10 research outputs found

    Improving Exception Handling by Discovering Change Dependencies in Adaptive Process Management Systems

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    Process-aware information systems should enable the flexible alignment of business processes to new requirements by supporting deviations from the predefined process model at runtime. To facilitate such dynamic process changes we have adopted techniques from casebased reasoning (CBR). In particular, our existing approach allows to capture the semantics of ad-hoc changes, to support their memorization, and to enable their reuse in upcoming exceptional situations. To further improve change reuse this paper presents an approach for discovering dependencies between ad-hoc modifications from change history. Based on this information better user assistance can be provided when dynamic process changes have to be made

    ADEPT2 – Ein adaptives Prozess-Management-System der nächsten Generation.

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    Prozess-Management-Systeme müssen gegenüber dem heutigen Stand der Technik erheblich leistungsfähiger werden, um für ein wirklich breites Anwendungsspektrum einsetzbar zu sein: Neue Prozesse müssen sehr viel rascher implementierbar sein, zur Laufzeit müssen bei Bedarf Ad-hoc-Abweichungen vom modellierten Prozessschema unterstützt werden und bei Änderungen am Prozessschema selbst, müssen die bereits laufenden Prozessinstanzen – falls erforderlich – systemseitig auf das neue Schema migriert werden können; und dies alles unter systemseitiger Zusicherung von Konsistenz und Robustheit der (weiteren) Prozessausführung. Der Beitrag beschreibt, wie diese Herausforderungen und Probleme im ADEPT2-System adressiert bzw. gelöst werden

    Identifying and Evaluating Change Patterns and Change Support Features in Process-Aware Information Systems.

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    In order to provide effective support, the introduction of process-aware information systems (PAIS) must not freeze existing business processes. Instead PAIS should allow authorized users to flexibly deviate from the predefined processes if required and to evolve business processes in a controlled manner over time. Many software vendors promise flexible system solutions for realizing such adaptive PAIS, but are often unable to cope with fundamental issues elated to process change (e.g., correctness and robustness). The existence of different process support paradigms and the lack of methods for comparing existing change approaches makes it difficult for PAIS engineers to choose the adequate technology. In this paper we suggest a set of changes patterns and change support features to foster systematic comparison of existing process management technology with respect to change support. Based on these change patterns and features, we provide a detailed analysis and evaluation of selected systems from both academia and industry

    Change Support in Process-Aware Information Systems - A Pattern-Based Analysis

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    In today's dynamic business world the economic success of an enterprise increasingly depends on its ability to react to changes in its environment in a quick and flexible way. Process-aware information systems (PAIS) offer promising perspectives in this respect and are increasingly employed for operationally supporting business processes. To provide effective business process support, flexible PAIS are needed which do not freeze existing business processes, but allow for loosely specified processes, which can be detailed during run-time. In addition, PAIS should enable authorized users to flexibly deviate from the predefined processes if required (e.g., by allowing them to dynamically add, delete, or move process activities) and to evolve business processes over time. At the same time PAIS must ensure consistency and robustness. The emergence of different process support paradigms and the lack of methods for comparing existing change approaches have made it difficult for PAIS engineers to choose the adequate technology. In this paper we suggest a set of changes patterns and change support features to foster the systematic comparison of existing process management technology with respect to process change support. Based on these change patterns and features, we provide a detailed analysis and evaluation of selected systems from both academia and industry. The identified change patterns and change support features facilitate the comparison of change support frameworks, and consequently will support PAIS engineers in selecting the right technology for realizing flexible PAIS. In addition, this work can be used as a reference for implementing more flexible PAIS

    Using process mining to learn from process changes in evolutionary systems

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    Abstract. Traditional information systems struggle with the requirement to provide flexibility and process support while still enforcing some degree of control. Accordingly, adaptive process management systems (PMSs) have emerged that provide some flexibility by enabling dynamic process changes during runtime. Based on the assumption that these process changes are recorded explicitly, we present two techniques for mining change logs in adaptive PMSs; i.e., we do not only analyze the execution logs of the operational processes, but also consider the adaptations made at the process instance level. The change processes discovered through process mining provide an aggregated overview of all changes that happened so far. This, in turn, can serve as basis for integrating the extrinsic drivers of process change (i.e., the stimuli for flexibility) with existing process adaptation approaches (i.e., the intrinsic change mechanisms). Using process mining as an analysis tool we show in this paper how better support can be provided for truly flexible processes by understanding when and why process changes become necessary

    A Generic Approach and Framework for Managing Complex Information

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    Several application domains, such as healthcare, incorporate domain knowledge into their day-to-day activities to standardise and enhance their performance. Such incorporation produces complex information, which contains two main clusters (active and passive) of information that have internal connections between them. The active cluster determines the recommended procedure that should be taken as a reaction to specific situations. The passive cluster determines the information that describes these situations and other descriptive information plus the execution history of the complex information. In the healthcare domain, a medical patient plan is an example for complex information produced during the disease management activity from specific clinical guidelines. This thesis investigates the complex information management at an application domain level in order to support the day-to-day organization activities. In this thesis, a unified generic approach and framework, called SIM (Specification, Instantiation and Maintenance), have been developed for computerising the complex information management. The SIM approach aims at providing a conceptual model for the complex information at different abstraction levels (generic and entity-specific). In the SIM approach, the complex information at the generic level is referred to as a skeletal plan from which several entity-specific plans are generated. The SIM framework provides comprehensive management aspects for managing the complex information. In the SIM framework, the complex information goes through three phases, specifying the skeletal plans, instantiating entity-specific plans, and then maintaining these entity-specific plans during their lifespan. In this thesis, a language, called AIM (Advanced Information Management), has been developed to support the main functionalities of the SIM approach and framework. AIM consists of three components: AIMSL, AIM ESPDoc model, and AIMQL. The AIMSL is the AIM specification component that supports the formalisation process of the complex information at a generic level (skeletal plans). The AIM ESPDoc model is a computer-interpretable model for the entity-specific plan. AIMQL is the AIM query component that provides support for manipulating and querying the complex information, and provides special manipulation operations and query capabilities, such as replay query support. The applicability of the SIM approach and framework is demonstrated through developing a proof-of-concept system, called AIMS, using the available technologies, such as XML and DBMS. The thesis evaluates the the AIMS system using a clinical case study, which has applied to a medical test request application

    Contribution à la gestion de l'évolution des processus métiers

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    La gestion de l'évolution des processus métier exige une compréhension approfondie des cause des changements, de leurs niveaux d'application ainsi que de leurs impacts sur le reste du système. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une approche de gestion et de contrôle de l'éolution des processus métier permettant d'analyser ces changements et de comprendre leurs impacts. Cela assistera les concepteurs et les chargés de l'évolution des processus métier à établir une évaluation a priori de l'impact pour réduire les risques et les coûts liés à ces changements et d'améliorer le service et la qualité des processus métier. Ce travail consiste à proposer un ensemble de contributions permettant une vérification de la cohérence et de la conformité des modèles de processus métier après chaque changement, mais aussi d'établir une éaluation a priori de l'impact structurel et qualificatif des modifications. Les différentes approches proposées sont en cours d'expérimentation et de validation à travers le développement d'une plate-forme basée sur l'environnement EclipseThe evolution management of the business processes requires an exhaustive understanding of the change. An evolution engineer needs to understand reasons of a change, its application levels, and subsequently its impact on the whole system. In this thesis, we propose an approach for an a priori change impact analysis, to better control the business process evolution. This may help the business experts and the process designers to evaluate change impact in order to reduce the associated risks and estimate the related costs. It may also help to improve the service and quality of the business processes. This work contributes an eventual improvement, in regard, to verify the coherence and the compliance of the business process models, after each change. It leads to evaluate an a priori change impact analysis in structural and qualitatie aspects. The multiple-perspectives of the proposed approach have been reviewed experimentally. The validation of the approach is evaluated by exteding the Eclipse Development Environment, with the help of a set of plug-ins, as a prototype plate-form.DUNKERQUE-SCD-Bib.electronique (591839901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Robuste und kontextbezogene Ausführung mobiler Aktivitäten in Prozessumgebungen

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    IT-Trendanalysten sehen das Thema "Mobilität" als eine wichtige Säule nachhaltiger IT-Lösungen. Der Trend in Richtung mobiler IT-Anwendungen wird maßgeblich durch Millenials getrieben, d.h. Menschen die mit dem digitalen Zeitalter aufgewachsen sind. Diese erwarten insbesondere auch eine Integration von Smart-Mobilgeräten in bestehende IT-Lösungen. In Bezug auf Prozess-Management-Technologie bedeutet dieser Trend, dass Smart-Mobilgeräte in IT-gestützte Arbeits- bzw. Prozessabläufe nahtlos integriert werden können müssen. Insbesondere sollten sowohl einzelne Aktivitäten (d.h. Prozessschritte) als auch ganze Prozessfragmente (d.h. Ausschnitte eines Prozesses) auf Smart-Mobilgeräten ausführbar sein. Die vorliegende Arbeit adressiert eine solche Integration von Prozess-Management-Technologie und Smart-Mobilgeräten. Konkret wird untersucht, wie ausgewählte Aktivitäten eines Prozesses robust und kontextbezogen auf Smart-Mobilgeräten ausgeführt werden können und welche weitergehenden Anforderungen sich für mobil ausgeführte Aktivitäten im Vergleich zur Ausführung von Aktivitäten auf stationären Systemen ergeben. Da Smart-Mobilgeräte beschränkte Ressourcen besitzen und das Risiko eines Ausfalls höher als bei stationären Systemen ist, erfordern diese Aspekte tiefergehende Untersuchungen. Darüber hinaus erfordert die Unterstützung mobiler Aktivitäten eine technische Umgebung, in der Prozesse ausgeführt werden (sog. Prozessumgebung). Die Arbeit zeigt, dass die nahtlose Integration von Smart-Mobilgeräten in eine Prozessumgebung einen mobilen Kontext (d.h. Attribute wie z.B. Ausführungsort, Geräteeigenschaften und Netzverbindung) erfordert. Auf dessen Basis wird ein umfassendes Rahmenwerk eingeführt, mit dem sich mobile Aktivitäten robust und kontextbezogen in einer Prozessumgebung ausführen lassen. Das Rahmenwerk fußt auf fünf technischen Säulen, deren Konzepte die robuste und kontextbezogene Ausführung bewerkstelligen. Darüber hinaus wird gezeigt, wie sich die vorgestellte Lösung in existierende Prozess-Management-Technologie integrieren lässt. Insgesamt eröffnet eine robuste und kontextbezogene Ausführung mobiler Aktivitäten in einer Prozessumgebung neue Perspektiven für die Einbindung von Endanwendern in ihre Prozesse