4,596 research outputs found

    A Framework for Developing and Integrating Effective Routing Strategies Within the Emergency Management Decision-Support System, Research Report 11-12

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    This report describes the modeling, calibration, and validation of a VISSIM traffic-flow simulation of the San José, California, downtown network and examines various evacuation scenarios and first-responder routings to assess strategies that would be effective in the event of a no-notice disaster. The modeled network required a large amount of data on network geometry, signal timings, signal coordination schemes, and turning-movement volumes. Turning-movement counts at intersections were used to validate the network with the empirical formula-based measure known as the GEH statistic. Once the base network was tested and validated, various scenarios were modeled to estimate evacuation and emergency vehicle arrival times. Based on these scenarios, a variety of emergency plans for San José’s downtown traffic circulation were tested and validated. The model could be used to evaluate scenarios in other communities by entering their community-specific data

    The Impact of Situational Complexity and Familiarity on Takeover Quality in Uncritical Highly Automated Driving Scenarios

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    In the development of highly automated driving systems (L3 and 4), much research has been done on the subject of driver takeover. Strong focus has been placed on the takeover quality. Previous research has shown that one of the main influencing factors is the complexity of a traffic situation that has not been sufficiently addressed so far, as different approaches towards complexity exist. This paper differentiates between the objective complexity and the subjectively perceived complexity. In addition, the familiarity with a takeover situation is examined. Gold et al. show that repetition of takeover scenarios strongly influences the take-over performance. Yet, both complexity and familiarity have not been considered at the same time. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to examine the impact of objective complexity and familiarity on the subjectively perceived complexity and the resulting takeover quality. In a driving simulator study, participants are requested to take over vehicle control in an uncritical situation. Familiarity and objective complexity are varied by the number of surrounding vehicles and scenario repetitions. Subjective complexity is measured using the NASA-TLX; the takeover quality is gathered using the take-over controllability rating (TOC-Rating). The statistical evaluation results show that the parameters significantly influence the takeover quality. This is an important finding for the design of cognitive assistance systems for future highly automated and intelligent vehicles

    Anti-circulant dynamic mode decomposition with sparsity-promoting for highway traffic dynamics analysis

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    Highway traffic states data collected from a network of sensors can be considered a high-dimensional nonlinear dynamical system. In this paper, we develop a novel data-driven method -- anti-circulant dynamic mode decomposition with sparsity-promoting (circDMDsp) -- to study the dynamics of highway traffic speed data. Particularly, circDMDsp addresses several issues that hinder the application of existing DMD models: limited spatial dimension, presence of both recurrent and non-recurrent patterns, high level of noise, and known mode stability. The proposed circDMDsp framework allows us to numerically extract spatial-temporal coherent structures with physical meanings/interpretations: the dynamic modes reflect coherent spatial bases, and the corresponding temporal patterns capture the temporal oscillation/evolution of these dynamic modes. Our result based on Seattle highway loop detector data showcases that traffic speed data is governed by a set of periodic components, e.g., mean pattern, daily pattern, and weekly pattern, and each of them has a unique spatial structure. The spatiotemporal patterns can also be used to recover/denoise observed data and predict future values at any timestamp by extrapolating the temporal Vandermonde matrix. Our experiments also demonstrate that the proposed circDMDsp framework is more accurate and robust in data reconstruction and prediction than other DMD-based models

    Freeway Performance Measurement in a Connected Vehicle Environment Utilizing Traffic Disturbance Metrics

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    The introduction of connected vehicles, connected and automated vehicles, and advanced infrastructure sensors will allow the collection of microscopic measures that can be used in combination with macroscopic measures for better estimation of traffic safety and mobility. This dissertation examines the use of microscopic measures in combination with the usually used macroscopic measures for traffic congestion evaluation, traffic state categorization, traffic flow breakdown prediction, and estimation of traffic safety. The considered macroscopic measures are the mean speed, traffic flow rate, and occupancy. The investigated microscopic measures for the stated purpose are: standard deviations of individual vehicle’s speeds, standard deviation of vehicles’ speed, and disturbance metrics. The utilized disturbance metrics to capture the stop-and-go operations are: the number of oscillations and a measure of disturbance durations in terms of the time exposed time–to–collision (TET), which has been used in other studies as a safety surrogate measure. However, this measure of disturbance duration requires the location and speed of both the leading and following vehicles and therefore cannot be measured accurately with low sample sizes of connected vehicles (CV). Thus, this study derived a model to estimate this measure based on speed parameters. The developed model was tested using real-world trajectory data from two locations that were not used in the development of the model. Moreover, the percentage of vehicles in the platoon and the platoon size distribution were evaluated as additional indicators of congestion. The relationship between the platooning and disturbance metrics and the speed parameters were further explored. It is recognized that the parameters required to identify the platoons, such as the time headway, will not be available based on data from low market penetrations of CV. Thus, a model was developed that utilize other measures for the estimation of the platooning measures at lower CV market penetrations. For the purpose of traffic state recognition and prediction, first, the study used a hybrid of two unsupervised clustering techniques to classify traffic states into “breakdown” and “non-breakdown”. The study found that adding the disturbance metrics in data clustering when identifying the traffic states will result in better traffic state recognition and traffic flow breakdown identification by capturing the disturbances in the traffic stream. The categorized traffic state was then used as a binary response to the macroscopic and microscopic measures, as features, to train supervised machine learning techniques for predicting traffic flow breakdown in the following 5-minute interval in real-time operations. The study found that utilizing disturbance and safety surrogate metrics in the real-time classification of traffic flow state increases the accuracy of prediction. Also, the study showed that the investigated disturbance metrics and associated models and thresholds are significantly related to crash frequencies and thus can be used in the activation of transportation management strategies to reduce the probability of unsafe traffic and ease traffic disturbances that have adverse impact on traffic safety
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