4 research outputs found

    Implicit representation conjecture for semi-algebraic graphs

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    The implicit representation conjecture concerns hereditary families of graphs. Given a graph in such a family, we want to assign some string of bits to each vertex in such a way that we can recover the information about whether 2 vertices are connected or not using only the 2 strings of bits associated with those two vertices. We then want to minimise the length of this string. The conjecture states that if the family is hereditary and small enough (it only has 2O(nln(n))2^{O(n\ln(n))} graphs of size nn), then O(ln(n))O(\ln(n)) bits per vertex should be sufficient. The trivial bounds on this problem are that: (1) some families require at least ln2(n)\ln_2(n) bits per vertex ; (2) (n1)/2+ln2(n)(n-1)/2+\ln_2(n) bits per vertex are sufficient for all families. In this paper, we will be talking about a special case of the implicit representation conjecture, where the family is semi-algebraic (which roughly means that the vertices are points in some euclidean space, and the edges are defined geometrically, or according to some polynomials). We will first prove that the `obvious' way of storing the information, where we store an approximation of the coordinates of each vertex, doesn't work. Then we will come up with a way of storing the information that requires O(n1ϵ)O(n^{1-\epsilon}) bits per vertex, where ϵ\epsilon is some small constant depending only on the family. This is a slight improvement over the trivial bound, but is still a long way from proving the conjecture.Comment: 17 page

    Randomized Communication and Implicit Representations for Matrices and Graphs of Small Sign-Rank

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    We prove a characterization of the structural conditions on matrices of sign-rank 3 and unit disk graphs (UDGs) which permit constant-cost public-coin randomized communication protocols. Therefore, under these conditions, these graphs also admit implicit representations. The sign-rank of a matrix M{±1}N×NM \in \{\pm 1\}^{N \times N} is the smallest rank of a matrix RR such that Mi,j=sign(Ri,j)M_{i,j} = \mathrm{sign}(R_{i,j}) for all i,j[N]i,j \in [N]; equivalently, it is the smallest dimension dd in which MM can be represented as a point-halfspace incidence matrix with halfspaces through the origin, and it is essentially equivalent to the unbounded-error communication complexity. Matrices of sign-rank 3 can achieve the maximum possible bounded-error randomized communication complexity Θ(logN)\Theta(\log N), and meanwhile the existence of implicit representations for graphs of bounded sign-rank (including UDGs, which have sign-rank 4) has been open since at least 2003. We prove that matrices of sign-rank 3, and UDGs, have constant randomized communication complexity if and only if they do not encode arbitrarily large instances of the Greater-Than communication problem, or, equivalently, if they do not contain arbitrarily large half-graphs as semi-induced subgraphs. This also establishes the existence of implicit representations for these graphs under the same conditions.Comment: 28 page

    Applications of entropy to extremal problems

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    The Sidorenko conjecture gives a lower bound on the number of homomorphisms from a bipartite graph to another graph. Szegedy [28] used entropy methods to prove the conjecture in some cases. We will refine these methods to also give lower bounds for the number of injective homomorphisms from a bipartite graph to another bipartite graph, and a lower bound for the number of homomorphisms from a k-partite hypergraph to another k-partite hypergraph, as well as a few other similar problems. Next is a generalisation of the Kruskal Katona Theorem [19, 17]. We are given integers k 4 we will make a lot of progress towards finding a solution. The next chapter is to do with Turán-type problems. Given a family of k-hypergraphs F, ex(n;F) is the maximum number of edges an F-free n-vertex k-hypergraph can have. We prove that for a rational r, there exists some finite family F of k-hypergraphs for which ex(n;F) = Ɵ(nk-r) if and only if 0 < r < k - 1 or r = k. The final chapter will deal with the implicit representation conjecture, in the special case of semi-algebraic graphs. Given a graph in such a family, we want to assign a name to each vertex in such a way that we can recover each edge based only on the names of the two incident vertices. We will first prove that one `obvious' way of storing the information doesn't work. Then we will come up with a way of storing the information that requires O(n1-E) bits per vertex, where E is some small constant depending only on the family