4 research outputs found

    Resource allocation and feedback in wireless multiuser networks

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    This thesis focuses on the design of algorithms for resource allocation and feedback in wireless multiuser and heterogeneous networks. In particular, three key design challenges expected to have a major impact on future wireless networks are considered: cross-layer scheduling; structured quantization codebook design for MU-MIMO networks with limited feedback; and resource allocation to provide physical layer security. The first design challenge is cross-layer scheduling, where policies are proposed for two network architectures: user scheduling in single-cell multiuser networks aided by a relay; and base station (BS) scheduling in CoMP. These scheduling policies are then analyzed to guarantee satisfaction of three performance metrics: SEP; packet delay; and packet loss probability (PLP) due to buffer overflow. The concept of the Ď„-achievable PLP region is also introduced to explicitly describe the tradeoff in PLP between different users. The second design challenge is structured quantization codebook design in wireless networks with limited feedback, for both MU-MIMO and CoMP. In the MU-MIMO network, two codebook constructions are proposed, which are based on structured transformations of a base codebook. In the CoMP network, a low-complexity construction is proposed to solve the problem of variable codebook dimensions due to changes in the number of coordinated BSs. The proposed construction is shown to have comparable performance with the standard approach based on a random search, while only requiring linear instead of exponential complexity. The final design challenge is resource allocation for physical layer security in MU-MIMO. To guarantee physical layer security, the achievable secrecy sum-rate is explicitly derived for the regularized channel inversion (RCI) precoder. To improve performance, power allocation and precoder design are jointly optimized using a new algorithm based on convex optimization techniques

    Energy efficiency and interference management in long term evolution-advanced networks.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Cellular networks are continuously undergoing fast extraordinary evolution to overcome technological challenges. The fourth generation (4G) or Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-Advanced) networks offer improvements in performance through increase in network density, while allowing self-organisation and self-healing. The LTE-Advanced architecture is heterogeneous, consisting of different radio access technologies (RATs), such as macrocell, smallcells, cooperative relay nodes (RNs), having various capabilities, and coexisting in the same geographical coverage area. These network improvements come with different challenges that affect users’ quality of service (QoS) and network performance. These challenges include; interference management, high energy consumption and poor coverage of marginal users. Hence, developing mitigation schemes for these identified challenges is the focus of this thesis. The exponential growth of mobile broadband data usage and poor networks’ performance along the cell edges, result in a large increase of the energy consumption for both base stations (BSs) and users. This due to improper RN placement or deployment that creates severe inter-cell and intracell interferences in the networks. It is therefore, necessary to investigate appropriate RN placement techniques which offer efficient coverage extension while reducing energy consumption and mitigating interference in LTE-Advanced femtocell networks. This work proposes energy efficient and optimal RN placement (EEORNP) algorithm based on greedy algorithm to assure improved and effective coverage extension. The performance of the proposed algorithm is investigated in terms of coverage percentage and number of RN needed to cover marginalised users and found to outperform other RN placement schemes. Transceiver design has gained importance as one of the effective tools of interference management. Centralised transceiver design techniques have been used to improve network performance for LTE-Advanced networks in terms of mean square error (MSE), bit error rate (BER) and sum-rate. The centralised transceiver design techniques are not effective and computationally feasible for distributed cooperative heterogeneous networks, the systems considered in this thesis. This work proposes decentralised transceivers design based on the least-square (LS) and minimum MSE (MMSE) pilot-aided channel estimations for interference management in uplink LTE-Advanced femtocell networks. The decentralised transceiver algorithms are designed for the femtocells, the macrocell user equipments (MUEs), RNs and the cell edge macrocell UEs (CUEs) in the half-duplex cooperative relaying systems. The BER performances of the proposed algorithms with the effect of channel estimation are investigated. Finally, the EE optimisation is investigated in half-duplex multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) relay systems. The EE optimisation is divided into sub-optimal EE problems due to the distributed architecture of the MU-MIMO relay systems. The decentralised approach is employed to design the transceivers such as MUEs, CUEs, RN and femtocells for the different sub-optimal EE problems. The EE objective functions are formulated as convex optimisation problems subject to the QoS and transmit powers constraints in case of perfect channel state information (CSI). The non-convexity of the formulated EE optimisation problems is surmounted by introducing the EE parameter substractive function into each proposed algorithms. These EE parameters are updated using the Dinkelbach’s algorithm. The EE optimisation of the proposed algorithms is achieved after finding the optimal transceivers where the unknown interference terms in the transmit signals are designed with the zero-forcing (ZF) assumption and estimation errors are added to improve the EE performances. With the aid of simulation results, the performance of the proposed decentralised schemes are derived in terms of average EE evaluation and found to be better than existing algorithms

    Resource allocation and feedback in wireless multiuser networks

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    This thesis focuses on the design of algorithms for resource allocation and feedback in wireless multiuser and heterogeneous networks. In particular, three key design challenges expected to have a major impact on future wireless networks are considered: cross-layer scheduling; structured quantization codebook design for MU-MIMO networks with limited feedback; and resource allocation to provide physical layer security. The first design challenge is cross-layer scheduling, where policies are proposed for two network architectures: user scheduling in single-cell multiuser networks aided by a relay; and base station (BS) scheduling in CoMP. These scheduling policies are then analyzed to guarantee satisfaction of three performance metrics: SEP; packet delay; and packet loss probability (PLP) due to buffer overflow. The concept of the Ď„-achievable PLP region is also introduced to explicitly describe the tradeoff in PLP between different users. The second design challenge is structured quantization codebook design in wireless networks with limited feedback, for both MU-MIMO and CoMP. In the MU-MIMO network, two codebook constructions are proposed, which are based on structured transformations of a base codebook. In the CoMP network, a low-complexity construction is proposed to solve the problem of variable codebook dimensions due to changes in the number of coordinated BSs. The proposed construction is shown to have comparable performance with the standard approach based on a random search, while only requiring linear instead of exponential complexity. The final design challenge is resource allocation for physical layer security in MU-MIMO. To guarantee physical layer security, the achievable secrecy sum-rate is explicitly derived for the regularized channel inversion (RCI) precoder. To improve performance, power allocation and precoder design are jointly optimized using a new algorithm based on convex optimization techniques

    Performance study of an underlay cognitive radio network in the presence of co-channel interference

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    PhD ThesisMassive innovation in all aspects of the wireless communication network has been witnessed over the last few decades. The demand for data throughput is continuously growing, as such, the current regulations for allocating frequency spectrum are not able to respond to this exponential growth. Cognitive radio (CR), has been proposed as a solution to this problem. One of the possible scenarios of the implementation of CR is underlay cognitive radio. In this thesis the performance of an underlay cognitive radio network (UCRN) in the presence of the co-channel interference (CCI) is assessed. Firstly, the impact of CCI on the dual-hop cooperative UCRN is investigated over Rayleigh fading channels. In order to do this, the exact outage probability (OP), average error probability (AEP) and the ergodic capacity (EC) are studied. In addition, simple and asymptotic expressions for the OP and AEP are derived. Furthermore, the optimal power allocation is investigated to enhance the network performance. Moreover, the performance of a multi-user scenario is studied by considering the opportunistic SNR-based selection technique. Secondly, the effect of both primary network interference and CCI on the dual-hop UCRN over Rayleigh fading channels are studied. The equivalent signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) for this network scenario is obtained by considering multi-antenna schemes at all receiver nodes. The different signal combinations at the receiver nodes are investigated and compared, such as selection combining (SC) and maximum ratio combining (MRC) techniques. Then, the equivalent probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the network’s equivalent SINR are derived and discussed. Furthermore, expressions for the exact OP, AEP, and EC are derived and reviewed. In addition, asymptotic OP expressions are obtained for different case scenarios to gain an insight into the network parameters. Thirdly, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) UCRN is investigated under the influence of primary transmitter interference and CCI over Rayleigh fading channels. The transmit antenna selection and maximum ratio combining (TAS/MRC) techniques are considered for examining the performance of the secondary network. At first the equivalent SINR for the system is derived, then the exact and approximate expressions for the OP are derived and discussed. Fourthly, considering Nakagami-m fading channels, the performance of the UCRN is thoroughly studied with the consideration of the impact of primary network interference and CCI. The equivalent SINR for the secondary system is derived. Then, the system equivalent PDF and CDF are derived and discussed. Furthermore, the OP and AEP performances are investigated. Finally, for the cases mentioned above, numerical examples in conjunction with MatLab Monte Carlo simulations are provided to validate the derived results. The results show that CCI is one of the factors that severely reduces the UCRN performance. This can be more observable when the CCI power increases linearly with the transmission power of the secondary transmitter nodes. Furthermore, it was found that in a multi-user scenario the opportunistic SNR-based selection technique consideration can improve the performance of the network. Moreover, adaptive power allocation is found to give better results than equal power allocation. In addition, cooperative communication can be considered to be an effective way to combat the impact of transmission power limitation of the secondary network and interference power constraint. The multi-antenna schemes are another important consideration for enhancing the overall performance. In fact, despite the interference from the CCI and primary user sources, the multi-antennas scheme does not lose its advantage in the UCRN performance improvementHigher Committee for Education Development in Iraq (HCED). I am also grateful to the Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Kurdistan Regional Government-Iraq