15 research outputs found

    Addressing Dynamism in E-negotiations by Workflow Management Systems

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    Workflows (Wfs) are a major enabling technology for e-commerce. In our research, a Combined Negotiation (CN) is modeled and enacted using Wf technology. The modeling task captures the sequencing of the individual negotiations as well as the dependencies between them, and the enacting task runs the model. A CN support system (CONSENSUS) is used by the user to perform both tasks. Supporting dynamic modifications to the model during run-time should increase the benefits of our approach. In this paper, we highlight the need for such support by identifying the dynamic aspects that can occur while negotiating the different items of a package (i.e., the CN object). To address these aspects, we experimented using ADEPT, a Wf Management System supporting dynamism. This leads us to discuss the Wf Reference Model of the Wf Management Coalition, and suggest a "dynamic" extension to the current functional areas and architecture. La technologie des Workflows (Wfs) s'est avérée importante pour le commerce électronique. Dans le cadre de notre recherche, une négociation combinée (CN) est modélisée et exécutée utilisant un Wf. La phase de modélisation capture la séquence des différentes négociations ainsi que les dépendances qui existent entre elles. La phase d'exécution quant à elle, permet comme son nom l'indique, d'exécuter le modèle. Un système de support pour les CN (CONSENSUS) est utilisé pour accomplir ces deux tâches. Supporter les modifications dynamiques du modèle lors de l'exécution devrait augmenter les bénéfices de notre approche. Dans cet article, nous mettons l'emphase sur le besoin d'un tel support, ceci en identifiant les aspects dynamiques qui peuvent apparaître lors de la négociation des différents items d'un package (i.e., l'objet de la CN). Nous utilisons ADEPT - un système de gestion de Wf qui supporte le dynamisme - pour étudier ces aspects. Ceci nous mène à discuter le modèle de référence de la Wf Management Coalition, et à proposer une extension "dynamique" à l'architecture actuelle.e-Negotiations, Sourcing, Workflows, Workflow management systems, Dynamism, Négociations électroniques, Approvisionnement, Workflows, Systèmes de gestion de Workflow, Dynamisme

    A constraint specification approach to building flexible workflows

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    Process support systems, such as workflows, are being used in a variety of domains. However, most areas of application have focused on traditional production-style processes, which are characterised by predictability and repetitiveness. Application in non-traditional domains with highly flexible process is still largely unexplored. Such flexible processes are characterised by lack of ability to completely predefine and/or an explosive number of alternatives. Accordingly we define flexibility as the ability of the process to execute on the basis of a partially defined model where the full specification is made at runtime and may be unique to each instance. In this paper, we will present an approach to building workflow models for such processes. We will present our approach in the context of a non-traditional domain for workflow, deployment, which is, degree programs in tertiary institutes. The primary motivation behind our approach is to provide the ability to model flexible processes without introducing non-standard modelling constructs. This ensures that the correctness and verification of the language is preserved. We propose to build workflow schemas from a standard set of modelling constructs and given process constraints. We identify the fundamental requirements for constraint specification and classify them into selection, termination and build constraints. We will detail the specification of these constraints in a relational model. Finally, we will demonstrate the dynamic building of instance specific workflow models on the basis of these constraints

    On Dealing With Semantically Conflicting Business Process Changes.

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    Correct propagation of process type changes to long-running process instances and the capability to perform ad-hoc-modifications of individual process instances are essential requirements for any process management software. In particular, in many cases it becomes necessary to propagate process type changes to individually modified process instances as well. In doing so, one must not only enable state-related compliance checks, but is additionally confronted with structural and semantical conflicts that may exist between process type and process instance changes. For the first time, this paper identifies and classifies semantical conflicts between process type and instance changes, and illustrates them by sophisticated examples. In order to be able to adequately deal with semantical conflicts at change propagation time we provide formal methods for conflict detection and discuss strategies to deal with different kinds of semantically conflicting changes

    Applying Algebraic Approaches for Modeling Workflows and their Transformations in Mobile Networks

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    In emergency scenarios we can obtain a more effective coordination among team members, each of them equipped with hand-held devices, through the use of workflow management software. Team members constitute a Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork (MANET), whose topology both influences and is influenced by the workflow. In this paper we propose an algebraic approach for modeling workflow progress as well as its modifications as required by topology transformations. The approach is based on Algebraic Higher-Order Nets and sees both workflows and topologies as tokens, allowing their concurrent modification

    Dealing with Forward and Backward Jumps in Workflow Management Systems

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    Workflow management systems (WfMS) offer a promising technology for the realization of process-centered application systems. Adeficiency of existingWfMSis their inadequate support for dealing with exceptional deviations from the standard procedure. In the ADEPT project, therefore, we have developed advanced concepts for workflow modeling and execution, which aim at the increase of flexibility in WfMS. On the one hand we allow workflow designers to model exceptional execution paths already at buildtime provided that these deviations are known in advance. On the other hand authorized users may dynamically deviate from the pre-modeled workflowat runtime as well in order to deal with unforeseen events. In this paper, we focus on forward and backward jumps needed in this context. We describe sophisticated modeling concepts for capturing deviations in workflow models already at buildtime, and we show how forward and backward jumps (of different semantics) can be correctly applied in an ad-hoc manner during runtime as well. We work out basic requirements, facilities, and limitations arising in this context. Our experiences with applications from different domains have shown that the developed concepts will form a key part of process flexibility in process-centered information systems