32,031 research outputs found

    EbbRT: Elastic Building Block Runtime - case studies

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    We present a new systems runtime, EbbRT, for cloud hosted applications. EbbRT takes a different approach to the role operating systems play in cloud computing. It supports stitching application functionality across nodes running commodity OSs and nodes running specialized application specific software that only execute what is necessary to accelerate core functions of the application. In doing so, it allows tradeoffs between efficiency, developer productivity, and exploitation of elasticity and scale. EbbRT, as a software model, is a framework for constructing applications as collections of standard application software and Elastic Building Blocks (Ebbs). Elastic Building Blocks are components that encapsulate runtime software objects and are implemented to exploit the raw access, scale and elasticity of IaaS resources to accelerate critical application functionality. This paper presents the EbbRT architecture, our prototype and experimental evaluation of the prototype under three different application scenarios

    EbbRT: Elastic Building Block Runtime - overview

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    EbbRT provides a lightweight runtime that enables the construction of reusable, low-level system software which can integrate with existing, general purpose systems. It achieves this by providing a library that can be linked into a process on an existing OS, and as a small library OS that can be booted directly on an IaaS node

    EbbRT: a framework for building per-application library operating systems

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    Efficient use of high speed hardware requires operating system components be customized to the application work- load. Our general purpose operating systems are ill-suited for this task. We present EbbRT, a framework for constructing per-application library operating systems for cloud applications. The primary objective of EbbRT is to enable high-performance in a tractable and maintainable fashion. This paper describes the design and implementation of EbbRT, and evaluates its ability to improve the performance of common cloud applications. The evaluation of the EbbRT prototype demonstrates memcached, run within a VM, can outperform memcached run on an unvirtualized Linux. The prototype evaluation also demonstrates an 14% performance improvement of a V8 JavaScript engine benchmark, and a node.js webserver that achieves a 50% reduction in 99th percentile latency compared to it run on Linux

    EbbRT: a customizable operating system for cloud applications

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    Efficient use of hardware requires operating system components be customized to the application workload. Our general purpose operating systems are ill-suited for this task. We present Genesis, a new operating system that enables per-application customizations for cloud applications. Genesis achieves this through a novel heterogeneous distributed structure, a partitioned object model, and an event-driven execution environment. This paper describes the design and prototype implementation of Genesis, and evaluates its ability to improve the performance of common cloud applications. The evaluation of the Genesis prototype demonstrates memcached, run within a VM, can outperform memcached run on an unvirtualized Linux. The prototype evaluation also demonstrates an 14% performance improvement of a V8 JavaScript engine benchmark, and a node.js webserver that achieves a 50% reduction in 99th percentile latency compared to it run on Linux

    MCViNE -- An object oriented Monte Carlo neutron ray tracing simulation package

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    MCViNE (Monte-Carlo VIrtual Neutron Experiment) is a versatile Monte Carlo (MC) neutron ray-tracing program that provides researchers with tools for performing computer modeling and simulations that mirror real neutron scattering experiments. By adopting modern software engineering practices such as using composite and visitor design patterns for representing and accessing neutron scatterers, and using recursive algorithms for multiple scattering, MCViNE is flexible enough to handle sophisticated neutron scattering problems including, for example, neutron detection by complex detector systems, and single and multiple scattering events in a variety of samples and sample environments. In addition, MCViNE can take advantage of simulation components in linear-chain-based MC ray tracing packages widely used in instrument design and optimization, as well as NumPy-based components that make prototypes useful and easy to develop. These developments have enabled us to carry out detailed simulations of neutron scattering experiments with non-trivial samples in time-of-flight inelastic instruments at the Spallation Neutron Source. Examples of such simulations for powder and single-crystal samples with various scattering kernels, including kernels for phonon and magnon scattering, are presented. With simulations that closely reproduce experimental results, scattering mechanisms can be turned on and off to determine how they contribute to the measured scattering intensities, improving our understanding of the underlying physics.Comment: 34 pages, 14 figure

    Object oriented design of a thermo-mechanical FEM code

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    An object oriented design is presented for a computer program that can perform\ud thermo-mechanically coupled analyzes. The target of the design is a \ud exible and robust\ud computer program. It should be easy to adapt and extend, re-using existing code, without\ud interfering with already established algorithms.\ud The program uses publicly available toolkits that are currently emerging as C++ pack-\ud ages. First of all the Standard C++ Library (formerly Standard Template Library) is\ud used for packing items in container classes. Secondly the matrix and vector operations\ud are derived from the Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) and �nally (not essentially for\ud the numerical part) a graphical user interface is made, based on the wxWindows package,\ud that can generate a GUI for Motif and MS-Windows with the same code.\ud Attention is given to the design of classes such as speci�c elements and material classes\ud based on more general classes. A hierarchy of classes is constructed where general behavior\ud is put high in the hierarchy and speci�c behavior low. The choice between inheritance and\ud aggregation is made at several levels

    Levels of control during a collaborative carrying task

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    Three experiments investigated the effect of implementing low-level aspects of motor control for a collaborative carrying task within a VE interface, leaving participants free to devote their cognitive resources to the higher-level components of the task. In the task, participants collaborated with an autonomous virtual human in an immersive virtual environment (VE) to carry an object along a predefined path. In experiment 1, participants took up to three times longer to perform the task with a conventional VE interface, in which they had to explicitly coordinate their hand and body movements, than with an interface that controlled the low-level tasks of grasping and holding onto the virtual object. Experiments 2 and 3 extended the study to include the task of carrying an object along a path that contained obstacles to movement. By allowing participants' virtual arms to stretch slightly, the interface software was able to take over some aspects of obstacle avoidance (another low-level task), and this led to further significant reductions in the time that participants took to perform the carrying task. Improvements in performance also occurred when participants used a tethered viewpoint to control their movements because they could see their immediate surroundings in the VEs. This latter finding demonstrates the superiority of a tethered view perspective to a conventional, human'seye perspective for this type of task

    NFV Based Gateways for Virtualized Wireless Sensors Networks: A Case Study

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    Virtualization enables the sharing of a same wireless sensor network (WSN) by multiple applications. However, in heterogeneous environments, virtualized wireless sensor networks (VWSN) raises new challenges such as the need for on-the-fly, dynamic, elastic and scalable provisioning of gateways. Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is an emerging paradigm that can certainly aid in tackling these new challenges. It leverages standard virtualization technology to consolidate special-purpose network elements on top of commodity hardware. This article presents a case study on NFV based gateways for VWSNs. In the study, a VWSN gateway provider, operates and manages an NFV based infrastructure. We use two different brands of wireless sensors. The NFV infrastructure makes possible the dynamic, elastic and scalable deployment of gateway modules in this heterogeneous VWSN environment. The prototype built with Openstack as platform is described

    ClouNS - A Cloud-native Application Reference Model for Enterprise Architects

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    The capability to operate cloud-native applications can generate enormous business growth and value. But enterprise architects should be aware that cloud-native applications are vulnerable to vendor lock-in. We investigated cloud-native application design principles, public cloud service providers, and industrial cloud standards. All results indicate that most cloud service categories seem to foster vendor lock-in situations which might be especially problematic for enterprise architectures. This might sound disillusioning at first. However, we present a reference model for cloud-native applications that relies only on a small subset of well standardized IaaS services. The reference model can be used for codifying cloud technologies. It can guide technology identification, classification, adoption, research and development processes for cloud-native application and for vendor lock-in aware enterprise architecture engineering methodologies