192 research outputs found

    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS): Emerging Trends in Assessment and Accreditation

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    In 2014, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are expected to witness a phenomenal growth in student registration compared to the previous years (Lee, Stewart, & Claugar-Pop, 2014). As MOOCs continue to grow in number, there has been an increasing focus on assessment and evaluation. Because of the huge enrollments in a MOOC, it is impossible for the instructor to grade homework and evaluate each student. The enormous data generated by learners in a MOOC can be used for developing and refining automated assessment techniques. As a result, “Smart Systems” are being designed to track and predict learner behavior while completing MOOC assessments. These automated assessments for MOOCs can automatically score and provide feedback to students multiple choice questions, mathematical problems and essays. Automated assessments help teachers with grading and also support students in the learning processes. Theseassessments are prompt, consistent, and support objectivity in assessment and evaluation (Ala-Mutka, 2005). This paper reviews the emerging trends in MOOC assessments and their application in supporting student learning and achievement. The paper concludes by describing how assessment techniques in MOOCs can help to maximize learning outcomes.AbstractIn 2014, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are expected towitness a phenomenal growth in student registration compared to the previous years. As MOOCs continue to grow in number, therehas been an increasing focus on assessment and evaluation. Because of the huge enrollments in a MOOC, it is impossible for the instructor to grade homework and evaluate each student. The enormous data generated by learners in a MOOC can be used for developing and refining automated assessment techniques. As a result, "Smart Systems" are being designed to track and predict learner behavior while completing MOOC assessments. These automated assessments for MOOCs can automatically score and provide feedback to students multiple choice questions, mathematical problems and essays. Automated assessments help teachers with grading and also support students in the learning processes. These assessments are prompt, consistent, and support objectivity in assessment and evaluation (Ala-Mutka, 2005). This paper reviews the emerging trends in MOOC assessments and their application in supporting student learning and achievement. The paper concludes by describing how assessment techniques in MOOCs can help to maximize learning outcomes

    MOOClm: Learner Modelling for MOOCs

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    Massively Open Online Learning systems, or MOOCs, generate enormous quantities of learning data. Analysis of this data has considerable potential benefits for learners, educators, teaching administrators and educational researchers. How to realise this potential is still an open question. This thesis explores use of such data to create a rich Open Learner Model (OLM). The OLM is designed to take account of the restrictions and goals of lifelong learner model usage. Towards this end, we structure the learner model around a standard curriculum-based ontology. Since such a learner model may be very large, we integrate a visualisation based on a highly scalable circular treemap representation. The visualisation allows the student to either drill down further into increasingly detailed views of the learner model, or filter the model down to a smaller, selected subset. We introduce the notion of a set of Reference learner models, such as an ideal student, a typical student, or a selected set of learning objectives within the curriculum. Introducing these provides a foundation for a learner to make a meaningful evaluation of their own model by comparing against a reference model. To validate the work, we created MOOClm to implement this framework, then used this in the context of a Small Private Online Course (SPOC) run at the University of Sydney. We also report a qualitative usability study to gain insights into the ways a learner can make use of the OLM. Our contribution is the design and validation of MOOClm, a framework that harnesses MOOC data to create a learner model with an OLM interface for student and educator usage

    MOOCs in Higher Education

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    MOOCs have been the major issue in higher education worldwide since 2008. Frankly speaking, there are clear pros and cons of moving into MOOC-based education. This chapter deals with the pedagogical utilization and limitations of MOOCs in higher education. Through literature review and websites surfing related to MOOCs, expansion of MOOCs, instructional strategies in MOOCs, functions of platform for MOOCs, development of a MOOC, and future of MOOCs are summarized, analyzed, and discussed at the aspect of pedagogy. Based on the analysis, some recommendations are suggested for the success of MOOCs

    Trialing project-based learning in a new EAP ESP course: A collaborative reflective practice of three college English teachers

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    Currently in many Chinese universities, the traditional College English course is facing the risk of being ‘marginalized’, replaced or even removed, and many hours previously allocated to the course are now being taken by EAP or ESP. At X University in northern China, a curriculum reform as such is taking place, as a result of which a new course has been created called ‘xue ke’ English. Despite the fact that ‘xue ke’ means subject literally, the course designer has made it clear that subject content is not the target, nor is the course the same as EAP or ESP. This curriculum initiative, while possibly having been justified with a rationale of some kind (e.g. to meet with changing social and/or academic needs of students and/or institutions), this is posing a great challenge for, as well as considerable pressure on, a number of College English teachers who have taught this single course for almost their entire teaching career. In such a context, three teachers formed a peer support group in Semester One this year, to work collaboratively co-tackling the challenge, and they chose Project-Based Learning (PBL) for the new course. This presentation will report on the implementation of this project, including the overall designing, operational procedure, and the teachers’ reflections. Based on discussion, pre-agreement was reached on the purpose and manner of collaboration as offering peer support for more effective teaching and learning and fulfilling and pleasant professional development. A WeChat group was set up as the chief platform for messaging, idea-sharing, and resource-exchanging. Physical meetings were supplementary, with sound agenda but flexible time, and venues. Mosoteach cloud class (lan mo yun ban ke) was established as a tool for virtual learning, employed both in and after class. Discussions were held at the beginning of the semester which determined only brief outlines for PBL implementation and allowed space for everyone to autonomously explore in their own way. Constant further discussions followed, which generated a great deal of opportunities for peer learning and lesson plan modifications. A reflective journal, in a greater or lesser detailed manner, was also kept by each teacher to record the journey of the collaboration. At the end of the semester, it was commonly recognized that, although challenges existed, the collaboration was overall a success and they were all willing to continue with it and endeavor to refine it to be a more professional and productive approach

    Quality Frameworks for MOOCs

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    The hype surrounding MOOCs has been tempered by scepticism about the quality of MOOCs. The possible flaws of MOOCs include the quality of the pedagogies employed, low completion rates and a failure to deliver on the promise of inclusive and equitable quality education for all. On the other hand, MOOCs that have given a boost to open and online education have become a symbol of a larger modernisation agenda for universities, and are perceived as tools for universities to improve the quality of blended and online education—both in degree education and Continuous Professional Development. MOOC provision is also much more open to external scrutiny as part of a stronger globalising higher education market. This has important consequences for quality frameworks and quality processes that go beyond the individual MOOC. In this context, different quality approaches are discussed including possible measures at different levels and the tension between product and process models. Two case studies are described: one at the institutional level (The Open University) and one at a MOOC platform level (FutureLearn) and how they intertwine is discussed. The importance of a national or international quality framework which carries with it a certification or label is illustrated with the OpenupEd Quality label. Both the label itself and its practical use are described in detail. The examples will illustrate that MOOCs require quality assurance processes tailored to e-learning and open education, embedded in institutional frameworks. The increasing unbundling of educational services may require additional quality processes

    An Instructional Model for the Implementation and Use of Videotape Simulation for the Improvement of Employee Counseling Skills of Dietetic Students

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    An instructional model was developed and implemented for the introductory application of employee counseling techniques by 17 senior students in the Coordinated Undergraduate Program in Dietetics at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Lack of experience in employee counseling during the clinical practicum was noted. The model as a substitution for actual experience combined as a microteaching approach, referred to as an intensive workshop, utilizing videotape simulation of employee counseling situations with a coached counselee. Five evaluation instruments were developed. Students were released from clinical facilities for one week to participate in the intensive counseling workshop to practice counseling situations. A profile questionnaire was completed indicating previous experience both with counseling and videotaping. The Self-Perception of Confidence (SPOC) scale describing feelings of confidence in handling various employee situations was completed by students both before and after participation in the workshop. A hypothetical employee situation that required employee counseling but not dismissal of the employee was role played by each student while being videotaped with a coached counselee playing the part of the employee. Pre- and post-workshop videotapes were produced by each student. The pre-workshop videotape was used by clinical instructors and small groups of students to critique the employee counseling performance using the Checklist for Counseling, Indirect Patient Care which had been tested for content validity and interrater reliability. After the week was completed, participants submitted an evaluation of the workshop. A team of experts consisting of five clinical instructors each randomly viewed all 34 situations without knowledge of which were taped before instruction and which were taped after instruction. Twelve students improved in verbal communication, 7 in nonverbal communication, 10 in interpersonal relationships, 11 in organization and 11 in application of knowledge. Application of the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test showed a significant positive change in verbal communication and application of knowledge. Other areas were insignificant. The composite score for each student showed 11 students had improved significantly and a general trend for improvement in all areas was noted. Within workshop groups using the Checklist for Counseling also indicated general improvement in all areas. All students improved in percentage composite scores ranging from 1 percentage point to 13 percentage points with an average increase of 8 percentage points difference from the first to the second videotaped situation. SPOC scores indicated the students generally felt more confident in handling various employee situations after having participated in the workshop. A particular gain in confidence was noted for handling negative situations such as reprimanding an employee. Profile data had little correlation with performance although the cosmetic effect was experienced by students when viewing the first videotape as would be expected when only 5 of the 17 students had previously seen themselves on television before. Three impartial technical experts each randomly viewed 16 of the taped situations for audio, video, and overall quality. Tapes were considered average or above average by 94% of the responses. Workshop evaluations indicated students felt the workshop was beneficial and wanted the techniques expanded to include other aspects of dietetic professional education

    Fostering future music teachers' professional skills: developing a signature pedagogy using e-learning

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    IntroductionThe emergency crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic caused noticeable changes that stimulated the transition to the new normal based on the digitalization of our systems. In this regard, the revision of learning tools in higher education exposes new challenges and requires the development and implementation of digital technologies. Fostering future music teachers' professional skills needs designing of online resources that provide close student–teacher interaction, as well as the engagement of students and regulation of their professional music practice. Based on the theory of Shulman, the signature pedagogy in music education was developed and implemented in an e-learning environment by a small private online course. The aim of the research was stated: How and which students' music teacher professional skills are affected in the process of e-learning based on the signature approach? The research was conducted at Kazan Federal University. During the educational process students studied the professional practicum.MethodsTotally, 124 students from 1st to 4th academic level had taken part in the experimental work in the academic year 2021–2022. All of them studied bachelor programs for future music teacher as full- or part-time regime and studied the online course in MOODLE during the experiment. A combination of online tasks which cover all the types of the music teacher‘ professional activities was suggested. Considering the aim of the research, the multi-case study research methodology was chosen, using a mixed method approach, resourcing mainly to questionnaire, interview, documental analysis, and observation as data gathering methods, and descriptive statistical analysis, as data analysis techniques.ResultsThe main results demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed online course that allowed to significantly foster students' music teacher professional skills.DiscussionThe investigation of the efficiency of using e-learning for training future music teachers' professional skills was carried out in this study. To improve future music teachers' skills according to the features of the professional field, a signature pedagogy approach was suggested. The contribution of the paper brings the detail characteristic of the signature pedagogy in music education, and the way of its implementation by the means of online tools

    Breast cancer screening in women at increased risk according to different family histories: an update of the Modena Study Group experience

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    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer (BC) detection in women with a genetic susceptibility or strong family history is considered mandatory compared with BC screening in the general population. However, screening modalities depend on the level of risk. Here we present an update of our screening programs based on risk classification. METHODS: We defined different risk categories and surveillance strategies to identify early BC in 1325 healthy women recruited by the Modena Study Group for familial breast and ovarian cancer. Four BC risk categories included BRCA1/2 carriers, increased, intermediate, and slightly increased risk. Women who developed BC from January 1, 1994, through December 31, 2005 (N = 44) were compared with the number of expected cases matched for age and period. BRCA1/2 carriers were identified by mutational analysis. Other risk groups were defined by different levels of family history for breast or ovarian cancer (OC). The standardized incidence ratio (SIR) was used to evaluate the observed and expected ratio among groups. All statistical tests were two-sided. RESULTS: After a median follow-up of 55 months, there was a statistically significant difference between observed and expected incidence [SIR = 4.9; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.6 to 7.6; p < 0.001]. The incidence observed among BRCA carriers (SIR = 20.3; 95% CI = 3.1 to 83.9; P < 0.001), women at increased (SIR = 4.5; 95% CI = 1.5 to 8.3; P < 0.001) or intermediate risk (SIR = 7.0, 95% CI = 2.0 to 17.1; P = 0.0018) was higher than expected, while the difference between observed and expected among women at slightly increased risk was not statistically significant (SIR = 2.4, 95% CI = 0.9 to 8.3; P = .74). CONCLUSION: The rate of cancers detected in women at high risk according to BRCA status or strong family history, as defined according to our operational criteria, was significantly higher than expected in an age-matched general population. However, we failed to identify a greater incidence of BC in the slightly increased risk group. These results support the effectiveness of the proposed program to identify and monitor individuals at high risk, whereas prospective trials are needed for women belonging to families with sporadic BC or OC

    Introductory programming: a systematic literature review

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    As computing becomes a mainstream discipline embedded in the school curriculum and acts as an enabler for an increasing range of academic disciplines in higher education, the literature on introductory programming is growing. Although there have been several reviews that focus on specific aspects of introductory programming, there has been no broad overview of the literature exploring recent trends across the breadth of introductory programming. This paper is the report of an ITiCSE working group that conducted a systematic review in order to gain an overview of the introductory programming literature. Partitioning the literature into papers addressing the student, teaching, the curriculum, and assessment, we explore trends, highlight advances in knowledge over the past 15 years, and indicate possible directions for future research

    MOOCs: Expectations and Reality

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    This comprehensive study of MOOCs from the perspective of institutions of higher education includes an investigation of definitions and characteristics of MOOCs, their origins, institutional goals for developing and delivering MOOCs, how MOOC data is being used, a review of MOOC resource requirements and costs, and a compilation of ideas from 83 interviewees about MOOCs and the future of higher education. We identify six major goals for MOOC initiatives and assess the evidence regarding whether these goals are being met, or are likely to be in the future
