20,997 research outputs found

    Half-integrality, LP-branching and FPT Algorithms

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    A recent trend in parameterized algorithms is the application of polytope tools (specifically, LP-branching) to FPT algorithms (e.g., Cygan et al., 2011; Narayanaswamy et al., 2012). However, although interesting results have been achieved, the methods require the underlying polytope to have very restrictive properties (half-integrality and persistence), which are known only for few problems (essentially Vertex Cover (Nemhauser and Trotter, 1975) and Node Multiway Cut (Garg et al., 1994)). Taking a slightly different approach, we view half-integrality as a \emph{discrete} relaxation of a problem, e.g., a relaxation of the search space from {0,1}V\{0,1\}^V to {0,1/2,1}V\{0,1/2,1\}^V such that the new problem admits a polynomial-time exact solution. Using tools from CSP (in particular Thapper and \v{Z}ivn\'y, 2012) to study the existence of such relaxations, we provide a much broader class of half-integral polytopes with the required properties, unifying and extending previously known cases. In addition to the insight into problems with half-integral relaxations, our results yield a range of new and improved FPT algorithms, including an O(Σ2k)O^*(|\Sigma|^{2k})-time algorithm for node-deletion Unique Label Cover with label set Σ\Sigma and an O(4k)O^*(4^k)-time algorithm for Group Feedback Vertex Set, including the setting where the group is only given by oracle access. All these significantly improve on previous results. The latter result also implies the first single-exponential time FPT algorithm for Subset Feedback Vertex Set, answering an open question of Cygan et al. (2012). Additionally, we propose a network flow-based approach to solve some cases of the relaxation problem. This gives the first linear-time FPT algorithm to edge-deletion Unique Label Cover.Comment: Added results on linear-time FPT algorithms (not present in SODA paper

    Dynamic Parameterized Problems

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    In this work, we study the parameterized complexity of various classical graph-theoretic problems in the dynamic framework where the input graph is being updated by a sequence of edge additions and deletions. Vertex subset problems on graphs typically deal with finding a subset of vertices having certain properties that are of interest to us. In real-world applications, the graph under consideration often changes over time and due to this dynamics, the solution at hand might lose the desired properties. The goal in the area of dynamic graph algorithms is to efficiently maintain a solution under these changes. Recomputing a new solution on the new graph is an expensive task especially when the number of modifications made to the graph is significantly smaller than the size of the graph. In the context of parameterized algorithms, two natural parameters are the size k of the symmetric difference of the edge sets of the two graphs (on n vertices) and the size r of the symmetric difference of the two solutions. We study the Dynamic Pi-Deletion problem which is the dynamic variant of the Pi-Deletion problem and show NP-hardness, fixed-parameter tractability and kernelization results. For specific cases of Dynamic Pi-Deletion such as Dynamic Vertex Cover and Dynamic Feedback Vertex Set, we describe improved FPT algorithms and give linear kernels. Specifically, we show that Dynamic Vertex Cover admits algorithms with running times 1.1740^k*n^{O(1)} (polynomial space) and 1.1277^k*n^{O(1)} (exponential space). Then, we show that Dynamic Feedback Vertex Set admits a randomized algorithm with 1.6667^k*n^{O(1)} running time. Finally, we consider Dynamic Connected Vertex Cover, Dynamic Dominating Set and Dynamic Connected Dominating Set and describe algorithms with 2^k*n^{O(1)} running time improving over the known running time bounds for these problems. Additionally, for Dynamic Dominating Set and Dynamic Connected Dominating Set, we show that this is the optimal running time (up to polynomial factors) assuming the Set Cover Conjecture

    Solving weighted and counting variants of connectivity problems parameterized by treewidth deterministically in single exponential time

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    It is well known that many local graph problems, like Vertex Cover and Dominating Set, can be solved in 2^{O(tw)}|V|^{O(1)} time for graphs G=(V,E) with a given tree decomposition of width tw. However, for nonlocal problems, like the fundamental class of connectivity problems, for a long time we did not know how to do this faster than tw^{O(tw)}|V|^{O(1)}. Recently, Cygan et al. (FOCS 2011) presented Monte Carlo algorithms for a wide range of connectivity problems running in time $c^{tw}|V|^{O(1)} for a small constant c, e.g., for Hamiltonian Cycle and Steiner tree. Naturally, this raises the question whether randomization is necessary to achieve this runtime; furthermore, it is desirable to also solve counting and weighted versions (the latter without incurring a pseudo-polynomial cost in terms of the weights). We present two new approaches rooted in linear algebra, based on matrix rank and determinants, which provide deterministic c^{tw}|V|^{O(1)} time algorithms, also for weighted and counting versions. For example, in this time we can solve the traveling salesman problem or count the number of Hamiltonian cycles. The rank-based ideas provide a rather general approach for speeding up even straightforward dynamic programming formulations by identifying "small" sets of representative partial solutions; we focus on the case of expressing connectivity via sets of partitions, but the essential ideas should have further applications. The determinant-based approach uses the matrix tree theorem for deriving closed formulas for counting versions of connectivity problems; we show how to evaluate those formulas via dynamic programming.Comment: 36 page

    Beyond Bidimensionality: Parameterized Subexponential Algorithms on Directed Graphs

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    We develop two different methods to achieve subexponential time parameterized algorithms for problems on sparse directed graphs. We exemplify our approaches with two well studied problems. For the first problem, {\sc kk-Leaf Out-Branching}, which is to find an oriented spanning tree with at least kk leaves, we obtain an algorithm solving the problem in time 2O(klogk)n+nO(1)2^{O(\sqrt{k} \log k)} n+ n^{O(1)} on directed graphs whose underlying undirected graph excludes some fixed graph HH as a minor. For the special case when the input directed graph is planar, the running time can be improved to 2O(k)n+nO(1)2^{O(\sqrt{k})}n + n^{O(1)}. The second example is a generalization of the {\sc Directed Hamiltonian Path} problem, namely {\sc kk-Internal Out-Branching}, which is to find an oriented spanning tree with at least kk internal vertices. We obtain an algorithm solving the problem in time 2O(klogk)+nO(1)2^{O(\sqrt{k} \log k)} + n^{O(1)} on directed graphs whose underlying undirected graph excludes some fixed apex graph HH as a minor. Finally, we observe that for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0, the {\sc kk-Directed Path} problem is solvable in time O((1+ϵ)knf(ϵ))O((1+\epsilon)^k n^{f(\epsilon)}), where ff is some function of \ve. Our methods are based on non-trivial combinations of obstruction theorems for undirected graphs, kernelization, problem specific combinatorial structures and a layering technique similar to the one employed by Baker to obtain PTAS for planar graphs

    On Feedback Vertex Set: New Measure and New Structures

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    We present a new parameterized algorithm for the {feedback vertex set} problem ({\sc fvs}) on undirected graphs. We approach the problem by considering a variation of it, the {disjoint feedback vertex set} problem ({\sc disjoint-fvs}), which finds a feedback vertex set of size kk that has no overlap with a given feedback vertex set FF of the graph GG. We develop an improved kernelization algorithm for {\sc disjoint-fvs} and show that {\sc disjoint-fvs} can be solved in polynomial time when all vertices in GFG \setminus F have degrees upper bounded by three. We then propose a new branch-and-search process on {\sc disjoint-fvs}, and introduce a new branch-and-search measure. The process effectively reduces a given graph to a graph on which {\sc disjoint-fvs} becomes polynomial-time solvable, and the new measure more accurately evaluates the efficiency of the process. These algorithmic and combinatorial studies enable us to develop an O(3.83k)O^*(3.83^k)-time parameterized algorithm for the general {\sc fvs} problem, improving all previous algorithms for the problem.Comment: Final version, to appear in Algorithmic