512,269 research outputs found

    Implementing Web 2.0 in secondary schools: impacts, barriers and issues

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    One of the reports from the Web 2.0 technologies for learning at KS3 and KS4 project. This report explored Impact of Web 2.0 technologies on learning and teaching and drew upon evidence from multiple sources: field studies of 27 schools across the country; guided surveys of 2,600 school students; 100 interviews and 206 online surveys conducted with managers, teachers and technical staff in these schools; online surveys of the views of 96 parents; interviews held with 18 individual innovators in the field of Web 2.0 in education; and interviews with nine regional managers responsible for implementation of ICT at national level


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    One of the core figures of education system is undoubtfully the teacher who is expected to contribute dramatically to the qualified learning environment both with professional skills and with personal characteristics. Therefore, the need for graduate education and its significance to specialize in maintaining education after Bachelor’s degree has increased so far. In this regard, this research aims to determine teachers’ perspectives regarding the implementation of graduate education to their professional performance. The present study has used interview technique as a qualitative research method and semi-structured interview form including seven open-ended questions as a data collection tool. Totally 28 teachers who receive graduate education in educational sciences department at a Turkish state university in the 2015-2016 academic years participated in the study. Research results have revealed that teachers mostly use the courses learning and teaching environment for preparing lesson plans. They also state that they have difficulty in implementing theoretical courses. As for the contributions of graduate education to teachers’ professional performance, teachers mostly believe that they learn how to teach, and the courses that are more effective in their profession are predominantly thinking education, qualitative research methods and teacher training. Considering the extra courses that teachers want to take, it has been noted that foreign language, education, special education and writing an article are the most emphasized courses. Last but not least, teachers mostly feel themselves self-reliant as they enroll in graduate education; moreover, teachers’ most significant reason for enrolling in graduate education is to update information.  Article visualizations

    Adapting e-learning and learning services for people with disabilities

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    Providing learning materials and support services that are adapted to the needs of individuals has the potential to enable learners to obtain maximal benefit from university level studies. This paper describes EU4ALL project which has been exploring how to present customized learning materials and services for people with disabilities. A number of the technical components of the EU4ALL framework are described. This is followed with a brief description of prototype implementations. This is then followed by a discussion of a number of research directions that may enhance the adaptability, usability and accessibility of information and support systems can be used and consumed by a diverse user population

    Determinants of medical students' empathy during clinical rotation

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    Medical students in clinical rotation level have been developed comprehension and implementation of empathy, considering that they have already dealt with patients in the first hand, whereas professionalism and ethics are two main competences as a physician. This study aims to discuss and investigates determinants of medical students’ empathy towards their patients during clinical rotation in the hospital. A qualitative study with phenomenology approach using focus group discussion (FGD) was accompanied with an open-ended questionnaire to serve as preliminary data and basis of FGD topic guidelines involved fourth and fifth grade medical students that has to pass one and/or two of these stages out of the 15 stages in clinical rotation. As much 191 students participated of the written questionnaire and 28 students agree upon voluntarily joining the FGD, which is held with a snowball sampling approach and finishes in five batches. The three main determinants are: i) Internal factors: knowledge about the importance of empathy, direct experience, personality, motivation, mood (emotion), and personal experience; ii) Patient’s and patient’s family factors: patient’s attitudes, patient’s family’s attitudes, patient’s socioeconomic status, patient's illness type and severity; and iii) Environment factors: burnout, satisfaction or appreciation in the job, work environment, and role models. Many factors influence medical students in expressing and implementing empathy as they are taught to do to their patients. Medical school as an institution responsible for upholding the professionalism and ethical standard can help to create more suitable environment for the students to ensure maximum learning experience

    Musselman Library Strategic Plan 2013-2016

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    Musselman Library Strategic Plan 2013-2016 reflects the evolution of libraries and higher education since the 2007 adoption of Crossroads, Connections, and Creativity: Musselman Library Strategic Plan. The 2013-2016 strategic plan challenges Musselman Library to think about ways in which the library can further support its community of learners. This plan builds upon the core issues of services, collections, learning, and access that were identified in 2007 and recognizes the growth accomplished in these areas. In early 2013, Robin Wagner, Director of Library Services, formed the Strategic Planning Steering Committee in order to develop a plan to guide Musselman Library’s priorities for the next three years. Following an environmental scan, focus groups, and dialogue with library staff, the committee identified five issues confronting libraries: lifelong learning, leadership, sustainability, continual assessment, and partnerships. Working groups were formed and charged to create goals and objectives inspired by these five issues. From the work completed by the groups, the Strategic Planning Steering Committee distilled these issues and articulated goals that advance the library within four strategic directions: lifelong learning, leadership, sustainability, and continual assessment. Recognizing the foundational role of collaboration in a liberal arts environment, partnerships is integrated across the four strategic directions, goals, and objectives. The 2013-2016 plan demonstrates Musselman Library’s commitment to contribute to Gettysburg College’s mission and addresses challenges presented to a new generation of learners and scholars in an age of information abundance. [excerpt

    Educational change and ICT: an exploration of priorities 2 and 3 of the DfES e-strategy in schools and colleges: the current landscape and implementation issues

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    Landscape review of integrated online support for learners and collaborative approaches to personalised learning activities
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