5 research outputs found

    Survival Skills in Digital Era: An Integration of Digital Literacy into EFL Classroom

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    The development of digital technology has made digital natives encounter situations that require survival skills to face intense competition in the digital age. This case study investigates how students integrate their digital literacy in the EFL classroom and what components of digital literacy are frequently integrated by the students. Three students from a senior high school in Surakarta were recruited purposively. A case study design was used in this research study. The results of interviews and observations revealed that in practice, students integrate digital literacy in every activity related to the use of the internet and digital tools. Students tended to integrate digital literacy according to the activity and objective to be achieved, ranging from searching for and understanding information to make new products. Meanwhile, digital literacy frequently integrated by the students was photo-visual literacy, information literacy, reproduction literacy, and real-time thinking literacy


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi permasalahan bahwa pada saat pembelajaran Seni Budaya dan Prakarya yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan menggambar menjadi tugas yang diberikan oleh pendidik pada siswa, misalkan membuat sebuah karya gambar yang temanya sudah ditentukan, kemudian hasil karya tersebut hanya dikumpulkan saja tanpa ada tindak lanjut, hal tersebut menyebabkan rendahnya literasi visual siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kemampuan literasi visual siswa melalui berpikir visual (encoding) dan rekonstruksi makna (decoding) siswa dalam penangkapan objek photo story. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode analisis deskriptif dengan desain penelitian kualitatif. Objek pada penelitian ini merupakan siswa kelas tinggi SDN Sukasari. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar kuesioner terbuka berupa pertanyaan yang dirangkum dalam google form dan lembar indikator literasi visual. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis yang telah dilakukan, kemampuan literasi visual siswa melalui berpikir visual (encoding) dan rekonstruksi makna (decoding) siswa dalam penangkapan objek cerita bergambar (gambar) sudah terlihat dan hampir seluruh siswa yang sudah sesuai dengan indikator dari literasi visual

    Improving Pre-Service Teachers' Visual Literacy through Online Photo-Sharing Applications

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    This study aims to investigate how pre-service teachers' visual literacy skills are affected by their use of online photo management and sharing applications like Flickr. Two approaches are used to develop the visual literacy skills of pre-service teachers through Flickr. The first is to help them decode visuals through practicing analysis techniques, and interpreting and creating meaning from visual stimuli. The second is to help them encode visuals as a tool for communication. Visual literacy tests, participants' logs, photograph evaluation instruments, and interviews are used to assess the improvement in the participants' visual literacy skills. The results of the analysis revealed that the pre-service teachers' skills in interpreting, understanding, and appreciating the meaning of visual messages were enhanced through online exchange and interaction by means of photo management and sharing applications. They were able to communicate more effectively through applying the basic principles and concepts of visual design

    Improving Pre-Service Teachers’ Visual Literacy through Online Photo-Sharing Applications

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    This study aims to investigate how pre-service teachers' visual literacy skills are affected by their use of online photo management and sharing applications like Flickr. Two approaches are used to develop the visual literacy skills of pre-service teachers through Flickr. The first is to help them decode visuals through practicing analysis techniques, and interpreting and creating meaning from visual stimuli. The second is to help them encode visuals as a tool for communication. Visual literacy tests, participants' logs, photograph evaluation instruments, and interviews are used to assess the improvement in the participants' visual literacy skills. The results of the analysis revealed that the pre-service teachers' skills in interpreting, understanding, and appreciating the meaning of visual messages were enhanced through online exchange and interaction by means of photo management and sharing applications. They were able to communicate more effectively through applying the basic principles and concepts of visual design

    Visual Approach and Design: the Appropriate Characteristics of Instructional Photos as a Tool to Support Elementary Setting in Kuwait

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    This study provided a guide for appropriate characteristics of Instructional Photo to be used by teachers, trainers, coaches, instructors, and anyone else who desires to deliver knowledge and present content with visual meaning to elementary students in the state of Kuwait as a teaching style that supports teachers, facilitates clarification, and gets the learners’ attention and motivates them. This study used a basic qualitative method. The participants in this study were two teachers and two photography artists from Kuwait who had at least 10 years of experience in both fields and were selected from researcher relationships. The data collection was using electronic interviews conducted personally with each participant, using email as the instrument that collected open-ended responses. Based on participant responses, analysis showed that Instructional Photo characteristics must contain clear ideas and messages and must be interesting to the learner in terms of delivering knowledge with less explanation and effort by the teacher. The size of the instructional photo must be appropriate and must match the class size and population. The instructional photo must appear as a piece of art, which means it must have the correct colors and balance that includes hot colors for the main elements. It must have clear shapes and must be a good representation of the learner’s environment and include engaging elements that increases student interest in the content. Instructional Photo must use documented and preferably local and journalist photos. Future research could include additional qualitative techniques such as observations of the application of different types of Instructional Photo or using a quantitative approach to identify new or additional instructional photo characteristics