconds

    Secure key design approaches using entropy harvesting in wireless sensor network: A survey

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    Physical layer based security design in wireless sensor networks have gained much importance since the past decade. The various constraints associated with such networks coupled with other factors such as their deployment mainly in remote areas, nature of communication etc. are responsible for development of research works where the focus is secured key generation, extraction, and sharing. Keeping the importance of such works in mind, this survey is undertaken that provides a vivid description of the different mechanisms adopted for securely generating the key as well its randomness extraction and also sharing. This survey work not only concentrates on the more common methods, like received signal strength based but also goes on to describe other uncommon strategies such as accelerometer based. We first discuss the three fundamental steps viz. randomness extraction, key generation and sharing and their importance in physical layer based security design. We then review existing secure key generation, extraction, and sharing mechanisms and also discuss their pros and cons. In addition, we present a comprehensive comparative study of the recent advancements in secure key generation, sharing, and randomness extraction approaches on the basis of adversary, secret bit generation rate, energy efficiency etc. Finally, the survey wraps up with some promising future research directions in this area

    Improving the Performance of R17 Type-II Codebook with Deep Learning

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    The Type-II codebook in Release 17 (R17) exploits the angular-delay-domain partial reciprocity between uplink and downlink channels to select part of angular-delay-domain ports for measuring and feeding back the downlink channel state information (CSI), where the performance of existing deep learning enhanced CSI feedback methods is limited due to the deficiency of sparse structures. To address this issue, we propose two new perspectives of adopting deep learning to improve the R17 Type-II codebook. Firstly, considering the low signal-to-noise ratio of uplink channels, deep learning is utilized to accurately select the dominant angular-delay-domain ports, where the focal loss is harnessed to solve the class imbalance problem. Secondly, we propose to adopt deep learning to reconstruct the downlink CSI based on the feedback of the R17 Type-II codebook at the base station, where the information of sparse structures can be effectively leveraged. Besides, a weighted shortcut module is designed to facilitate the accurate reconstruction. Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed methods could improve the sum rate performance compared with its traditional R17 Type-II codebook and deep learning benchmarks.Comment: Accepted by IEEE GLOBECOM 2023, conference version of Arxiv:2305.0808
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