2 research outputs found

    Implementation of a high-throughput OFDM system using Graphics Processing Units

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    To verify the performance of communication systems, software and hardware prototypes are widely used. However, with the increasing complexity of communication systems, software prototypes cannot meet the needs of real-time operations while hardware prototypes are expensive and time-consuming to develop. Nowadays, Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) shows great prospect as a coprocessor and has the capability of 1 Tera Floating-Point Operations Per Second (TFLOPS). Besides, programs of GPU are developed in C-language and can be debugged easily with an integrated development environment. This paper presents a novel procedure of using multiple GPUs and multi-thread technology to implement a high-throughput Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) system. Experimental results show the GPU-based prototype is capable of real-time processing and is nearly 512 times faster than the traditional one using Central Processing Unit (CPU). Especially in some operations, GPU can even achieve a significant speedup of more than 1 000 times. ? 2013 IEEE.EI

    HW/SW Co-Design Framework für Hochgeschwindigkeits-OFDM Signalverarbeitung

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    Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein HW/SW Co-Design Framework zur Erstellung angepasster Multiprozessor System-on-Chips entwickelt, womit sich für moderne OFDM-Systeme neue Kompromisse zwischen Leistungsfähigkeit und Flexibilität erzielen lassen. Anhand unterschiedlicher Experimente zur Hochgeschwindigkeits-OFDM Übertragung wurde die Funktionalität der Systeme nachgewiesen sowie Datenraten im Gb/s-Bereich erzielt, was bisher lediglich unflexiblen, dedizierten Schaltkreisen vorbehalten war