422,674 research outputs found

    For a Fee: The Impact of Information Pricing Strategy on the Pattern and Effectiveness of Word-of-Mouth via Social Media

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    With the new realities of the digital age, print newspapers are experimenting with different pricing models for their online content. Using NYT’s paywall rollout as a natural experiment, our study finds that a firm’s information pricing policy influences the pattern and effectiveness of online word of mouth (WOM) in social media. Using difference-in-difference-in-differences analysis, we find that implementing a paywall (i.e., charging for the content which was earlier available for free) has a disproportionate impact on the WOM for popular and niche articles, creating a longer tail in the content sharing distribution. Further, we find that the impact of WOM on NYT’s website traffic weakens significantly after the introduction of NYT’s paywall. These results show that information pricing strategy has implications for product and promotion strategies. The study offers novel and important implications for the theory and practice of strategic use of social media and information pricing strategy

    Investigation of the Effects of Social Capital on Information/Knowledge-Sharing Behavior that Drives Gen Z Purchase Intentions through Social Commerce

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    This study investigates the impact of social capital theory in social networks on consumer decision-making, highlighting the importance of product features and peer preferences. It identifies a research gap in understanding the effects of structural, relational, and cognitive capital, emphasizing the need for further exploration. The study also examines the relationship between information sharing and purchase intention, addressing a previously neglected area. Additionally, it explores how age and gender, influence consumer characteristics. The empirical data collected from 223 respondents who buy consumer goods through social media as part of the millennial generation through an online survey is analyzed using SEM. Results indicate that structural, cognitive, and relational capital influence the exchange of information. The behavior of sharing information indicates that the more people who provide positive information about a consumer goods product, the higher the intention to buy, it is anticipated that the company will increase its promotion on Twitter and Instagram. This is due to the fact that many consumers use the platform in their daily lives and consumers desire to always be willing to share the information they possess. Moreover, younger women are more inclined to share information based on their age and gender characteristics

    WOM Or eWOM, Is There A Difference?: An Extension of the Social Communication Theory to Consumer Purchase Related Attitudes

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    While traditional word of mouth (WOM) and electronic word of mouth (eWOM) have both been shown to highly impact consumer behavior, there is a deficit in our knowledge of how they compare to one another. My dissertation research addresses the lack of empirical studies that compare WOM promotion in the form of face-to-face interaction to eWOM promotion in the form of computer-mediated communication, especially using Web 2.0 technologies. This research tests the assumption that WOM is superior to eWOM and, if so, how to extend eWOM to improve its performance against WOM. Essay One introduces a proposed conceptual framework to differentiate WOM and eWOM based on Social Communication Theory. The overall conceptual model was derived from a qualitative research study that was used to explore and define the concepts, media types, and application of WOM and eWOM using a diverse panel of consumers. Essay Two describes an experiment that was conducted to empirically test whether WOM impacts important marketing outcomes differently than eWOM using an ecologically valid research procedure. Essay Two further explores mediation using social communication elements as the underlying explanatory mechanism for the relative impact of WOM and eWOM on consumers’ attitude toward a message, attitude toward a product, and purchase intention. The results revealed that WOM has a significantly higher impact than eWOM on consumer purchase-related attitudes. The posited social communication framework did mediate or explain the relative difference between WOM and eWOM on the outcomes variables. Essay Three investigates the robustness of the findings through a set of replication studies that test the effects across small and large sample sizes and across different methods of analysis. The results indicated that WOM showed a significant and consistently higher impact than eWOM across both replication studies. The third essay also examines factors that were influential in closing the relative gap between WOM and eWOM by introducing a third concept based on the Hyperpersonal Model of Communication Theory. This research is important as it seeks to understand how consumers communicate in this digital age and why there is an evolution of the sharing of product information that leads to key managerial, theoretical, and methodological implications


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    His research discusses Dailyhotels.id as a media service to increase partner hotel promotion. Through the media and creative content created, it helps partner hotels excel and stand out among the many existing hotels. Researchers use one of the marketing formulas that are trending in the digital age, namely the AISAS model. This study aims to determine whether the strategies used by Dailyhotels.id in building brand reputation also include the AISAS model (attention, interest, search, action, share). This research uses a qualitative approach and data collection techniques in this study using structured interviews with Dailyhotels.id business actors, namely Founder, marcomm, social media team and marcomm hotel partners. The results of the study were tested using the triangulation technique and tested qualitatively. The results of this study indicate that the use of social media and websites by paying attention to every detail of the content or information uploaded has a significant impact on business partners and the audience. Dailyhotels.id has implemented the AISAS model at each stage as a strategy to build brand reputation. However, the author found that this AISAS model is very flexible because business partners do not always follow the five steps in this order.Penelitian ini membahas terkait Dailyhotels.id sebagai layanan media untuk meningkatkan promosi hotel partner. Melalui media dan konten kreatif yang dibuat, membantu hotel partner lebih unggul dan menonjol di antara banyaknya hotel yang ada. Peneliti menggunakan salah satu formula marketing yang sedang tren di zaman digital yaitu model AISAS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah strategi yang digunakan Dailyhotels.id dalam membangun reputasi brand juga mencakup model AISAS (attention, interest, search, action, share). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini mengunakan wawancara terstruktur dengan pelaku usaha Dailyhotels.id yaitu Founder, marcomm, social media team dan marcomm hotel partner. Hasil penelitian diuji dengan Teknik triangulasi dan diuji secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan sosial media dan website dengan memperhatikan setiap detail konten atau informasi yang diunggah memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan bagi mitra bisnis dan audience. Dailyhotels.id telah mengimplementasikan model AISAS di setiap tahapan sebagai strategi untuk membangun reputasi brand. Namun, penulis menemukan bahwa model AISAS ini sangat fleksibel karena mitra bisnis tidak selalu mengikuti lima langkah dalam urutan ini

    Do adolescent patients have a right to be informed about fertility preservation options by virtue of the Conventions on the Rights of the Child?

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    The 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child not only states that children should be heard in matters of their concern according to their age and maturity, but also that children should have a right to have access to information. However, when it comes to medical indications, a consensus has not been reached on whether parents should disclose healthcare complications to their adolescent child. Adolescent disclosure becomes even more controversial when related to non-lifesaving procedures. In the United States, one child in 285 children is diagnosed with cancer every year, but thanks to improvements in medicine, the likelihood of survival has dramatically improved. However, cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation, are likely to affect their fertility later in their lives. Preventive medicine offers procedures to prevent this issue. Yet, if parents decline either disclosure or discussions, adolescent patients will have this possibility denied. As demonstrated by articles that have shown the impact of infertility on sexual well-being and happiness in adults, these patients may experience depression, anxiety, and lower self-esteem at a higher rate. By virtue of Article 17 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, this essay aims to investigate if adolescents have a right to obtain information, not only through mass media, but also from their parents when disclosure “aims at the promotion of his or her social, [
] well-being and physical and mental health” and if being informed is within their best interest taking into consideration their age and maturity

    Utilization of Media-Driven Technology for Health Promotion and Risk Reduction among American Indian and Alaska Native Young Adults: An Exploratory Study

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    Across the developmental spectrum, American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) adolescents and young adults experience considerable behavioral and mental health disparities, including substance abuse, depression, and engagement in sexual behaviors which enhance risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Health-focused interventions utilizing digital and media technology hold significant promise among tribal communities, as they have the capacity to eliminate geography-based barriers. Utilizing a sample of 210 self-identified AI/AN students attending tribal colleges, this study identified the most effective technologies and intervention strategies, as well as health seeking patterns and preferences, which may impact implementation and sustainable use in tribal settings. The use of technology was both diverse and pervasive among AI/AN young adults, mirroring or exceeding patterns of young adults from the broader population. These data suggest that technology-based interventions may effectively deliver information, resources, and behavior change tools to AI/AN young adults, particularly when reflecting their unique worldviews and social contexts

    In their own words: A qualitative study exploring influences on the food choices of university students

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    Issue addressed: University students generally make independent decisions regarding food choices. Current research about knowledge of Australian Dietary Guidelines (ADG), sources of nutrition information and influences on food choices for this group is scarce. Methods: Qualitative data were collected from gender‐separated focus groups comprising four female (n = 31) and four male (n = 18) to identify: knowledge of ADG; sources of nutrition information; factors that influence food choices; perceived relevant nutrition messages and how best to deliver them. Results: Gaps in knowledge were identified particularly regarding number of serves and serving size for food groups. Social media was the most commonly reported source of knowledge. Social media was also a major influence on food choice due to its impact on body ideals. Conclusion: Current health promotion nutrition messages were perceived irrelevant given the focus on long‐term health risks. Health and adhering to the ADG were not identified as important. The desire to look a particular way was the major influence on food choices. So what? While there is an awareness of ADG, our participants made a deliberate decision not to follow them. This provides a challenge for developing relevant preventive health messages for this target audience
