445 research outputs found

    Simplified multitarget tracking using the PHD filter for microscopic video data

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    The probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter from the theory of random finite sets is a well-known method for multitarget tracking. We present the Gaussian mixture (GM) and improved sequential Monte Carlo implementations of the PHD filter for visual tracking. These implementations are shown to provide advantages over previous PHD filter implementations on visual data by removing complications such as clustering and data association and also having beneficial computational characteristics. The GM-PHD filter is deployed on microscopic visual data to extract trajectories of free-swimming bacteria in order to analyze their motion. Using this method, a significantly larger number of tracks are obtained than was previously possible. This permits calculation of reliable distributions for parameters of bacterial motion. The PHD filter output was tested by checking agreement with a careful manual analysis. A comparison between the PHD filter and alternative tracking methods was carried out using simulated data, demonstrating superior performance by the PHD filter in a range of realistic scenarios

    Data Association and Track Management for the Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density Filter

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    The Gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density (GM-PHD) recursion is a closed-form solution to the probability hypothesis density (PHD) recursion, which was proposed for jointly estimating the time-varying number of targets and their states from a sequence of noisy measurement sets in the presence of data association uncertainty, clutter, and miss-detection. However the GM-PHD filter does not provide identities of individual target state estimates, that are needed to construct tracks of individual targets. In this paper, we propose a new multi-target tracker based on the GM-PHD filter, which gives the association amongst state estimates of targets over time and provides track labels. Various issues regarding initiating, propagating and terminating tracks are discussed. Furthermore, we also propose a technique for resolving identities of targets in close proximity, which the PHD filter is unable to do on its own

    Message Passing and Hierarchical Models for Simultaneous Tracking and Registration

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    Conjugate priors for Bayesian object tracking

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    Object tracking refers to the problem of using noisy sensor measurements to determine the location and characteristics of objects of interest in clutter. Nowadays, object tracking has found applications in numerous research venues as well as application areas, including air traffic control, maritime navigation, remote sensing, intelligent video surveillance, and more recently environmental perception, which is a key enabling technology in autonomous vehicles. This thesis studies conjugate priors for Bayesian object tracking with focus on multi-object tracking (MOT) based on sets of trajectories. Finite Set Statistics provides an elegant Bayesian formulation of MOT in terms of the theory of random finite sets (RFSs). Conjugate priors are also of great interest as they provide families of distributions that are suitable to work with when seeking accurate approximations to the true posterior distributions. Many RFS-based MOT approaches are only concerned with multi-object filtering without attempting to estimate object trajectories. An appealing approach to building tracks is by computing the multi-object densities on sets of trajectories. This leads to the development of trajectory filters, e.g., filters based on Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture (PMBM) conjugate priors.In this thesis, [Paper A] and [Paper B] consider the problem of point object tracking where an object generates at most one measurement per scan. In [Paper A], it is shown that the trajectory MBM filter is the solution to the MOT problem for standard point object models with multi-Bernoulli birth. In addition, the multi-scan implementations of trajectory PMBM and MBM filters are presented. In [Paper B], a solution for recovering full trajectory information, via the calculation of the posterior of the set of trajectories from a sequence of multi-object filtering densities and the multi-object dynamic model, is presented. [Paper C] and [Paper D] consider the problem of ex- tended object tracking where an object may generate multiple measurements per scan. In [Paper C], the extended object PMBM filter for sets of objects is generalized to sets of trajectories. In [Paper D], a learning-based extended ob- ject tracking algorithm using a hierarchical truncated Gaussian measurement model tailored for automotive radar measurements is presented

    Acoustic simultaneous localization and mapping (A-SLAM) of a moving microphone array and its surrounding speakers

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    Acoustic scene mapping creates a representation of positions of audio sources such as talkers within the surrounding environment of a microphone array. By allowing the array to move, the acoustic scene can be explored in order to improve the map. Furthermore, the spatial diversity of the kinematic array allows for estimation of the source-sensor distance in scenarios where source directions of arrival are measured. As sound source localization is performed relative to the array position, mapping of acoustic sources requires knowledge of the absolute position of the microphone array in the room. If the array is moving, its absolute position is unknown in practice. Hence, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is required in order to localize the microphone array position and map the surrounding sound sources. In realistic environments, microphone arrays receive a convolutive mixture of direct-path speech signals, noise and reflections due to reverberation. A key challenge of Acoustic SLAM (a-SLAM) is robustness against reverberant clutter measurements and missing source detections. This paper proposes a novel bearing-only a-SLAM approach using a Single-Cluster Probability Hypothesis Density filter. Results demonstrate convergence to accurate estimates of the array trajectory and source positions

    Poisson Multi-Bernoulli Mixtures for Multiple Object Tracking

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    Multi-object tracking (MOT) refers to the process of estimating object trajectories of interest based on sequences of noisy sensor measurements obtained from multiple sources. Nowadays, MOT has found applications in numerous areas, including, e.g., air traffic control, maritime navigation, remote sensing, intelligent video surveillance, and more recently environmental perception, which is a key enabling technology in automated vehicles. This thesis studies Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture (PMBM) conjugate priors for MOT. Finite Set Statistics provides an elegant Bayesian formulation of MOT based on random finite sets (RFSs), and a significant trend in RFSs-based MOT is the development of conjugate distributions in Bayesian probability theory, such as the PMBM distributions. Multi-object conjugate priors are of great interest as they provide families of distributions that are suitable to work with when seeking accurate approximations to the true posterior distributions. Many RFS-based MOT approaches are only concerned with multi-object filtering without attempting to estimate object trajectories. An appealing approach to building trajectories is by computing the multi-object densities on sets of trajectories. This leads to the development of many multi-object filters based on sets of trajectories, e.g., the trajectory PMBM filters. In this thesis, [Paper A] and [Paper B] consider the problem of point object tracking where an object generates at most one measurement per time scan. In [Paper A], a multi-scan implementation of trajectory PMBM filters via dual decomposition is presented. In [Paper B], a multi-trajectory particle smoother using backward simulation is presented for computing the multi-object posterior for sets of trajectories using a sequence of multi-object filtering densities and a multi-object dynamic model. [Paper C] and [Paper D] consider the problem of extended object tracking where an object may generate multiple measurements per time scan. In [Paper C], an extended object Poisson multi-Bernoulli (PMB) filter is presented, where the PMBM posterior density after the update step is approximated as a PMB. In [Paper D], a trajectory PMB filter for extended object tracking using belief propagation is presented, where the efficient PMB approximation is enabled by leveraging the PMBM conjugacy and the factor graph formulation
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