510 research outputs found

    Interstellar: Using Halide's Scheduling Language to Analyze DNN Accelerators

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    We show that DNN accelerator micro-architectures and their program mappings represent specific choices of loop order and hardware parallelism for computing the seven nested loops of DNNs, which enables us to create a formal taxonomy of all existing dense DNN accelerators. Surprisingly, the loop transformations needed to create these hardware variants can be precisely and concisely represented by Halide's scheduling language. By modifying the Halide compiler to generate hardware, we create a system that can fairly compare these prior accelerators. As long as proper loop blocking schemes are used, and the hardware can support mapping replicated loops, many different hardware dataflows yield similar energy efficiency with good performance. This is because the loop blocking can ensure that most data references stay on-chip with good locality and the processing units have high resource utilization. How resources are allocated, especially in the memory system, has a large impact on energy and performance. By optimizing hardware resource allocation while keeping throughput constant, we achieve up to 4.2X energy improvement for Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), 1.6X and 1.8X improvement for Long Short-Term Memories (LSTMs) and multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs), respectively.Comment: Published as a conference paper at ASPLOS 202

    Reconfigurable acceleration of Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have been successful in a wide range of applications involving temporal sequences such as natural language processing, speech recognition and video analysis. However, RNNs often require a significant amount of memory and computational resources. In addition, the recurrent nature and data dependencies in RNN computations can lead to system stall, resulting in low throughput and high latency. This work describes novel parallel hardware architectures for accelerating RNN inference using Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology, which considers the data dependencies and high computational costs of RNNs. The first contribution of this thesis is a latency-hiding architecture that utilizes column-wise matrix-vector multiplication instead of the conventional row-wise operation to eliminate data dependencies and improve the throughput of RNN inference designs. This architecture is further enhanced by a configurable checkerboard tiling strategy which allows large dimensions of weight matrices, while supporting element-based parallelism and vector-based parallelism. The presented reconfigurable RNN designs show significant speedup over CPU, GPU, and other FPGA designs. The second contribution of this thesis is a weight reuse approach for large RNN models with weights stored in off-chip memory, running with a batch size of one. A novel blocking-batching strategy is proposed to optimize the throughput of large RNN designs on FPGAs by reusing the RNN weights. Performance analysis is also introduced to enable FPGA designs to achieve the best trade-off between area, power consumption and performance. Promising power efficiency improvement has been achieved in addition to speeding up over CPU and GPU designs. The third contribution of this thesis is a low latency design for RNNs based on a partially-folded hardware architecture. It also introduces a technique that balances initiation interval of multi-layer RNN inferences to increase hardware efficiency and throughput while reducing latency. The approach is evaluated on a variety of applications, including gravitational wave detection and Bayesian RNN-based ECG anomaly detection. To facilitate the use of this approach, we open source an RNN template which enables the generation of low-latency FPGA designs with efficient resource utilization using high-level synthesis tools.Open Acces
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