3 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Fast Render Objek Grafis Menggunakan Shader dan Non-Shader Berbasis WebGL dari Primitive Object untuk Membuat Raw Metaverse Material Objek Skybox 3D di Filkom UB

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    Dalam perkembangannya, teknologi komputer telah mengalami peningkatan yang cukup signifikan. Seiring berkembangnya komputer sekarang, setiap pengembang dapat merekayasa suatu objek di dunia maya. Permasalahan pengembangan yang muncul biasanya terkait kecepatan proses render rekayasa objek yang dalam penelitian ini membuat raw metaverse material berupa penambahan objek dasar grafis 3D (bola, kubus, torus, silinder, dan lainnya) pada Skybox sebagai bagian dari augmented reality dengan disertai efek tekstur mapping, pencerminan, gradasi pewarnaan, dan animasi kontrol pergerakan objek. Salah satu hasil dari berkembangnya Grafika Komputer ini adalah munculnya WebGL yang mendukung penggunaan shader maupun non-shader untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, yaitu sebuah JavaScript API yang digunakan untuk rendering grafis 3D interaktif dan grafis 2D dalam browser web yang kompatibel tanpa menggunakan plug-in. Semenjak kemunculan WebGL ini, banyak pengembang/developer browser yang telah memanfaatkannya ke dalam browser mereka. Karena sistemnya yang interaktif dan tidak memerlukan plug-in, WebGL mendapat sebutan ā€œfuture of the internetā€ atau ā€œmasa depan dari internetā€. Pada penelitian ini diberikan pengembangan contoh dari apa yang dapat dilakukan melalui Grafika Komputer dan WebGL, yaitu untuk pembuatan raw metaverse material objek Skybox 3D di FILKOM UB dengan beberapa macam penambahan augmented reality objek grafis 3D. Hasil pengamatan pengujian pada beberapa skenario yang berbeda berdasarkan lama waktu proses render objek untuk membuat raw metaverse material objek Skybox 3D tersebut, didapatkan rata-rata waktu 0,12668 detik.Ā AbstractIn its development, computer technology has undergone a fairly significant improvement. Along with the development of computers today, any developer can engineer an object in the virtual world. The development problems that arise are usually related to the speedy rendering process of object engineering which in this study is making raw metaverse material in the form of adding basic 3D graphic objects (balls, cubes, torus, cylinders, and others) to the Skybox as part of augmented reality accompanied by effects of texture mapping, mirroring, coloring gradations, and animation control of object movements. One of the pillars of the development of Computer Graphics is the emergence of WebGL that supports the use of shaders and non-shaders to solve these problems, i.e., a JavaScript API utilized for rendering interactive 3D graphics and 2D graphics in compatible web browsers without using plug-ins. Since the emergence of WebGL, many browser developers have utilized it into their browsers. Because the system is interactive and does not require plug-ins, WebGL gets the name of ā€œthe future of the internetā€. In this study, an example of the development of the thing can be performed through Computer Graphics and WebGL was given, i.e., for the creation of raw metaverse material of 3D Skybox objects at FILKOM UB with several kinds of addition of augmented reality 3D graphic objects. The results of testing observations in several different scenarios based on the length of time for the object rendering process to create the raw metaverse material of the 3D Skybox object obtained an average time of 0.12668 seconds

    DeteĆ§Ć£o de problemas de qualidade nos dados

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    Na vida das organizaƧƵes, Ć© muito frequente o acesso a grandes quantidades de dados, imprescindĆ­veis aos processos de tomada de decisĆ£o. Por vezes, os dados apresentam problemas de qualidade que afetam a qualidade das decisƵes. Nos armazĆ©ns de dados, durante a manipulaĆ§Ć£o dos dados, para se criar formatos que facilitem os processos de tomada de decisĆ£o, podem ser identificados mais problemas de qualidades nos dados (PQD). Existem diversas abordagens para detetar e corrigir PQD. Nestas abordagens pretende-se classificar os diferentes tipos de PQD que possam ocorrer nos dados e indicar caminhos possĆ­veis de deteĆ§Ć£o e correĆ§Ć£o dos PQD. Existem algumas ferramentas que se baseiam em abordagens de deteĆ§Ć£o e correĆ§Ć£o de PQD existentes. Estas ferramentas detetam e corrigem PQD, no entanto, normalmente servem para detetar e corrigir PQD especĆ­ficos e tĆŖm custos de aquisiĆ§Ć£o considerĆ”veis. O processo de deteĆ§Ć£o e correĆ§Ć£o pode ser complexo e Ć© moroso. Normalmente estes processos de deteĆ§Ć£o e correĆ§Ć£o estĆ£o encadeados, e podem assumir nomes diferentes como ā€œlimpeza de dadosā€ e ā€œeliminaĆ§Ć£o de dados sujosā€. Foram definidos objetivos para desenvolver uma soluĆ§Ć£o de deteĆ§Ć£o de PQD, freeware, com bom desempenho e de fĆ”cil utilizaĆ§Ć£o. Fez-se levantamento do estado da arte, apresentando conceitos importantes para a compreensĆ£o do tema da dissertaĆ§Ć£o. Estudaram-se diferentes tecnologias uteis no desenvolvimento da soluĆ§Ć£o. Foi desenvolvida uma soluĆ§Ć£o de deteĆ§Ć£o de PQD, robusta, de fĆ”cil utilizaĆ§Ć£o que permite desenhar um workflow com uma sequĆŖncia de operaƧƵes de PQD escolhida pelo utilizador. O utilizador pode guardar o workflow para execuĆ§Ć£o posterior com o mesmo ou com outras fontes de dados. A soluĆ§Ć£o contĆ©m uma estrutura facilmente expansĆ­vel para detetar novos tipos de PQD e com novos motores e algoritmos de deteĆ§Ć£o. A avaliaĆ§Ć£o da soluĆ§Ć£o revela que a soluĆ§Ć£o disponibiliza uma interface grĆ”fica facilitadora do processo de desenho de workflow e configuraĆ§Ć£o das operaƧƵes de PQD. A soluĆ§Ć£o apresenta um bom desempenho, utilizando programaĆ§Ć£o de pipelines Java com streams paralelas.In organizations life, access to large amounts of data, which are essential to decision-making processes, is very common. Sometimes the data has quality problems that affect the quality of decisions. In data warehouses, during data manipulation, to create formats that facilitate decision-making processes, more problems of quality in the data (PQD) may arise. There are several approaches to detect and correct PQD. In these approaches it is intended to classify the different types of PQD that may occur in the data, and to indicate possible ways of detection and correction of PQD. There are some tools, which are based on existing PQD detection and correction approaches. These tools, detect and correct PQD, however they usually serve to detect and correct specific PQD, and have considerable acquisition costs. The PQD detection and correction process can be complex and time consuming. Usually, these detection and correction processes are linked, and may take different names such as ā€œdata cleaningā€ and ā€œdirty data eliminationā€. The goals to develop a PQD detection solution were defined. Development of a solution freeware, with good performance and easy to use. A state-of-the-art survey was carried out, presenting important concepts for the understanding the dissertation theme. Different useful technologies were studied in the development of the solution. A robust, easy-to-use PQD detection solution was developed that allows designing a workflow with a sequence of PQD operations chosen by the user. The user can save the workflow for later execution with the same or with other data sources. The solution contains an easily expandable structure to detect new types of PQD, with new detection engines and algorithms. The evaluation of the solution reveals that the solution provides a graphical interface that facilitates designing the workflow and PQD operations configuration. The solution presents a good performance, using Java pipelines programming with parallel streams