491 research outputs found

    Rearranging Edgeworth-Cornish-Fisher Expansions

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    This paper applies a regularization procedure called increasing rearrangement to monotonize Edgeworth and Cornish-Fisher expansions and any other related approximations of distribution and quantile functions of sample statistics. Besides satisfying the logical monotonicity, required of distribution and quantile functions, the procedure often delivers strikingly better approximations to the distribution and quantile functions of the sample mean than the original Edgeworth-Cornish-Fisher expansions.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Objective Bayes and Conditional Frequentist Inference

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    Objective Bayesian methods have garnered considerable interest and support among statisticians, particularly over the past two decades. It has often been ignored, however, that in some cases the appropriate frequentist inference to match is a conditional one. We present various methods for extending the probability matching prior (PMP) methods to conditional settings. A method based on saddlepoint approximations is found to be the most tractable and we demonstrate its use in the most common exact ancillary statistic models. As part of this analysis, we give a proof of an exactness property of a particular PMP in location-scale models. We use the proposed matching methods to investigate the relationships between conditional and unconditional PMPs. A key component of our analysis is a numerical study of the performance of probability matching priors from both a conditional and unconditional perspective in exact ancillary models. In concluding remarks we propose many routes for future research

    On the Effect of Bias Estimation on Coverage Accuracy in Nonparametric Inference

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    Nonparametric methods play a central role in modern empirical work. While they provide inference procedures that are more robust to parametric misspecification bias, they may be quite sensitive to tuning parameter choices. We study the effects of bias correction on confidence interval coverage in the context of kernel density and local polynomial regression estimation, and prove that bias correction can be preferred to undersmoothing for minimizing coverage error and increasing robustness to tuning parameter choice. This is achieved using a novel, yet simple, Studentization, which leads to a new way of constructing kernel-based bias-corrected confidence intervals. In addition, for practical cases, we derive coverage error optimal bandwidths and discuss easy-to-implement bandwidth selectors. For interior points, we show that the MSE-optimal bandwidth for the original point estimator (before bias correction) delivers the fastest coverage error decay rate after bias correction when second-order (equivalent) kernels are employed, but is otherwise suboptimal because it is too "large". Finally, for odd-degree local polynomial regression, we show that, as with point estimation, coverage error adapts to boundary points automatically when appropriate Studentization is used; however, the MSE-optimal bandwidth for the original point estimator is suboptimal. All the results are established using valid Edgeworth expansions and illustrated with simulated data. Our findings have important consequences for empirical work as they indicate that bias-corrected confidence intervals, coupled with appropriate standard errors, have smaller coverage error and are less sensitive to tuning parameter choices in practically relevant cases where additional smoothness is available

    Higher-Order Improvements of the Sieve Bootstrap for Fractionally Integrated Processes

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    This paper investigates the accuracy of bootstrap-based inference in the case of long memory fractionally integrated processes. The re-sampling method is based on the semi-parametric sieve approach, whereby the dynamics in the process used to produce the bootstrap draws are captured by an autoregressive approximation. Application of the sieve method to data pre-filtered by a semi-parametric estimate of the long memory parameter is also explored. Higher-order improvements yielded by both forms of re-sampling are demonstrated using Edgeworth expansions for a broad class of statistics that includes first- and second-order moments, the discrete Fourier transform and regression coefficients. The methods are then applied to the problem of estimating the sampling distributions of the sample mean and of selected sample autocorrelation coefficients, in experimental settings. In the case of the sample mean, the pre-filtered version of the bootstrap is shown to avoid the distinct underestimation of the sampling variance of the mean which the raw sieve method demonstrates in finite samples, higher order accuracy of the latter notwithstanding. Pre-filtering also produces gains in terms of the accuracy with which the sampling distributions of the sample autocorrelations are reproduced, most notably in the part of the parameter space in which asymptotic normality does not obtain. Most importantly, the sieve bootstrap is shown to reproduce the (empirically infeasible) Edgeworth expansion of the sampling distribution of the autocorrelation coefficients, in the part of the parameter space in which the expansion is valid

    Number Counts and Non-Gaussianity

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    We describe a general procedure for using number counts of any object to constrain the probability distribution of the primordial fluctuations, allowing for generic weak non-Gaussianity. We apply this procedure to use limits on the abundance of primordial black holes and dark matter ultracompact minihalos (UCMHs) to characterize the allowed statistics of primordial fluctuations on very small scales. We present constraints on the power spectrum and the amplitude of the skewness for two different families of non-Gaussian distributions, distinguished by the relative importance of higher moments. Although primordial black holes probe the smallest scales, ultracompact minihalos provide significantly stronger constraints on the power spectrum and so are more likely to eventually provide small-scale constraints on non-Gaussianity.Comment: 19 pages; v2 is published PRD versio

    The bootstrap -A review

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    The bootstrap, extensively studied during the last decade, has become a powerful tool in different areas of Statistical Inference. In this work, we present the main ideas of bootstrap methodology in several contexts, citing the most relevant contributions and illustrating with examples and simulation studies some interesting aspects

    Adjusted empirical likelihood with high-order precision

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    Empirical likelihood is a popular nonparametric or semi-parametric statistical method with many nice statistical properties. Yet when the sample size is small, or the dimension of the accompanying estimating function is high, the application of the empirical likelihood method can be hindered by low precision of the chi-square approximation and by nonexistence of solutions to the estimating equations. In this paper, we show that the adjusted empirical likelihood is effective at addressing both problems. With a specific level of adjustment, the adjusted empirical likelihood achieves the high-order precision of the Bartlett correction, in addition to the advantage of a guaranteed solution to the estimating equations. Simulation results indicate that the confidence regions constructed by the adjusted empirical likelihood have coverage probabilities comparable to or substantially more accurate than the original empirical likelihood enhanced by the Bartlett correction.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOS750 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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