4,016 research outputs found

    Securities activities in banking conglomerates: should their location be regulated?

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    A review of the arguments as to whether the location of the securities unit in a banking conglomerate should be subject to regulation. The author contends that correcting the safety nets distortions and allowing banks to choose where to locate their securities units is better than retaining such distortions and relying on corporate separateness to limit the problems they may create.Securities ; Bank holding companies

    Using Performance Measurement to Evaluate Strategic Human Resource Management Decisions: Kodak\u27s Experience With Profit Sharing

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    [Excerpt] Profit-sharing is frequently used to link employee performance and labor costs to the profitability of organizations. It represents a significant investment. Yet, \u27managers\u27 decisions regarding such human resource investments frequently do not use the same financial planning frameworks typical of other investments. This article presents a case study describing how one division at Eastman Kodak company used a strategic investment approach to plan and evaluate a profit-sharing program, and the role of performance measurement information in that approach

    How managers can use predictive analysis and mathematical models as decision making tools

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    Cet article propose une mesure simple (un modĂšle mathĂ©matique) Ă©valuant la performance de diffĂ©rentes entitĂ©s de vente (comme les vendeurs, les territoires de vente, les bureaux de vente rĂ©gionaux ou l'ensemble des ventes de l'organisation) est proposĂ©e. Cette mesure est facile Ă  estimer et elle peut facilement ĂȘtre comprise par les gestionnaires. De fait, elle peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© pour comparer les performances des diffĂ©rentes entitĂ©s de vente, en tenant compte des conditions prĂ©valant dans les diffĂ©rents marchĂ©s (tels que l'efficacitĂ© de la concurrence, la pĂ©nĂ©tration des ventes, ou les fluctuations du marchĂ© local). Les rĂ©sultats de la mise en oeuvre de cette mesure dans une grande entreprise d'assurance dommage nord-amĂ©ricaine sont prĂ©sentĂ©s

    Risk Management Implementation in Indonesian State Budget Fiscal Risk Disclosure

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    Fiscal risk management is part of the management of financial risk in the State Budget. Basically, these risks are interrelated although they are different things. State financial risk as an inherent risk of State Budget has a different process from fiscal risk management. This study aims to evaluate the management process and disclosure of fiscal risk in the State Budget using a case study-qualitative approach. The integration of the risk management system between the risk management unit and the fiscal risk management unit, and development of fiscal risk management framework could improve the process of managing and disclosing fiscal risk in the Budget Statement

    Cooperative Organizational Strategies: A Neo-Institutional Digest

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    This paper describes the neo-institutional approaches of transaction cost economics, agency theory, and property rights analysis and summarizes efforts by economists to apply these concepts to cooperatives. Several problems intrinsic to the cooperative organizational form and its property rights structure are reviewed. These problems have been hypothesized to affect the comparative economic efficiency of cooperative firms and have led to the development of life cycle models seeking to explain the formation, growth, and eventual decline of cooperatives as markets evolve. In this context, statistical analyses of the comparative efficiency of cooperatives and ex post studies of cooperative conversions are surveyed.Agribusiness,

    Restoring Confidence: A Qualitative Study of the Experience of Interim Commanding Officers in U.S. Navy Operational Units

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    Commanding officers in the United States Navy are entrusted by law with absolute authority, responsibility, and accountability. Despite a rigorous selection process, some commanding officers are relieved of command every year. In many cases, these commanding officers are replaced by interim commanding officers, leaders selected to fill the job for short periods of time. There is a gap in leadership literature about the phenomenon of interim command leadership in the Navy. This study investigated interim commanding officers\u27 experiences of taking command following the deliberate removal of the unit\u27s previous commanding officer. A review of current literature on the subjects of command at sea, leadership, organizational culture, and leading planned change in organizations was conducted to develop a basis for understanding existing theories about challenges facing incoming leaders, effective leadership behaviors to generate change within an organization, and recommended strategies for effecting organizational change. A qualitative research methodology was used to provide rich detail about the experiences of interim commanding officers and to develop theories grounded in the data. Eleven former Navy interim commanding officers were interviewed to obtain data to answer the following research questions: (1) What were the experiences and leadership challenges faced by interim commanding officers? (2) Which experiences, if any, differed from their first command tour? (3) What observations were made by interim commanding officers about the organizational culture and morale of the wardroom upon their arrival and departure from the unit? (4) Which leadership behaviors and strategies, if any, did interim commanding officers find useful to change the organizational culture and morale of the wardroom? The findings suggested that: (a) interim commanding officers experienced a higher degree of confidence entering the assignment than on their first command tour, (b) the unknown and not knowing who among the crew they could trust were challenges, (c) effects on the wardroom varied with severity of the incident, the crew\u27s perceived association with the event, and remoteness factors, and (d) that by modeling desired behaviors and focusing on communication, interim commanding officers restored confidence in leadership and mission readiness to the wardroom, the crew and external stakeholders

    Advancing a Culture of Safety Through the Creation of a Unit-Based Safety Team

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    Hospitals are challenged to create a strong culture of safety within their organization to eliminate harm to patients. This paper describes a project to advance a culture of safety on a cardiovascular acute care unit at an urban hospital through the creation of a unit-based safety team. Based on the premise that patient safety is a local phenomenon, the rationale for the project is to aim interventions at the unit level where they will have the greatest impact. Four key steps in creating an effective unit-based safety team are highlighted: team member selection, team development, enacting interventions, and evaluating interventions for effectiveness. Transformational leadership plays a key role in inspiring and promoting a vision for patient safety, as well as being instrumental in the development of the safety team. Madeline Leininger\u27s theory of culture care diversity and universality provides support for the project by identifying the cultural values and norms of the hospital unit and guiding the development of a unit\u27s culture of safety

    A University Control Systems Development Using the Strategic of Sustainability: Survey Study in the Iraqi Private Universities

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    Purpose: The research aims to try to develop university monitoring systems based on sustainable development indicators, by formulating a proposed path for the possibility of integrating its dimensions within the strategy of the Iraqi private universities.   Theoretical framework: The university's strategy is to fulfill its social responsibility towards society and the environment to achieve value for stakeholders associated with Iraqi universities in the long term.   Design/methodology/approach: The research sample they are final statements and financial reports issued by the Board of Supreme Audit for the number of private Iraqi universities; there are 30 universities. As well as management reports issued by the concerned authorities for universities in Baghdad for the Iraqi private universities in the capital for the period (2016.2017). The questionnaire was used as research tool;   Findings: Non-application of international accounting and auditing standards in private Iraqi universities, which highlights the lack of preparation of long-term reports in private Iraqi universities for sustainable development in future.   Research, Practical & Social implications: the sustainability report represents a structured presentation of the economic, environmental and social performance of the economic unit, thus helping to maximize the long-term value of the unit.   Originality/value: Presenting a proposed path for the Iraqi private universities to develop university control systems by integrating the university's strategy with the sustainability strateg

    Mode of International Investment and Endogenous Risk of Expropriation

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    In this paper, we develop a politico-economic model to analyze the relationship between the mode of international investment and institutional quality in a non-democratic capital importing country. Foreign investors from a capital-rich North can either purchase productive assets in a capital-poor South and transfer their capital within integrated multinational rms or they can form joint ventures with local asset owners. The South is ruled by an autocratic elite that may use its political power to expropriate productive assets. In a joint venture, the domestic asset owner bears the risk of expropriation, whereas in an integrated rm, this risk affects the foreign investor. This effect lowers the incentives for specific investments in an integrated firm and distorts the decision between joint ventures and integrated production. By setting the institutional framework in the host country, the elite in uences the risk of expropriation. We determine the equilibrium risk of expropriation in this framework and the resulting pattern of international production. We also analyze as to how globalization, which is re ected in a decline in investment costs, in fluences institutional quality.Foreign direct investment, joint venture, property rights, expropriation

    Mode of International Investment and Endogenous Risk of Expropriation

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    In this paper, we develop a politico-economic model to analyze the relationship between the mode of international investment and institutional quality in a non-democratic capital importing country. Foreign investors from a capital-rich North can either purchase productive assets in a capital-poor South and transfer their capital within integrated multinational firms or they can form joint ventures with local asset owners. The South is ruled by an autocratic elite that may use its political power to expropriate productive assets. In a joint venture, the domestic asset owner bears the risk of expropriation, whereas in an integrated firm, this risk affects the foreign investor. This effect lowers the incentives for specific investments in an integrated firm and distorts the decision between joint ventures and integrated production. By setting the institutional framework in the host country, the elite influences the risk of expropriation. We determine the equilibrium risk of expropriation in this framework and the resulting pattern of international production. We also analyze as to how globalization, which is reflected in a decline in investment costs, influences institutional quality.foreign direct investment, joint venture, property rights, expropriation
