3 research outputs found

    Computation of periodic solution bifurcations in ODEs using bordered systems

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    We consider numerical methods for the computation and continuation of the three generic secondary periodic solution bifurcations in autonomous ODEs, namely the fold, the period-doubling (or flip) bifurcation, and the torus (or Neimark–Sacker) bifurcation. In the fold and flip cases we append one scalar equation to the standard periodic BVP that defines the periodic solution; in the torus case four scalar equations are appended. Evaluation of these scalar equations and their derivatives requires the solution of linear BVPs, whose sparsity structure (after discretization) is identical to that of the linearization of the periodic BVP. Therefore the calculations can be done using existing numerical linear algebra techniques, such as those implemented in the software AUTO and COLSYS

    Analysis of Hamiltonian boundary value problems and symplectic integration: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics at Massey University, Manawatu, New Zealand

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    Listed in 2020 Dean's List of Exceptional ThesesCopyright is owned by the Author of the thesis. Permission is given for a copy to be downloaded by an individual for research and private study only. The thesis may not be reproduced elsewhere without the permission of the Author.Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs) arise in most scientific disciplines that make use of mathematical techniques. As exact solutions are in general not computable, numerical methods are used to obtain approximate solutions. In order to draw valid conclusions from numerical computations, it is crucial to understand which qualitative aspects numerical solutions have in common with the exact solution. Symplecticity is a subtle notion that is related to a rich family of geometric properties of Hamiltonian systems. While the effects of preserving symplecticity under discretisation on long-term behaviour of motions is classically well known, in this thesis (a) the role of symplecticity for the bifurcation behaviour of solutions to Hamiltonian boundary value problems is explained. In parameter dependent systems at a bifurcation point the solution set to a boundary value problem changes qualitatively. Bifurcation problems are systematically translated into the framework of classical catastrophe theory. It is proved that existing classification results in catastrophe theory apply to persistent bifurcations of Hamiltonian boundary value problems. Further results for symmetric settings are derived. (b) It is proved that to preserve generic bifurcations under discretisation it is necessary and sufficient to preserve the symplectic structure of the problem. (c) The catastrophe theory framework for Hamiltonian ODEs is extended to PDEs with variational structure. Recognition equations for AA-series singularities for functionals on Banach spaces are derived and used in a numerical example to locate high-codimensional bifurcations. (d) The potential of symplectic integration for infinite-dimensional Lie-Poisson systems (Burgers' equation, KdV, fluid equations,...) using Clebsch variables is analysed. It is shown that the advantages of symplectic integration can outweigh the disadvantages of integrating over a larger phase space introduced by a Clebsch representation. (e) Finally, the preservation of variational structure of symmetric solutions in multisymplectic PDEs by multisymplectic integrators on the example of (phase-rotating) travelling waves in the nonlinear wave equation is discussed