13 research outputs found

    How to deal with Engineering-to-Order Product/System Configuration?

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    This paper considers the configuration of physical systems in a business to business environment (machine tool, aerospace equipment, cranes ...). In this kind of business, knowledge-based configuration software are frequently used when dealing with Assemble/Make-To-Order or (Configure-To-Order (CTO)) situations where the entire customer’s requirements can be fulfilled with standard systems. However, in Engineer-To-Order (ETO) situations where non-standard systems must be designed in order to fulfill the entire customers’ requirements, existing knowledge-based configuration software cannot be used. In fact, the configuration hypothesis state that all configured systems are assembled from standard sub-systems and components. The aim of this paper is therefore to investigate how the existing products/systems configuration hypothesis, problems’ definitions, and models can be modified or adapted in order to allow the use of configuration software in ETO situations. In this purpose, first, the main differences between standard and non-standard systems are analyzed. Then, six cases of systems configuration that differentiate CTO from ETO are identified and discussed. Finally, some Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP) based modeling extensions are proposed to allow the use of configuration software in these situations

    Configuration Lifecycle Management – Future of Product Configurators

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    Configuration Lifecycle Management – An Assessment of the Benefits Based on Maturity

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    Cost at Risk (CaR): a methodology for costing under uncertainty

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    Paper aims: This paper proposes Cost at Risk (CaR), a concept and a methodology that allows the computation of the risk of cost estimations within a costing system by means of the Monte Carlo Simulation, considering a predefined level of confidence and considering the worst expected result in terms of cost in a certain period. Originality: Traditionally, researchers and practitioners have been focused on deterministic costing models without recognizing and managing cost uncertainty. The proposed methodology is based on five steps that go from the determination of the parameters that generate uncertainty to the estimation of the risk. Research method: A Design Science Research (DSR) approach was followed based on mathematical modeling and computer simulation. Main findings: The model was applied to the imaging area of a hospital allowing to identify and quantify the risk of the most relevant costs and therefore, supporting the design and implementation of both operational and strategic decisions. Implications for theory and practice: The main contribution is the inclusion in costing systems of the uncertainty inherent in the estimation of costs, particularly in complex environments.- (undefined

    Keinot suunnittelun tehokkuuden kasvattamiseksi: Kuljettimen modulaarisen jakotavan suunnittelu

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    Modulaarisuus ja konfigurointi räätälöitävien tuotteiden suunnittelussa ovat nousseet entistä enemmän esiin, kun yritykset pyrkivät säilyttämään kilpailukykynsä kiristyvässä kilpailutilanteessa. Tässä diplomityössä tehdään laitesuunnittelun toiminnan nykytilan analysointi systeemiajattelun keinoin, jotta suunnittelun pullonkaulat sekä riippuvuussuhteet muihin liiketoiminnan prosesseihin pystyttäisiin tunnistamaan. Työssä on tutkittu projektiliiketoiminnan suunnittelun kehittämisen keinoja, joita sovelletaan valitulla tuotekokonaisuudella. Työssä keskitytään modulaarisuuteen ja konfigurointiin sekä niiden vaikutuksiin asiakasräätälöitävissä tuotteissa, ja hahmotellaan moduulijärjestelmän jakotapa hihnakuljettimen tuoteperheelle sekä arvioidaan sen liiketoimintavaikutuksia. Lopussa tehdään lyhyt katsaus yrityksen tuotetiedonhallinnan tapoihin, missä tarkoituksena on tutkia, miten tuotetietoa voitaisiin käsitellä nykyisillä järjestelmillä. Työ toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena kohdeyrityksen suunnittelutoiminnossa. Tutkimus alkoi kirjallisuuskatsauksella, jonka avulla luotiin perusta tutkimuksen suorittamiselle. Teoriaosuus koostuu projektituotteiden sekä niiden kehittämiseen liittyvistä teorioista, joita ovat standardointi, kokoluokat, suunnitteluautomaatio, modulaarisuus, tuoteperhe ja konfigurointi. Nykytilan tarkastelun apukeinoja käsitellään teoriaosuuden lopussa. Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi ymmärrys laitesuunnitteluun vaikuttavista tekijöistä sekä riippuvuussuhteista. Tuotetiedon sekä -portfolioiden hallinnan tärkeyttä korostetaan tämän tutkimuksen tuloksiin pohjautuen. Suunnittelun tehostamiseksi löydettiin joukko keinoja, joita hyödynnettiin moduulijärjestelmän jakotavan hahmottelemiseen sekä liiketoimintavaikutuksien arvioimiseen. Tuotetiedonhallinnan keinoja kuvattiin lyhyesti.Modularity and configuration in the design of customizable products have intrigued companies as they strive to maintain competitiveness in an increasingly competitive environment. In this thesis, an analysis of the current status of equipment design operations is carried out using systems thinking, in order to identify bottlenecks and dependencies in the design process on other business’ processes. The means of developing design activities in the projects have been studied and later implemented with the selected product family. The thesis focuses on modularity and configuration and on their effects in mass customized products. It defines ways to implement modularity in industrial belt conveyor product family and evaluates the business impacts. At the end, a brief overview of the company’s product information management methods is given to solve how product information could be processed with current systems. The thesis was carried out as a case study in the design function of the target company. The research started with a literature review which was used to create a basis for conducting the research. The theory part consists of theories related to project products and their development methods such as standardization, size range, design automation, modularity, product family and configuration. Aids for examining the current situation have also been discussed at the end of the theory section. As a result of the research, an understanding of the factors influencing equipment design activities and the interdependencies between other business processes was born. The importance of product managing product information and product portfolios is emphasized based on the findings of this study. Several improvement methods for improving design efficiency were found. Those were used to design the module system and to evaluate the business effects. The methods of product information management in the company were described briefly