142 research outputs found

    Improved Meet-in-the-Middle Distinguisher on Feistel Schemes

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    Improved meet-in-the-middle cryptanalysis with efficient tabulation technique has been shown to be a very powerful form of cryptanalysis against SPN block ciphers. However, few literatures show the effectiveness of this cryptanalysis against Balanced-Feistel-Networks (BFN) and Generalized-Feistel-Networks (GFN) ciphers due to the stagger of affected trail and special truncated differential trail. In this paper, we describe a versatile and powerful algorithm for searching the best improved meet-in-the-middle distinguisher with efficient tabulation technique on word-oriented BFN and GFN block ciphers, which is based on recursion and greedy algorithm. To demonstrate the usefulness of our approach, we show key recovery attacks on 14/16-round CLEFIA-192/256 which are the best attacks. We also propose key recovery attacks on 13/15-round Camellia-192/256 (without FL/FL−1FL/FL^{-1})

    Improved quantum attack on Type-1 Generalized Feistel Schemes and Its application to CAST-256

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    Generalized Feistel Schemes (GFS) are important components of symmetric ciphers, which have been extensively researched in classical setting. However, the security evaluations of GFS in quantum setting are rather scanty. In this paper, we give more improved polynomial-time quantum distinguishers on Type-1 GFS in quantum chosen-plaintext attack (qCPA) setting and quantum chosen-ciphertext attack (qCCA) setting. In qCPA setting, we give new quantum polynomial-time distinguishers on (3d−3)(3d-3)-round Type-1 GFS with branches d≥3d\geq3, which gain d−2d-2 more rounds than the previous distinguishers. Hence, we could get better key-recovery attacks, whose time complexities gain a factor of 2(d−2)n22^{\frac{(d-2)n}{2}}. In qCCA setting, we get (3d−3)(3d-3)-round quantum distinguishers on Type-1 GFS, which gain d−1d-1 more rounds than the previous distinguishers. In addition, we give some quantum attacks on CAST-256 block cipher. We find 12-round and 13-round polynomial-time quantum distinguishers in qCPA and qCCA settings, respectively, while the best previous one is only 7 rounds. Hence, we could derive quantum key-recovery attack on 19-round CAST-256. While the best previous quantum key-recovery attack is on 16 rounds. When comparing our quantum attacks with classical attacks, our result also reaches 16 rounds on CAST-256 with 128-bit key under a competitive complexity

    SoK: Security Evaluation of SBox-Based Block Ciphers

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    Cryptanalysis of block ciphers is an active and important research area with an extensive volume of literature. For this work, we focus on SBox-based ciphers, as they are widely used and cover a large class of block ciphers. While there have been prior works that have consolidated attacks on block ciphers, they usually focus on describing and listing the attacks. Moreover, the methods for evaluating a cipher\u27s security are often ad hoc, differing from cipher to cipher, as attacks and evaluation techniques are developed along the way. As such, we aim to organise the attack literature, as well as the work on security evaluation. In this work, we present a systematization of cryptanalysis of SBox-based block ciphers focusing on three main areas: (1) Evaluation of block ciphers against standard cryptanalytic attacks; (2) Organisation and relationships between various attacks; (3) Comparison of the evaluation and attacks on existing ciphers

    Quantum Circuit Implementation and Resource Analysis of LBlock and LiCi

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    Due to Grover's algorithm, any exhaustive search attack of block ciphers can achieve a quadratic speed-up. To implement Grover,s exhaustive search and accurately estimate the required resources, one needs to implement the target ciphers as quantum circuits. Recently, there has been increasing interest in quantum circuits implementing lightweight ciphers. In this paper we present the quantum implementations and resource estimates of the lightweight ciphers LBlock and LiCi. We optimize the quantum circuit implementations in the number of gates, required qubits and the circuit depth, and simulate the quantum circuits on ProjectQ. Furthermore, based on the quantum implementations, we analyze the resources required for exhaustive key search attacks of LBlock and LiCi with Grover's algorithm. Finally, we compare the resources for implementing LBlock and LiCi with those of other lightweight ciphers.Comment: 29 pages,21 figure

    Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks on 3-Line Generalized Feistel Networks

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    In the paper, we study the security of 3-line generalized Feistel network, which is a considerate choice for some special needs, such as designing a 96-bit cipher based on a 32-bit round function. We show key recovery attacks on 3-line generic balanced Feistel-2 and Feistel-3 based on the meet-in-the-middle technique in the chosen ciphertext scenario. In our attacks, we consider the key size is as large as one-third of the block size. For the first network, we construct a 9-round distinguisher and launch a 10-round key-recovery attack. For the second network, we show a 13-round distinguisher and give a 17-round attack based on some common assumptions

    Generic Key Recovery Attack on Feistel Scheme

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    We propose new generic key recovery attacks on Feistel-type block ciphers. The proposed attack is based on the all subkeys recovery approach presented in SAC 2012, which determines all subkeys instead of the master key. This enables us to construct a key recovery attack without taking into account a key scheduling function. With our advanced techniques, we apply several key recovery attacks to Feistel-type block ciphers. For instance, we show 8-, 9- and 11-round key recovery attacks on n-bit Feistel ciphers with 2n-bit key employing random keyed F-functions, random F-functions, and SP-type F-functions, respectively. Moreover, thanks to the meet-in-the-middle approach, our attack leads to low-data complexity. To demonstrate the usefulness of our approach, we show a key recovery attack on the 8-round reduced CAST-128, which is the best attack with respect to the number of attacked rounds. Since our approach derives the lower bounds on the numbers of rounds to be secure under the single secret key setting, it can be considered that we unveil the limitation of designing an efficient block cipher by a Feistel scheme such as a low-latency cipher

    Quantum Attacks on Type-1 Generalized Feistel Schemes

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    Generalized Feistel schemes (GFSs) are extremely important and extensively researched cryptographic schemes. In this paper, we investigate the security of Type-1 GFS in quantum circumstances. On the one hand, in the qCCA setting, we give a new quantum polynomial-time distinguisher on (d2−1)(d^2-1)-round Type-1 GFS with branches d≥3d\geq3, which extends the previous results by (d−2)(d-2) rounds. This leads to a more efficient analysis of type-1 GFS, that is, the complexity of some previous key-recovery attacks is reduced by a factor of 2(d−2)k22^{\frac{(d-2)k}{2}}, where kk is the key length of the internal round function. On the other hand, for CAST-256, which is a certain block cipher based on Type-1 GFS, we give a 17-round quantum distinguisher in the qCPA setting. Based on this, we construct an r(r>17)r (r>17)-round quantum key-recovery attack with complexity O(237(r−17)2)O(2^{\frac{37(r-17)}{2}})

    Generic Round-Function-Recovery Attacks for Feistel Networks over Small Domains

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    Feistel Networks (FN) are now being used massively to encrypt credit card numbers through format-preserving encryption. In our work, we focus on FN with two branches, entirely unknown round functions, modular additions (or other group operations), and when the domain size of a branch (called NN) is small. We investigate round-function-recovery attacks. The best known attack so far is an improvement of Meet-In-The-Middle (MITM) attack by Isobe and Shibutani from ASIACRYPT~2013 with optimal data complexity q=rN2q=r \frac{N}{2} and time complexity Nr−42N+o(N)N^{ \frac{r-4}{2}N + o(N)}, where rr is the round number in FN. We construct an algorithm with a surprisingly better complexity when rr is too low, based on partial exhaustive search. When the data complexity varies from the optimal to the one of a codebook attack q=N2q=N^2, our time complexity can reach NO(N1−1r−2)N^{O \left( N^{1-\frac{1}{r-2}} \right) }. It crosses the complexity of the improved MITM for q∼Ne3r2r−3q\sim N\frac{\mathrm{e}^3}{r}2^{r-3}. We also estimate the lowest secure number of rounds depending on NN and the security goal. We show that the format-preserving-encryption schemes FF1 and FF3 standardized by NIST and ANSI cannot offer 128-bit security (as they are supposed to) for N≤11N\leq11 and N≤17N\leq17, respectively (the NIST standard only requires N≥10N \geq 10), and we improve the results by Durak and Vaudenay from CRYPTO~2017

    Quantum Demiric-Selçuk Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks: Applications to 6-Round Generic Feistel Constructions

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    This paper shows that quantum computers can significantly speed-up a type of meet-in-the-middle attacks initiated by Demiric and Selçuk (DS-MITM attacks), which is currently one of the most powerful cryptanalytic approaches in the classical setting against symmetric-key schemes. The quantum DS-MITM attacks are demonstrated against 6 rounds of the generic Feistel construction supporting an nn-bit key and an nn-bit block, which was attacked by Guo et al. in the classical setting with data, time, and memory complexities of O(23n/4)O(2^{3n/4}). The complexities of our quantum attacks depend on the adversary\u27s model and the number of qubits available. When the adversary has an access to quantum computers for offline computations but online queries are made in a classical manner (so called Q1 model), the attack complexities are O(2n/2)O(2^{n/2}) classical queries, O(2n/q)O(2^n/q) quantum computations by using about qq qubits. Those are balanced at O~(2n/2)\tilde{O}(2^{n/2}), which significantly improves the classical attack. Technically, we convert the quantum claw finding algorithm to be suitable in the Q1 model. The attack is then extended to the case that the adversary can make superposition queries (so called Q2 model). The attack approach is drastically changed from the one in the Q1 model; the attack is based on 3-round distinguishers with Simon\u27s algorithm and then appends 3 rounds for key recovery. This can be solved by applying the combination of Simon\u27s and Grover\u27s algorithms recently proposed by Leander and May

    Three Third Generation Attacks on the Format Preserving Encryption Scheme FF3

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    Format-Preserving Encryption (FPE) schemes accept plaintexts from any finite set of values (such as social security numbers or birth dates) and produce ciphertexts that belong to the same set. They are extremely useful in practice since they make it possible to encrypt existing databases or communication packets without changing their format. Due to industry demand, NIST had standardized in 2016 two such encryption schemes called FF1 and FF3. They immediately attracted considerable cryptanalytic attention with decreasing attack complexities. The best currently known attack on the Feistel construction FF3 has data and memory complexity of O(N11/6){O}(N^{11/6}) and time complexity of O(N17/6){O}(N^{17/6}), where the input belongs to a domain of size N×NN \times N. In this paper, we present and experimentally verify three improved attacks on FF3. Our best attack achieves the tradeoff curve D=M=O~(N2−t)D=M=\tilde{O}(N^{2-t}), T=O~(N2+t)T=\tilde{O}(N^{2+t}) for all t≤0.5t \leq 0.5. In particular, we can reduce the data and memory complexities to the more practical O~(N1.5)\tilde{O}(N^{1.5}), and at the same time, reduce the time complexity to O~(N2.5)\tilde{O}(N^{2.5}). We also identify another attack vector against FPE schemes, the related-domain attack. We show how one can mount powerful attacks when the adversary is given access to the encryption under the same key in different domains, and show how to apply it to efficiently distinguish FF3 and FF3-1 instances
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