135 research outputs found

    Proxy compilation for Java via a code migration technique

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    There is an increasing trend that intermediate representations (IRs) are used to deliver programs in more and more languages, such as Java. Although Java can provide many advantages, including a wider portability and better optimisation opportunities on execution, it introduces extra overhead by requiring an IR translation for the program execution. For maximum execution performance, an optimising compiler is placed in the runtime to selectively optimise code regions regarded as “hotspots”. This common approach has been effectively deployed in many implementation of programming languages. However, the computational resources demanded by this approach made it less efficient, or even difficult to deploy directly in a resourceconstrained environment. One implementation approach is to use a remote compilation technique to support compilation during the execution. The work presented in this dissertation supports the thesis that execution performance can be improved by the use of efficient optimising compilation by using a proxy dynamic optimising compiler. After surveying various approaches to the design and implementation of remote compilation, a proxy compilation system called Apus is defined. To demonstrate the effectiveness of using a dynamic optimising compiler as a proxy compiler, a complete proxy compilation system is written based on a research-oriented Java VirtualMachine (JVM). The proxy compilation system is discussed in detail, showing how to deliver remote binaries and manage a cache of binaries by using a code migration approach. The proxy compilation client shows how the proxy compilation service is integrated with the selective optimisation system to maximise execution performance. The results of empirical measurements of the system are given, showing the efficiency of code optimisation from either the proxy compilation service and a local binary cache. The conclusion of this work is that Java execution performance can be improved by efficient optimising compilation with a proxy compilation service by using a code migration technique

    A selective dynamic compiler for embedded Java virtual machine targeting ARM processors

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    Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2004-2005Ce travail présente une nouvelle technique de compilation dynamique sélective pour les systèmes embarqués avec processeurs ARM. Ce compilateur a été intégré dans la plateforme J2ME/CLDC (Java 2 Micro Edition for Connected Limited Device Con- figuration). L’objectif principal de notre travail est d’obtenir une machine virtuelle accélérée, légère et compacte prête pour l’exécution sur les systèmes embarqués. Cela est atteint par l’implémentation d’un compilateur dynamique sélectif pour l’architecture ARM dans la Kilo machine virtuelle de Sun (KVM). Ce compilateur est appelé Armed E-Bunny. Premièrement, on présente la plateforme Java, le Java 2 Micro Edition(J2ME) pour les systèmes embarqués et les composants de la machine virtuelle Java. Ensuite, on discute les différentes techniques d’accélération pour la machine virtuelle Java et on détaille le principe de la compilation dynamique. Enfin, on illustre l’architecture, le design (la conception), l’implémentation et les résultats expérimentaux de notre compilateur dynamique sélective Armed E-Bunny. La version modifiée de KVM a été portée sur un ordinateur de poche (PDA) et a été testée en utilisant un benchmark standard de J2ME. Les résultats expérimentaux de la performance montrent une accélération de 360 % par rapport à la dernière version de la KVM de Sun avec un espace mémoire additionnel qui n’excède pas 119 kilobytes.This work presents a new selective dynamic compilation technique targeting ARM 16/32-bit embedded system processors. This compiler is built inside the J2ME/CLDC (Java 2 Micro Edition for Connected Limited Device Configuration) platform. The primary objective of our work is to come up with an efficient, lightweight and low-footprint accelerated Java virtual machine ready to be executed on embedded machines. This is achieved by implementing a selective ARM dynamic compiler called Armed E-Bunny into Sun’s Kilobyte Virtual Machine (KVM). We first present the Java platform, Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) for embedded systems and Java virtual machine components. Then, we discuss the different acceleration techniques for Java virtual machine and we detail the principle of dynamic compilation. After that we illustrate the architecture, design, implementation and experimental results of our selective dynamic compiler Armed E-Bunny. The modified KVM is ported on a handheld PDA and is tested using standard J2ME benchmarks. The experimental results on its performance demonstrate that a speedup of 360% over the last version of Sun’s KVM is accomplished with a footprint overhead that does not exceed 119 kilobytes

    Java for Cost Effective Embedded Real-Time Software

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    Acceleration and semantic foundations of embedded Java platforms

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    Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2006-200

    ShareJIT: JIT Code Cache Sharing across Processes and Its Practical Implementation

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    Just-in-time (JIT) compilation coupled with code caching are widely used to improve performance in dynamic programming language implementations. These code caches, along with the associated profiling data for the hot code, however, consume significant amounts of memory. Furthermore, they incur extra JIT compilation time for their creation. On Android, the current standard JIT compiler and its code caches are not shared among processes---that is, the runtime system maintains a private code cache, and its associated data, for each runtime process. However, applications running on the same platform tend to share multiple libraries in common. Sharing cached code across multiple applications and multiple processes can lead to a reduction in memory use. It can directly reduce compile time. It can also reduce the cumulative amount of time spent interpreting code. All three of these effects can improve actual runtime performance. In this paper, we describe ShareJIT, a global code cache for JITs that can share code across multiple applications and multiple processes. We implemented ShareJIT in the context of the Android Runtime (ART), a widely used, state-of-the-art system. To increase sharing, our implementation constrains the amount of context that the JIT compiler can use to optimize the code. This exposes a fundamental tradeoff: increased specialization to a single process' context decreases the extent to which the compiled code can be shared. In ShareJIT, we limit some optimization to increase shareability. To evaluate the ShareJIT, we tested 8 popular Android apps in a total of 30 experiments. ShareJIT improved overall performance by 9% on average, while decreasing memory consumption by 16% on average and JIT compilation time by 37% on average.Comment: OOPSLA 201

    내장형 시스템에서 Just-in-Time 및 Ahead-of-Time 컴파일을 활용한 하이브리드 자바 컴파일

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2015. 8. 문수묵.Many embedded Java software platforms execute two types of Java classes: those installed statically on the client device and those downloaded dynamically from service providers at runtime. For higher performance, it would be desirable to compile static Java classes by ahead-of-time compiler (AOTC) and to handle dynamically downloaded classes by just-in-time compiler (JITC), providing a hybrid compilation environment. We propose a hybrid Java compilation approach and performs an initial case study with a hybrid environment, which is constructed simply by merging an existing AOTC and a JITC for the same JVM. Contrary to our expectations, the hybrid environment does not deliver a performance, in-between of full-JITCs and full-AOTCs. In fact, its performance is even lower than full-JITCs for many benchmarks. We analyzed the result and found that a naive merge of JITC and AOTC may result in inefficiencies, especially due to calls between JITC methods and AOTC methods. We also observed that the distribution of JITC methods and AOTC methods is also important, and experimented with various distributions to understand when a hybrid environment can deliver a desired performance. The Android Java is to be executed by the Dalvik virtual machine (VM), which is quite different from the traditional Java VM such as Oracles HotSpot VM. That is, Dalvik employs register-based bytecode while HotSpot employs stack-based bytecode, requiring a different way of interpretation. Also, Dalvik uses trace-based just-in-time compilation (JITC), while HotSpot uses method-based JITC. Therefore, it is questioned how the Dalvik VM performs compared the HotSpot VM. Unfortunately, there has been little comparative evaluation of both VMs, so the performance of the Dalvik VM is not well understood. More importantly, it is also not well understood how the performance of the Dalvik VM affects the overall performance of the Android applications (apps). We make an attempt to evaluate the Dalvik VM. We install both VMs on the same board and compare the performance using EEMBC benchmark. In the JITC mode, Dakvik is slower than HotSpot by more than 2.9 times and its generated code size is not smaller than HotSpots due to its worse code quality and trace-chaining code. We also investigated how real Android apps are different from Java benchmarks, to understand why the slow Dalvik VM does not affect the performance of the Android apps seriously. We proposes a bytecode-to-C ahead-of-time compilation (AOTC) for the DVM to accelerate pre-installed apps. We translated the bytecode of some of the hot methods used by these apps to C code, which is then compiled together with the DVM source code. AOTC-generated code works with the existing Android zygote mechanism, with correct garbage collection and exception handling. Due to off-line, method-based compilation using existing compiler with full optimizations and Java-specific optimizations, AOTC can generate quality code while obviating runtime compilation overhead. For benchmarks, AOTC can improve the performance by 65%. When we compare with the recently-introduced ART, which also performs ahead-of-time compilation, our AOTC performs better. We cannot AOTC all middleware and framework methods in DTV and android device for hybrid compilation. By case study on DTV, we found that we need to adopt AOTC enough methods and reduce method call overhead. We propose AOTC method selection heuristic using method call chain. We select hot methods and call chain methods using profile data. Our heuristic based on method call chain get better performance than other heuristics.Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 The need of hybrid compilation 1 1.2 Outline of the Dissertation 2 Chapter 2 Hybrid Compilation for Java Virtual Machine 3 2.1 The Approach of Hybrid Compilation 3 2.2 The JITC and AOTC 6 2.2.1 JVM and the Interpreter 7 2.2.2 The JITC 8 2.2.3 The AOTC 9 2.3 Hybrid Compilation Environment 11 2.4 Analysis of the Hybrid Environment 14 2.4.1 Call Behavior of Benchmarks 14 2.4.2 Call Overhead 15 2.4.3 Application Methods and Library Methods 18 2.4.4 Improving hybrid performance 20 Reducing the JITC-to-AOTC call overhead 20 Performance impact of the distribution of JITC methods and AOTC methods 21 Chapter 3 Evaluation of Dalvik Virtual Machine 23 3.1 Android Platform 23 3.2 Java VM and Dalvik VM 24 3.2.1 Bytecode ISA 25 3.2.3 Just-in-Time Compilation (JITC) 27 3.3 Experimental Results 32 3.3.1 Experimental Environment 33 3.3.2 Interpreter Performance 34 3.3.3 JITC Performance 37 3.3.4 Trace Extension 43 3.4 Behavior of Real Android Apps 44 Chapter 4 Ahead-of-Time Compilation for Dalvik Virtual Machine 51 4.1 Android and Dalvik VM Execution 51 4.1.1 Android Execution Model 51 4.1.2 Dalvik VM 51 4.1.3 Dexopt and JITC in the Dalvik VM 53 4.2 AOTC Architecture 54 4.3 Design and Implementation of AOTC 56 4.3.1 Dexopt and Code Generation 56 4.3.2 C Code Generation 56 4.3.3 AOTC Method Call 58 4.3.4 Garbage Collection 61 4.3.5 Exception Handling 62 4.3.6 AOTC Method Linking 63 4.4 AOTC Code Optimization 64 4.4.1 Method Inlining 64 4.4.2 Spill Optimization 64 4.4.3 Elimination of Redundant Code 65 4.5 Experimental Result 65 4.5.1 Experimental Environment 66 4.5.2 AOTC Target Methods 66 4.5.3 Performance Impact of AOTC 67 4.5.4 DVM AOTC vs. ART 68 Chapter 5 Selecting Ahead-of-Time Compilation Target Methods for Hybrid Compilation 70 5.1 Hybrid Compilation on DTV 70 5.2 Hybrid Compilation on Android Device 72 5.3 AOTC for Hybrid Compilation 74 5.3.1 AOTC Target Methods 74 5.3.2 Case Study: Selecting on DTV 75 5.4 Method Selection Using Call Chain 77 5.5 Experimental Result 77 5.5.1 Experimental Environment 78 5.5.2 Performance Impact 79 Chapter 6 Related Works 81 Chapter 7 Conclusion 84 Bibliography 86Docto

    Towards an embedded real-time Java virtual machine

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    Most computers today are embedded, i.e. they are built into some products or system that is not perceived as a computer. It is highly desirable to use modern safe object-oriented software techniques for a rapid development of reliable systems. However, languages and run-time platforms for embedded systems have not kept up with the front line of language development. Reasons include complex and, in some cases, contradictory requirements on timing, concurrency, predictability, safety, and flexibility. A carefully tailored Java virtual machine (called IVM) is proposed as an approach to overcome these difficulties. In particular, real-time garbage collection has been considered an essential part. The set of bytecodes has been revised to require less memory and to facilitate predictable execution. To further reduce the memory footprint, the class loader can be located outside the embedded processor. Since the accomplished concurrency is crucial for the function of many embedded applications, the scheduling can be defined on the application level in Java. Finally considering future needs for flexibility and on-line configuration of embedded system, the IVM has a unique structure with which, for instance, methods being objects that can be replaced and GCed. The approach has been experimentally verified by a full prototype implementation of such a virtual machine. By making the prototype available for development of real products, this in turn has confronted the solutions with real industrial demands. It was found that the IVM can be easily integrated in typical systems today and the mentioned requirements are fulfilled. Based on experiences from more than 10 projects utilising the novel Java-oriented techniques, there are reasons to believe that the proposed approach is very promising for future flexible embedded systems