27 research outputs found

    Multi-Target Tracking in Distributed Sensor Networks using Particle PHD Filters

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    Multi-target tracking is an important problem in civilian and military applications. This paper investigates multi-target tracking in distributed sensor networks. Data association, which arises particularly in multi-object scenarios, can be tackled by various solutions. We consider sequential Monte Carlo implementations of the Probability Hypothesis Density (PHD) filter based on random finite sets. This approach circumvents the data association issue by jointly estimating all targets in the region of interest. To this end, we develop the Diffusion Particle PHD Filter (D-PPHDF) as well as a centralized version, called the Multi-Sensor Particle PHD Filter (MS-PPHDF). Their performance is evaluated in terms of the Optimal Subpattern Assignment (OSPA) metric, benchmarked against a distributed extension of the Posterior Cram\'er-Rao Lower Bound (PCRLB), and compared to the performance of an existing distributed PHD Particle Filter. Furthermore, the robustness of the proposed tracking algorithms against outliers and their performance with respect to different amounts of clutter is investigated.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    Passive Multi-Target Tracking Using the Adaptive Birth Intensity PHD Filter

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    Passive multi-target tracking applications require the integration of multiple spatially distributed sensor measurements to distinguish true tracks from ghost tracks. A popular multi-target tracking approach for these applications is the particle filter implementation of Mahler's probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter, which jointly updates the union of all target state space estimates without requiring computationally complex measurement-to-track data association. Although this technique is attractive for implementation in computationally limited platforms, the performance benefits can be significantly overshadowed by inefficient sampling of the target birth particles over the region of interest. We propose a multi-sensor extension of the adaptive birth intensity PHD filter described in (Ristic, 2012) to achieve efficient birth particle sampling driven by online sensor measurements from multiple sensors. The proposed approach is demonstrated using distributed time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) and frequency-difference-of-arrival (FDOA) measurements, in which we describe exact techniques for sampling from the target state space conditioned on the observations. Numerical results are presented that demonstrate the increased particle density efficiency of the proposed approach over a uniform birth particle sampler.Comment: 21st International Conference on Information Fusio

    Simplified multitarget tracking using the PHD filter for microscopic video data

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    The probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter from the theory of random finite sets is a well-known method for multitarget tracking. We present the Gaussian mixture (GM) and improved sequential Monte Carlo implementations of the PHD filter for visual tracking. These implementations are shown to provide advantages over previous PHD filter implementations on visual data by removing complications such as clustering and data association and also having beneficial computational characteristics. The GM-PHD filter is deployed on microscopic visual data to extract trajectories of free-swimming bacteria in order to analyze their motion. Using this method, a significantly larger number of tracks are obtained than was previously possible. This permits calculation of reliable distributions for parameters of bacterial motion. The PHD filter output was tested by checking agreement with a careful manual analysis. A comparison between the PHD filter and alternative tracking methods was carried out using simulated data, demonstrating superior performance by the PHD filter in a range of realistic scenarios

    An Overtaking Decision Algorithm for Networked Intelligent Vehicles Based on Cooperative Perception

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    This paper presents an overtaking decision algorithm for networked intelligent vehicles. The algorithm is based on a cooperative tracking and sensor fusion algorithm that we previously developed. The ego vehicle is equipped with lane keeping and lane changing capabilities, as well as a forward-looking lidar sensor. The lidar data are fed to the tracking module which detects other vehicles, such as the vehicle that is to be overtaken (leading) and the oncoming traffic. Based on the estimated distances to the leading and the oncoming vehicles and their speeds, a risk is calculated and a corresponding overtaking decision is made. We compare the performance of the overtaking algorithm between the case when the ego vehicle only relies on its lidar sensor, and the case in which it fuses object estimates received from the leading car which also has a forward-looking lidar. Systematic evaluations are performed in Webots, a calibrated high-fidelity simulator