6 research outputs found

    Soft-connected Rigid Body Localization: State-of-the-Art and Research Directions for 6G

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    This white paper describes a proposed article that will aim to provide a thorough study of the evolution of the typical paradigm of wireless localization (WL), which is based on a single point model of each target, towards wireless rigid body localization (W-RBL). We also look beyond the concept of RBL itself, whereby each target is modeled as an independent multi-point three-dimensional (3D), with shape enforced via a set of conformation constraints, as a step towards a more general approach we refer to as soft-connected RBL, whereby an ensemble of several objects embedded in a given environment, is modeled as a set of soft-connected 3D objects, with rigid and soft conformation constraints enforced within each object and among them, respectively. A first intended contribution of the full version of this article is a compact but comprehensive survey on mechanisms to evolve WL algorithms in W-RBL schemes, considering their peculiarities in terms of the type of information, mathematical approach, and features the build on or offer. A subsequent contribution is a discussion of mechanisms to extend W-RBL techniques to soft-connected rigid body localization (SCW-RBL) algorithms

    MmWave V2V Localization in MU-MIMO Hybrid Beamforming

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    Recent trends for vehicular localization in millimetre-wave (mmWave) channels include employing a combination of parameters such as angle of arrival (AOA), angle of departure (AOD), and time of arrival (TOA) of the transmitted/received signals. These parameters are challenging to estimate, which along with the scattering and random nature of mmWave channels, and vehicle mobility lead to errors in localization. To circumvent these challenges, this paper proposes mmWave vehicular localization employing difference of arrival for time and frequency, with multiuser (MU) multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) hybrid beamforming; rather than relying on AOD/AOA/TOA estimates. The vehicular localization can exploit the number of vehicles present, as an increase in a number of vehicles reduces the Cramr-Rao bound (CRB) of error estimation. At 10 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) both spatial multiplexing and beamforming result in comparable localization errors. At lower SNR values, spatial multiplexing leads to larger errors compared to beamforming due to formation of spurious peaks in the cross ambiguity function. Accuracy of the estimated parameters is improved by employing an extended Kalman filter leading to a root mean square (RMS) localization error of approximately 6.3 meters

    mmWave V2V Localization in MU-MIMO Hybrid Beamforming

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    Recent trends for vehicular localization in millimetre-wave (mmWave) channels include employing a combination of parameters such as angle of arrival (AOA), angle of departure (AOD), and time of arrival (TOA) of the transmitted/received signals. These parameters are challenging to estimate, which along with the scattering and random nature of mmWave channels, and vehicle mobility lead to errors in localization. To circumvent these challenges, this paper proposes mmWave vehicular localization employing difference of arrival for time and frequency, with multiuser (MU) multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) hybrid beamforming; rather than relying on AOD/AOA/TOA estimates. The vehicular localization can exploit the number of vehicles present, as an increase in a number of vehicles reduces the Cramr-Rao bound (CRB) of error estimation. At 10 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) both spatial multiplexing and beamforming result in comparable localization errors. At lower SNR values, spatial multiplexing leads to larger errors compared to beamforming due to formation of spurious peaks in the cross ambiguity function. Accuracy of the estimated parameters is improved by employing an extended Kalman filter leading to a root mean square (RMS) localization error of approximately 6.3 meters

    An efficient constrained weighted least squares method with bias reduction for TDOA-based localization

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    This paper addresses the source location problem by using time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) measurements. The two-stage weighted least squares (TWLS) algorithm has been widely used in the TDOA location. However, the estimation accuracy of the source location is poor and the bias is significant when the measurement noise is large. Owing to the nonlinear nature of the system model, we reformulate the localization problem as a constrained weighted least squares problem and derive the theoretical bias of the source location estimate from the maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation. To reduce the location bias and improve location accuracy, a novel bias-reduced method is developed based on an iterative constrained weighted least squares algorithm. The new method imposes a set of linear equality constraints instead of the quadratic constraints to suppress the bias. Numerical simulations demonstrate the significant performance improvement of the proposed method over the traditional methods. The bias is reduced significantly and the Cramér–Rao lower bound accuracy can also be achieve

    Efficient underwater acoustical localization method based on time difference and bearing measurements

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    This article addresses the underwater acoustical localization problem by using the time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) and bearing-angle-of-arrival (BAOA) measurements. For the underwater acoustic equipment, such as the ultrashort baseline system (USBL), whose bearing measurements are different from the traditional angle-of-arrival (AOA) model, a closed-form solution for the hybrid TDOA/BAOA-based source localization problem is developed. However, the solution suffers from the measurement noise and cannot achieve the Cramer–Rao lower bound (CRLB) performance in the case of large measurement noise. Thus, an iterative constrained weighted least-squares method is presented to further minimize the error in the case of large noise. The CRLB for hybrid TDOA/BAOA source localization is analyzed, and the solution is proved to achieve the CRLB performance. Numerical simulations and field tests demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the traditional methods in terms of estimation bias and accuracy. It can achieve the CRLB performance better

    Improved Algebraic Solution for Source Localization From TDOA and FDOA Measurements

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