382 research outputs found

    On the asymptotic minimum number of monochromatic 3-term arithmetic progressions

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    Let V(n) be the minimum number of monochromatic 3-term arithmetic progressions in any 2-coloring of {1,2,...,n}. We show that (1675/32768) n^2 (1+o(1)) <= V(n) <= (117/2192) n^2(1+o(1)). As a consequence, we find that V(n) is strictly greater than the corresponding number for Schur triples (which is (1/22) n^2 (1+o(1)). Additionally, we disprove the conjecture that V(n) = (1/16) n^2(1+o(1)), as well as a more general conjecture.Comment: 9 pages. Revised version fixes formatting errors (same text

    Lower bounds for Max-Cut in HH-free graphs via semidefinite programming

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    For a graph GG, let f(G)f(G) denote the size of the maximum cut in GG. The problem of estimating f(G)f(G) as a function of the number of vertices and edges of GG has a long history and was extensively studied in the last fifty years. In this paper we propose an approach, based on semidefinite programming (SDP), to prove lower bounds on f(G)f(G). We use this approach to find large cuts in graphs with few triangles and in KrK_r-free graphs.Comment: 21 pages, to be published in LATIN 2020 proceedings, Updated version is rewritten to include additional results along with corrections to original argument

    Tsirelson bounds for generalized Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequalities

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    Quantum theory imposes a strict limit on the strength of non-local correlations. It only allows for a violation of the CHSH inequality up to the value 2 sqrt(2), known as Tsirelson's bound. In this note, we consider generalized CHSH inequalities based on many measurement settings with two possible measurement outcomes each. We demonstrate how to prove Tsirelson bounds for any such generalized CHSH inequality using semidefinite programming. As an example, we show that for any shared entangled state and observables X_1,...,X_n and Y_1,...,Y_n with eigenvalues +/- 1 we have | + <X_2 Y_1> + + + ... + - | <= 2 n cos(pi/(2n)). It is well known that there exist observables such that equality can be achieved. However, we show that these are indeed optimal. Our approach can easily be generalized to other inequalities for such observables.Comment: 9 pages, LateX, V2: Updated reference [3]. To appear in Physical Review

    Support-based lower bounds for the positive semidefinite rank of a nonnegative matrix

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    The positive semidefinite rank of a nonnegative (m×n)(m\times n)-matrix~SS is the minimum number~qq such that there exist positive semidefinite (q×q)(q\times q)-matrices A1,…,AmA_1,\dots,A_m, B1,…,BnB_1,\dots,B_n such that S(k,\ell) = \mbox{tr}(A_k^* B_\ell). The most important, lower bound technique for nonnegative rank is solely based on the support of the matrix S, i.e., its zero/non-zero pattern. In this paper, we characterize the power of lower bounds on positive semidefinite rank based on solely on the support.Comment: 9 page
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