24 research outputs found

    Capsule endoscopy system with novel imaging algorithms

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    Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) is a state-of-the-art technology to receive images of human intestine for medical diagnostics. In WCE, the patient ingests a specially designed electronic capsule which has imaging and wireless transmission capabilities inside it. While the capsule travels through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, it captures images and sends them wirelessly to an outside data logger unit. The data logger stores the image data and then they are transferred to a personal computer (PC) where the images are reconstructed and displayed for diagnosis. The key design challenge in WCE is to reduce the area and power consumption of the capsule while maintaining acceptable image reconstruction. In this research, the unique properties of WCE images are identified by analyzing hundreds of endoscopic images and video frames, and then these properties are used to develop novel and low complexity compression algorithms tailored for capsule endoscopy. The proposed image compressor consists of a new YEF color space converter, lossless prediction coder, customizable chrominance sub-sampler and an efficient Golomb-Rice encoder. The scheme has both lossy and lossless modes and is further customized to work with two lighting modes – conventional white light imaging (WLI) and emerging narrow band imaging (NBI). The average compression ratio achieved using the proposed lossy compression algorithm is 80.4% for WBI and 79.2% for NBI with high reconstruction quality index for both bands. Two surveys have been conducted which show that the reconstructed images have high acceptability among medical imaging doctors and gastroenterologists. The imaging algorithms have been realized in hardware description language (HDL) and their functionalities have been verified in field programmable gate array (FPGA) board. Later it was implemented in a 0.18 μm complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology and the chip was fabricated. Due to the low complexity of the core compressor, it consumes only 43 µW of power and 0.032 mm2 of area. The compressor is designed to work with commercial low-power image sensor that outputs image pixels in raster scan fashion, eliminating the need of significant input buffer memory. To demonstrate the advantage, a prototype of the complete WCE system including an FPGA based electronic capsule, a microcontroller based data logger unit and a Windows based image reconstruction software have been developed. The capsule contains the proposed low complexity image compressor and can generate both lossy and lossless compressed bit-stream. The capsule prototype also supports both white light imaging (WLI) and narrow band imaging (NBI) imaging modes and communicates with the data logger in full duplex fashion, which enables configuring the image size and imaging mode in real time during the examination. The developed data logger is portable and has a high data rate wireless connectivity including Bluetooth, graphical display for real time image viewing with state-of-the-art touch screen technology. The data are logged in micro SD cards and can be transferred to PC or Smartphone using card reader, USB interface, or Bluetooth wireless link. The workstation software can decompress and show the reconstructed images. The images can be navigated, marked, zoomed and can be played as video. Finally, ex-vivo testing of the WCE system has been done in pig's intestine to validate its performance


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    Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) is a non-invasive technology for capturing images of a human digestive system for medical diagnostics purpose. With WCE, the patient swallows a miniature capsule with camera, data processing unit, RF transmitter and batteries. The capsule captures and transmits images wirelessly from inside the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The external data logger worn by the patient stores the images and is later on transferred to a computer for presentation and image analysis. In this research, we designed and built a Wi-Fi based, low cost, miniature, versatile wearable data logger. The data logger is used with Wi-Fi enabled smart devices, smart phones and data servers to store and present images captured by capsule. The proposed data logger is designed to work with wireless capsule endoscopy and other biosensors like- temperature and heart rate sensors. The data logger is small enough to carry and conduct daily activities, and the patient do not need to carry traditional bulky data recorder all the time during diagnosis. The doctors can remotely access data and analyze the images from capsule endoscopy using remote access feature of the data logger. Smartphones and tablets have extensive processing power with expandable memory. This research exploits those capabilities to use with wireless capsule endoscopy and medical data logging applications. The application- specific data recorders are replaced by the proposed Wi-Fi data logger and smartphone. The data processing application is distributed on smart devices like smartphone /tablets and data logger. Once data are stored in smart devices, the data can be accessed remotely, distributed to the cloud and shared within networks to enable telemedicine. The data logger can work in both standalone and network mode. In the normal mode of the device, data logger stores medical data locally into a micro Secure Digital card for future download using the universal serial bus to the computer. In network mode, the real-time data is streamed into a smartphone and tablet for further processing and storage. The proposed Wi-Fi based data logger is prototyped in the lab and tested with the capsule hardware developed in our laboratory. The supporting Android app is also developed to collect data from the data logger and present the processed data to the viewer. The PC based software is also developed to access the data recorder and capture and download data from the data logger in real-time remotely. Both in vivo and ex vivo trials using live pig have been conducted to validate the performance of the proposed device

    Conformal antenna-based wireless telemetry system for capsule endoscopy

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    Capsule endoscopy for imaging the gastrointestinal tract is an innovative tool for carrying out medical diagnosis and therapy. Additional modalities beyond optical imaging would enhance current capabilities at the expense of denser integration, due to the limited space available within the capsule. We therefore need new designs and technologies to increase the smartness of the capsules for a given volume. This thesis presents the design, manufacture and performance characterisation of a helical antenna placed conformally outside an endoscopic capsule, and the characterisation in-silico, in-vitro and in-vivo of the telemetry system in alive and euthanised pigs. This method does not use the internal volume of the capsule, but does use an extra coating to protect the antenna from the surrounding tissue and maintain biocompatibility for safe use inside the human body. The helical antenna, radiating at 433 MHz with a bandwidth of 20 MHz within a muscle-type tissue, presents a low gain and efficiency, which is typical for implantable and ingestible medical devices. Telemetry capsule prototypes were simulated, manufactured and assembled with the necessary internal electronics, including a commercially available transceiver unit. Thermistors were embedded into each capsule shell, to record any temperature increase in the tissue surrounding the antenna during the experiments. A temperature increase of less than 1°C was detected for the tissue surrounding the antenna. The process of coating the biocompatible insulation layer over the full length of the capsule is described in detail. Data transmission programmes were established to send programmed data packets to an external receiver. The prototypes radiated at different power levels ranging from -10 to 10 dBm, and all capsules demonstrated a satisfactory performance at a data rate of 16 kbps during phantom and in-vivo experiments. Data transmission was achieved with low bit-error rates below 10-5. A low signal strength of only -54 dBm still provided effective data transfer, irrespective of the orientation and location of the capsule, and this successfully demonstrated the feasibility of the system

    Development of electronics for microultrasound capsule endoscopy

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    Development of intracorporeal devices has surged in the last decade due to advancements in the semiconductor industry, energy storage and low-power sensing systems. This work aims to present a thorough systematic overview and exploration of the microultrasound (µUS) capsule endoscopy (CE) field as the development of electronic components will be key to a successful applicable µUSCE device. The research focused on investigating and designing high-voltage (HV, < 36 V) generating and driving circuits as well as a low-noise amplifier (LNA) for battery-powered and volume-limited systems. In implantable applications, HV generation with maximum efficiency is required to improve the operational lifetime whilst reducing the cost of the device. A fully integrated hybrid (H) charge pump (CP) comprising a serial-parallel (SP) stage was designed and manufactured for > 20 V and 0 - 100 µA output capabilities. The results were compared to a Dickson (DKCP) occupying the same chip area; further improvements in the SPCP topology were explored and a new switching scheme for SPCPs was introduced. A second regulated CP version was excogitated and manufactured to use with an integrated µUS pulse generator. The CP was manufactured and tested at different output currents and capacitive loads; its operation with an US pulser was evaluated and a novel self-oscillating CP mechanism to eliminate the need of an auxiliary clock generator with a minimum area overhead was devised. A single-output universal US pulser was designed, manufactured and tested with 1.5 MHz, 3 MHz, and 28 MHz arrays to achieve a means of fully-integrated, low-power transducer driving. The circuit was evaluated for power consumption and pulse generation capabilities with different loads. Pulse-echo measurements were carried out and compared with those from a commercial US research system to characterise and understand the quality of the generated pulse. A second pulser version for a 28 MHz array was derived to allow control of individual elements. The work involved its optimisation methodology and design of a novel HV feedback-based level-shifter. A low-noise amplifier (LNA) was designed for a wide bandwidth µUS array with a centre frequency of 28 MHz. The LNA was based on an energy-efficient inverter architecture. The circuit encompassed a full power-down functionality and was investigated for a self-biased operation to achieve lower chip area. The explored concepts enable realisation of low power and high performance LNAs for µUS frequencies

    Advances in Bioengineering

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    The technological approach and the high level of innovation make bioengineering extremely dynamic and this forces researchers to continuous updating. It involves the publication of the results of the latest scientific research. This book covers a wide range of aspects and issues related to advances in bioengineering research with a particular focus on innovative technologies and applications. The book consists of 13 scientific contributions divided in four sections: Materials Science; Biosensors. Electronics and Telemetry; Light Therapy; Computing and Analysis Techniques

    Mechanical Circulatory Support in End-Stage Heart Failure

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    Medical Robotics

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    The first generation of surgical robots are already being installed in a number of operating rooms around the world. Robotics is being introduced to medicine because it allows for unprecedented control and precision of surgical instruments in minimally invasive procedures. So far, robots have been used to position an endoscope, perform gallbladder surgery and correct gastroesophogeal reflux and heartburn. The ultimate goal of the robotic surgery field is to design a robot that can be used to perform closed-chest, beating-heart surgery. The use of robotics in surgery will expand over the next decades without any doubt. Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) is a revolutionary approach in surgery. In MIS, the operation is performed with instruments and viewing equipment inserted into the body through small incisions created by the surgeon, in contrast to open surgery with large incisions. This minimizes surgical trauma and damage to healthy tissue, resulting in shorter patient recovery time. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the state-of-art, to present new ideas, original results and practical experiences in this expanding area. Nevertheless, many chapters in the book concern advanced research on this growing area. The book provides critical analysis of clinical trials, assessment of the benefits and risks of the application of these technologies. This book is certainly a small sample of the research activity on Medical Robotics going on around the globe as you read it, but it surely covers a good deal of what has been done in the field recently, and as such it works as a valuable source for researchers interested in the involved subjects, whether they are currently “medical roboticists” or not

    Masterpieces of Swiss Entrepreneurship

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    This open access book focuses on Switzerland-based medium-sized companies with a longstanding export tradition and a proven dominance in global niche markets. Based upon in-depth documentation and analysis of 36 Swiss companies over their entire history, an expert team of authors presents several parallels in the pathways and success factors which allowed these firms to become dominant and operate from a high-cost location such as Switzerland. The book enhances these insights by providing detailed company profiles documenting the company history, development, and how their relevant global niche positions were reached. Readers will benefit from these profiles as they compile a diverse selection of industries, mainly active within the B2B sector, with mostly mature companies (60 years to older than 100 years since founding) and different types of ownership structures including family firms. ‘Masterpieces of Swiss Entrepreneurship’ brings unique learning opportunities to owners and leaders of SMEs in Switzerland and elsewhere. Findings are based on detailed bottom-up research of 36 companies -- without any preconceived notions. The book is both conceptual and practical. It fosters understanding for different choices in development pathways and management practices. Matti Alahuhta, Chairman DevCo Partners, ex-CEO Kone, Board member of several global listed companies, Helsinki, Finland Start-up entrepreneurs need proven models from industry which demonstrate the various paths to success. “Masterpieces of Swiss Entrepreneurship” provides deep insights highlighting these models and the important trade-offs entrepreneurial teams must consider when choosing the path of high growth or of maximum control, as they are often mutually exclusive. Gina Domanig, Managing Partner, Emerald Technology Ventures, Zurich