2,376 research outputs found

    A survey of parallel execution strategies for transitive closure and logic programs

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    An important feature of database technology of the nineties is the use of parallelism for speeding up the execution of complex queries. This technology is being tested in several experimental database architectures and a few commercial systems for conventional select-project-join queries. In particular, hash-based fragmentation is used to distribute data to disks under the control of different processors in order to perform selections and joins in parallel. With the development of new query languages, and in particular with the definition of transitive closure queries and of more general logic programming queries, the new dimension of recursion has been added to query processing. Recursive queries are complex; at the same time, their regular structure is particularly suited for parallel execution, and parallelism may give a high efficiency gain. We survey the approaches to parallel execution of recursive queries that have been presented in the recent literature. We observe that research on parallel execution of recursive queries is separated into two distinct subareas, one focused on the transitive closure of Relational Algebra expressions, the other one focused on optimization of more general Datalog queries. Though the subareas seem radically different because of the approach and formalism used, they have many common features. This is not surprising, because most typical Datalog queries can be solved by means of the transitive closure of simple algebraic expressions. We first analyze the relationship between the transitive closure of expressions in Relational Algebra and Datalog programs. We then review sequential methods for evaluating transitive closure, distinguishing iterative and direct methods. We address the parallelization of these methods, by discussing various forms of parallelization. Data fragmentation plays an important role in obtaining parallel execution; we describe hash-based and semantic fragmentation. Finally, we consider Datalog queries, and present general methods for parallel rule execution; we recognize the similarities between these methods and the methods reviewed previously, when the former are applied to linear Datalog queries. We also provide a quantitative analysis that shows the impact of the initial data distribution on the performance of methods

    Algebraic optimization of recursive queries

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    Over the past few years, much attention has been paid to deductive databases. They offer a logic-based interface, and allow formulation of complex recursive queries. However, they do not offer appropriate update facilities, and do not support existing applications. To overcome these problems an SQL-like interface is required besides a logic-based interface.\ud \ud In the PRISMA project we have developed a tightly-coupled distributed database, on a multiprocessor machine, with two user interfaces: SQL and PRISMAlog. Query optimization is localized in one component: the relational query optimizer. Therefore, we have defined an eXtended Relational Algebra that allows recursive query formulation and can also be used for expressing executable schedules, and we have developed algebraic optimization strategies for recursive queries. In this paper we describe an optimization strategy that rewrites regular (in the context of formal grammars) mutually recursive queries into standard Relational Algebra and transitive closure operations. We also describe how to push selections into the resulting transitive closure operations.\ud \ud The reason we focus on algebraic optimization is that, in our opinion, the new generation of advanced database systems will be built starting from existing state-of-the-art relational technology, instead of building a completely new class of systems

    Data fragmentation for parallel transitive closure strategies

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    Addresses the problem of fragmenting a relation to make the parallel computation of the transitive closure efficient, based on the disconnection set approach. To better understand this design problem, the authors focus on transportation networks. These are characterized by loosely interconnected clusters of nodes with a high internal connectivity rate. Three requirements that have to be fulfilled by a fragmentation are formulated, and three different fragmentation strategies are presented, each emphasizing one of these requirements. Some test results are presented to show the performance of the various fragmentation strategie

    Implementation and Performance Evaluation of a Parallel Transitive Closure Algorithms on PRISMA/DB

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    This paper is one of the first to discuss actual implementation of and experimentation with parallel transitive closure operations on a full-fledged relational database system. It brings two research efforts together; the development of an efficient execution strategy for parallel computation of path problems, called Disconnection Set Approach, and the development and implementation of a parallel, main-memory DBMS, called PRISMA/DB. First, we report on the implementation of the disconnection set approach on PRISMA/DB, showing how the latter's design allowed us to easily extend the functionality of the system. Second, we investigate the disconnection set approach's parallel behavior and performance by means of extensive experimentation. It is shown that the parallel implementation of the disconnection set approach yields very good performance characteristics, and that (super)linear speedup w.r.t. a special implementation of semi-naive is achieved for regular, so-called linear fragmenta..

    RDF Querying

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    Reactive Web systems, Web services, and Web-based publish/ subscribe systems communicate events as XML messages, and in many cases require composite event detection: it is not sufficient to react to single event messages, but events have to be considered in relation to other events that are received over time. Emphasizing language design and formal semantics, we describe the rule-based query language XChangeEQ for detecting composite events. XChangeEQ is designed to completely cover and integrate the four complementary querying dimensions: event data, event composition, temporal relationships, and event accumulation. Semantics are provided as model and fixpoint theories; while this is an established approach for rule languages, it has not been applied for event queries before

    CrocoPat 2.1 Introduction and Reference Manual

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    CrocoPat is an efficient, powerful and easy-to-use tool for manipulating relations of arbitrary arity, including directed graphs. This manual provides an introduction to and a reference for CrocoPat and its programming language RML. It includes several application examples, in particular from the analysis of structural models of software systems.Comment: 19 pages + cover, 2 eps figures, uses llncs.cls and cs_techrpt_cover.sty, for downloading the source code, binaries, and RML examples, see http://www.software-systemtechnik.de/CrocoPat

    AiiDA: Automated Interactive Infrastructure and Database for Computational Science

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    Computational science has seen in the last decades a spectacular rise in the scope, breadth, and depth of its efforts. Notwithstanding this prevalence and impact, it is often still performed using the renaissance model of individual artisans gathered in a workshop, under the guidance of an established practitioner. Great benefits could follow instead from adopting concepts and tools coming from computer science to manage, preserve, and share these computational efforts. We illustrate here our paradigm sustaining such vision, based around the four pillars of Automation, Data, Environment, and Sharing. We then discuss its implementation in the open-source AiiDA platform (http://www.aiida.net), that has been tuned first to the demands of computational materials science. AiiDA's design is based on directed acyclic graphs to track the provenance of data and calculations, and ensure preservation and searchability. Remote computational resources are managed transparently, and automation is coupled with data storage to ensure reproducibility. Last, complex sequences of calculations can be encoded into scientific workflows. We believe that AiiDA's design and its sharing capabilities will encourage the creation of social ecosystems to disseminate codes, data, and scientific workflows.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure