2 research outputs found

    Improve the Robustness of Range-Free Localization Methods on Wireless Sensor Networks using Recursive Position Estimation Algorithm

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    The position of a sensor node at wireless sensor networks determines the received data sensing accuracy. By the knowledge of sensor positioning, the location of target sensed can be estimated. Localization techniques used to find out the position of sensor node by considering the distance of this sensor from the vicinity reference nodes.  Centroid Algorithm is a robust, simple and low cost localization technique without dependence on hardware requirement. We propose Recursive Position Estimation Algorithm to obtain the more accurate node positioning on range-free localization technique. The simulation result shows that this algorithm has the ability on increasing position accuracy up to 50%.  The trade off factor shows the smaller the number of reference nodes the higher the computational time required. The new method on the availability on sensor power controlled is proposed to optimize the estimated position

    Zigbee wireless sensor network localization evaluation schemewith weighted centroid method

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    Using wireless communication system, appropriate and correct indoor localization with Zigbee sensor network and could provide interesting services and applications. In this study the Zigbee transmission model with positioning method by using the relative-span exponentially weighted centroid method for the indoor localization. The experimental results and analyze results are evaluated a distance error. The ZigBee transmission model in measurement consists of 121 positions with distance between positions to positions is 0.3 meter. The experimental setup at every position operated at frequency band from 2.3 GHz to 2.5 GHz. The accuracy of estimated position is considered in the term of distance error with the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of distance error is shown. The result presents optimal value for REWL is 0.2 and mean of distance error is 0.65 m