2 research outputs found

    Implementation of an embedded system on a TS7800 board for robot control

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    Lithostratigraphical and faunal analyses of five Pliocene sections located in the southwestern Guadalquivir Basin (S Spain) permit reveal three main facies, which represent shallow marine fairweather conditions (FA-I), storm events (FA-2) and littoral/fluvial environments (FA-3). The vertical disposition of these facies indicates a regressive sequence. The statistical study of foraminiferal populations revealed five infralittoral and circalittoral assemblages. Vertical and horizontal variations among these assemblages, the P/B ratio and four diversity indices, together with the mollusc distributions, suggest the presence of a shallow marine palaeoenvironment in this area in the Lower Pliocene, with an increasing depth towards the southwestern. The main effects from storm events on the foraminiferal faunas are a slightly decrease of individuals and species, and a marked drop in the P/B ratio. The post-storm conditions are characterized by: a) a higher number of individuals; b) a progressive increase in the P/B ratio and c) small increases in the remaining indices. " Asociación Paleontológica Argentina.",,,,,,,,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/42096","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-70349841373&partnerID=40&md5=7d994bc40883a13a98e79e1d1bdc4836",,,,,,"2",,"Ameghiniana",,"34

    Implementation of an embedded system on a TS7800 board for robot control

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    Growing Functional Modules (GFM) learning based controllers need to be experimented on real robots. In 2009, looking to develop a flexible and generic embedded interface for such robots, we decided to use a TS-7800 single board computer (SBC) with a Debian Linux operating system. Despite the many advantages of this board, implementing the embedded system has been a complex task. This paper describes the implementation of protocols through the TS-7800 different ports (RS232, TCP/IP, USB, analog and digital pins) as well as the connection of external boards (TS-ADC24, TS-DIO64, SSC-32 and LCD display). This implementation was required to connect a large range of actuators, sensors and other peripherals. Furthermore, the architecture of the embedded system is exposed in detail, including topics such as the XML configuration file that specifies the peripherals connected to the SBC, the concept of virtual sensors, the implementation of parallelism and the embedded system interface launcher. Technical aspects such as the optimization of video capture and processing are detailed because their execution required specific compilers versions, EABI emulation and extra libraries (openCV libjpg and libpngand libv4l). The final embedded system was implemented in a humanoid robot and connected to the GFM controller in charge of developing its equilibrium subsystem. � 2014 IEEE