1 research outputs found

    Corn leaf image classification based on machine learning techniques for accurate leaf disease detection

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    Corn leaf disease possesses a huge impact on the food industry and corn crop yield as corn is one of the essential and basic nutrition of human life especially to vegetarians and vegans. Hence it is obvious that the quality of corn has to be ideal, however, to achieve that it has to be protected from the several diseases. Thus, there is a high demand for an automated method, which can detect the disease in early-stage and take necessary steps. However, early disease detection possesses a huge challenge, and it is highly critical. Thus, in this research work, we focus on designing and developing enhanced-K nearest neighbour (EKNN) model by adopting the basic K nearest neighbour (KNN) model. EKNN helps in distinguishing the different class disease. Further fine and coarse features with high quality are generated to obtain the discriminative, boundary, pattern and structural related information and this information are used for classification procedure. Classification process provides the gradient-based features of high quality. Moreover, the proposed model is evaluated considering the Plant-Village dataset; also, a comparative analysis is carried out with different traditional classification model with different metrics