5 research outputs found


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    Stemming is one of the essential stages of text mining. This process removes prefixes and suffixes to produce root words in a text. This study uses a string matching algorithm, namely Damerau Levenshtein Distance (DLD), to find the basic word forms of Javanese. Test data of 300 words that have a prefix, insertion, suffix, a combination of prefix and suffix, and word repetition. The results of this study indicate that the Damerau Levenshtein Distance (DLD) algorithm can be used for Stemming Javanese text with an accuracy value of 49.6%

    A new hybrid metric for verifying parallel corpora of Arabic-English

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    This paper discusses a new metric that has been applied to verify the quality in translation between sentence pairs in parallel corpora of Arabic-English. This metric combines two techniques, one based on sentence length and the other based on compression code length. Experiments on sample test parallel Arabic-English corpora indicate the combination of these two techniques improves accuracy of the identification of satisfactory and unsatisfactory sentence pairs compared to sentence length and compression code length alone. The new method proposed in this research is effective at filtering noise and reducing mis-translations resulting in greatly improved quality.Comment: in CCSEA-201

    Building and verifying parallel corpora between Arabic and English

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    Arabic and English are acknowledged as two major natural languages used by many countries and regions. Reviews of previous literature conclude that machine translation (MT) between these languages is disappointing and unsatisfactory due to its poor quality. This research aims to improve the translation quality of MT between Arabic and English by developing higher quality parallel corpora. The thesis developed a higher quality parallel test corpus, based on corpora from Al Hayat articles and the OPUS open-source online corpora database. A new Prediction by Partial Matching (PPM)-based metric for sentence alignment has been applied to verify quality in translation between the sentence pairs in the test corpus. This metric combines two techniques; the traditional approach is based on sentence length and the other is based on compression code length. A higher quality parallel corpus has been constructed from the existing resources. Obtaining sentences and words from two online sources, Al Hayat and OPUS, the new corpus offers 27,775,663 words in Arabic and 30,808,480 in English. Experimental results on sample data indicate that the PPM-based and sentence length technique for sentence alignment on this corpus improves accuracy of alignment compared to sentence length alone