19 research outputs found


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    Objective: The aim of the study was to embed sensitive patient information and image data in a cover image to enable secure transmission of confidential data. Methods: Image steganography is a process used to embed (hide with encryption) data which includes text, images or audio, and video files inside the main image file. This embedding is done by altering the values of some pixels which are chosen by the encryption algorithm. The algorithm used in this case is the Discrete Wavelet Transformation Algorithm using MATLAB. Results: Statistical features such as signal to noise ratio (SNR), Peak SNR, and (mean squared error) were extracted from the medical images to test the loss during steganography and transmission. Conclusion: A technique that enables secure and swift image data transmission using image steganography technique is proposed

    An Analysis of LSB

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    CHESTEGA: Steganografi Menggunakan Standar PGN dalam Permainan Catur Berbasis Web

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    Catur merupakan permainan paling popular di dunia, dimainkan oleh jutaan manusia terlepas dari berapa pun usia mereka. Saking populernya permainan ini, selama Perang Dunia II permainan catur sering digunakan sebagai media menyembunyian pesan rahasia oleh para tantara yang kemudian disebut steganografi. Para tentara tersebut mengirim pesan melalui permainan catur menggunakan sebuah notasi untuk menentukan penempatan dan analisis. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Steganografi merupakan seni menyembunyikan pesan rahasia sehingga keberadaan pesan tersebut menjadi tidak dapat diketahui keberadaannya. Hal ini dianggap lebih efektif dibandingkan penyamaran pesan atau disebut juga kriptografi. Seiring berkembangnya teknologi dan informasi, notasi catur tersebut berevolusi menjadi PGN atau Portable Game Notation. PGN bukanlah satu-satunya notasi catur yang ada, tetapi PGN merupakan notasi catur resmi yang paling popular dalam pengkomputerisasian permainan catur. Pada penelitian ini akan membahas tentang Implementasi steganografi pada permainan catur yang diterapkan pada aplikasi berbasis web yang dapat melakukan enkripsi dan dekripsi pesan menggunakan algoritma LSB

    Information Hiding in Images Using Steganography Techniques

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    Innovation of technology and having fast Internet make information to distribute over the world easily and economically. This is made people to worry about their privacy and works. Steganography is a technique that prevents unauthorized users to have access to the important data. The steganography and digital watermarking provide methods that users can hide and mix their information within other information that make them difficult to recognize by attackers. In this paper, we review some techniques of steganography and digital watermarking in both spatial and frequency domains. Also we explain types of host documents and we focused on types of images

    Inernet of Everything: A Solution to Mobile Banking using Voice Recognition

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    The advancement in banking transaction system over the years has been enormous and the needs for identifications of customer s authentication validation and confirmation are of utmost priority and should be dealt with judiciously Mobile banking has emerged as one of the main division in digital world of financial transactions and consists of information inquiry notifications and alerts applications and payment transfer Mobile based application is used for connecting customer handset with bank server for all such services in the banking industry The current trend of Mobile banking as gone beyond the use of One Time Password OTP applications used by banks The problem with current banking applications is that they send data directly to customer in plain text form compromising with security recognised as OTP in most of the online transaction An online banking customer logging in to the bank s website with username and password triggers a request to send an OTP to his or her registered mobile phone or the OTP may not be necessary after one or two transaction There is every likely hold of Mobile phone been stealing access by unauthorised person or being hacked Upon receipt of a text message with the OTP the customer enters it with an additional field on the banking site s login page to complete the login process since your details are already on your phone It could have been fine if the mobile network can act immediately but blocking of network provider involves the presentation of National Identification Number NIN which is a chain reaction The purpose of this research work is to provide cost effective secure fast Mobile banking solution combining features of cryptography as well as behavioural pattern and Interactive Voice Response for final authentication and authorisation of costumer identification in all form of financial transaction

    Evaluation of the Transform Domain DCT and Spatial Domain LSB Steganography Algorithms' Performance

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    Securing data in the modern world is highly important and data encryption is one of the key agents of this mission of securing data. The problem of security of data is because of growth in internet usage and easy availability of the internet. Ensuring the right to privacy and keeping confidential data safe is one of the most important concerns of every means of communication. Steganography is defined as a technique which is used in information security that includes the hiding of data in other data structures so that the information itself cannot be accessed by unauthorized participants. The current paper is aimed to bring a complete review of the steganography algorithms used for hiding the data and for comparing the steganography algorithms in both the spatial and transform domain with the help of effectiveness parameters they have such as average error rate, peak signal to noise ratio, encryption time, & decryption time


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    Di era perkembangan teknologi yang kian pesat saat ini, seluruh aspek kehidupan tidak terlepas dari peran teknologi, khususnya dalam pertukaran informasi. Keamanan dalam pertukaran informasi adalah hal yang patut diperhatikan. Munculnya pihak ketiga, dikhawatirkan melakukan peretasan pada pesan ketika terjadinya pertukaran. Hal ini menjadikan proses enkripsi dan dekripsi data dalam merahasiakan suatu pesan sangatlah penting. Tetapi teknologi kriptografi dirasa masih belum cukup dalam melaksanakan tugas tersebut. Untuk itu diperlukan teknologi steganografi dalam teknik pengamanan pesan. Dalam penelitian ini telah berhasil dibuat suatu implementasi dan kombinasi dari ilmu kriptografi dan steganografi yang optimal dalam pengamanan pesan. Menggunakan algoritma Blowfish dalam proses enkripsi, dikombinasikan dengan menyisipkannya melalui media gambar menggunakan metode Least Significant Bits. Pemrogramannya diolah dalam bahasa pemrograman Java yang cukup populer dan dapat diakses di banyak perangkat teknologi. Hasil Implementasi diuji dengan parameter pengujian PSNR dan pengujian avalanche effect. Dari pengujian didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa implementasi telah berhasil dengan nilai pengujian PSNR berkisar antara 30dB – 40dB dan nilai pengujian avalanche effect berkisar antara 35,94% - 50%. Kata kunci : Kriptografi, Steganografi, Blowfish, LS