7 research outputs found

    Impact of degree truncation on the spread of a contagious process on networks

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    Understanding how person-to-person contagious processes spread through a population requires accurate information on connections between population members. However, such connectivity data, when collected via interview, is often incomplete due to partial recall, respondent fatigue or study design, e.g., fixed choice designs (FCD) truncate out-degree by limiting the number of contacts each respondent can report. Past research has shown how FCD truncation affects network properties, but its implications for predicted speed and size of spreading processes remain largely unexplored. To study the impact of degree truncation on predictions of spreading process outcomes, we generated collections of synthetic networks containing specific properties (degree distribution, degree-assortativity, clustering), and also used empirical social network data from 75 villages in Karnataka, India. We simulated FCD using various truncation thresholds and ran a susceptible-infectious-recovered (SIR) process on each network. We found that spreading processes propagated on truncated networks resulted in slower and smaller epidemics, with a sudden decrease in prediction accuracy at a level of truncation that varied by network type. Our results have implications beyond FCD to truncation due to any limited sampling from a larger network. We conclude that knowledge of network structure is important for understanding the accuracy of predictions of process spread on degree truncated networks

    Efficient vaccination strategies for epidemic control using network information

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    Background: Network-based interventions against epidemic spread are most powerful when the full network structure is known. However, in practice, resource constraints require decisions to be made based on partial network information. We investigated how the accuracy of network data available at individual and village levels affected network-based vaccination effectiveness. / Methods: We simulated a Susceptible-Infected-Recovered process on static empirical social networks from 75 rural Indian villages. First, we used regression analysis to predict the percentage of individuals ever infected (cumulative incidence) based on village-level network properties for simulated datasets from 10 representative villages. Second, we simulated vaccinating 10% of each of the 75 empirical village networks at baseline, selecting vaccinees through one of five network-based approaches: random individuals (Random); random contacts of random individuals (Nomination); random high-degree individuals (High Degree); highest degree individuals (Highest Degree); or most central individuals (Central). The first three approaches require only sample data; the latter two require full network data. We also simulated imposing a limit on how many contacts an individual can nominate (Fixed Choice Design, FCD), which reduces the data collection burden but generates only partially observed networks. / Results: In regression analysis, we found mean and standard deviation of the degree distribution to strongly predict cumulative incidence. In simulations, the Nomination method reduced cumulative incidence by one-sixth compared to Random vaccination; full network methods reduced infection by two-thirds. The High Degree approach had intermediate effectiveness. Somewhat surprisingly, FCD truncating individuals’ degrees at three was as effective as using complete networks. / Conclusions: Using even partial network information to prioritize vaccines at either the village or individual level, i.e. determine the optimal order of communities or individuals within each village, substantially improved epidemic outcomes. Such approaches may be feasible and effective in outbreak settings, and full ascertainment of network structure may not be required

    Impact of degree truncation on the spread of a contagious process on networks

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