27 research outputs found

    High throughput accelerator interface framework for a linear time-multiplexed FPGA overlay

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    Coarse-grained FPGA overlays improve design productivity through software-like programmability and fast compilation. However, the effectiveness of overlays as accelerators is dependent on suitable interface and programming integration into a typically processor-based computing system, an aspect which has often been neglected in evaluations of overlays. We explore the integration of a time-multiplexed FPGA overlay over a server-class PCI Express interface. We show how this integration can be optimised to maximise performance, and evaluate the area overhead. We also propose a user-friendly programming model for such an overlay accelerator system

    A time-multiplexed FPGA overlay with linear interconnect

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    Coarse-grained overlays improve FPGA design pro- ductivity by providing fast compilation and software like pro- grammability. Soft processor based overlays with well-defined ISAs are attractive to application developers due to their ease of use. However, these overlays have significant FPGA resource overheads. Time multiplexed (TM) CGRA-like overlays represent an interesting alternative as they are able to change their behavior on a cycle by cycle basis while the compute kernel executes. This reduces the FPGA resource needed, but at the cost of a higher initiation interval (II) and hence reduced throughput. The fully flexible routing network of current CGRA-like overlays results in high FPGA resource usage. However, many application kernels are acyclic and can be implemented using a much simpler linear feed-forward routing network. This paper examines a DSP block based TM overlay with linear interconnect where the overlay architecture takes account of the application kernels’ characteristics and the underlying FPGA architecture, so as to minimize the II and the FPGA resource usage. We examine a number of architectural extensions to the DSP block based functional unit to improve the II, throughput and latency. The results show an average 70% reduction in II, with corresponding improvements in throughput and latency

    Just In Time Assembly (JITA) - A Run Time Interpretation Approach for Achieving Productivity of Creating Custom Accelerators in FPGAs

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    The reconfigurable computing community has yet to be successful in allowing programmers to access FPGAs through traditional software development flows. Existing barriers that prevent programmers from using FPGAs include: 1) knowledge of hardware programming models, 2) the need to work within the vendor specific CAD tools and hardware synthesis. This thesis presents a series of published papers that explore different aspects of a new approach being developed to remove the barriers and enable programmers to compile accelerators on next generation reconfigurable manycore architectures. The approach is entitled Just In Time Assembly (JITA) of hardware accelerators. The approach has been defined to allow hardware accelerators to be built and run through software compilation and run time interpretation outside of CAD tools and without requiring each new accelerator to be synthesized. The approach advocates the use of libraries of pre-synthesized components that can be referenced through symbolic links in a similar fashion to dynamically linked software libraries. Synthesis still must occur but is moved out of the application programmers software flow and into the initial coding process that occurs when programming patterns that define a Domain Specific Language (DSL) are first coded. Programmers see no difference between creating software or hardware functionality when using the DSL. A new run time interpreter is introduced to assemble the individual pre-synthesized hardware accelerators that comprise the accelerator functionality within a configurable tile array of partially reconfigurable slots at run time. Quantitative results are presented that compares utilization, performance, and productivity of the approach to what would be achieved by full custom accelerators created through traditional CAD flows using hardware programming models and passing through synthesis

    A Hybrid Partially Reconfigurable Overlay Supporting Just-In-Time Assembly of Custom Accelerators on FPGAs

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    The state of the art in design and development flows for FPGAs are not sufficiently mature to allow programmers to implement their applications through traditional software development flows. The stipulation of synthesis as well as the requirement of background knowledge on the FPGAs\u27 low-level physical hardware structure are major challenges that prevent programmers from using FPGAs. The reconfigurable computing community is seeking solutions to raise the level of design abstraction at which programmers must operate, and move the synthesis process out of the programmers\u27 path through the use of overlays. A recent approach, Just-In-Time Assembly (JITA), was proposed that enables hardware accelerators to be assembled at runtime, all from within a traditional software compilation flow. The JITA approach presents a promising path to constructing hardware designs on FPGAs using pre-synthesized parallel programming patterns, but suffers from two major limitations. First, all variant programming patterns must be pre-synthesized. Second, conditional operations are not supported. In this thesis, I present a new reconfigurable overlay, URUK, that overcomes the two limitations imposed by the JITA approach. Similar to the original JITA approach, the proposed URUK overlay allows hardware accelerators to be constructed on FPGAs through software compilation flows. To this basic capability, URUK adds additional support to enable the assembly of presynthesized fine-grained computational operators to be assembled within the FPGA. This thesis provides analysis of URUK from three different perspectives; utilization, performance, and productivity. The analysis includes comparisons against High-Level Synthesis (HLS) and the state of the art approach to creating static overlays. The tradeoffs conclude that URUK can achieve approximately equivalent performance for algebra operations compared to HLS custom accelerators, which are designed with simple experience on FPGAs. Further, URUK shows a high degree of flexibility for runtime placement and routing of the primitive operations. The analysis shows how this flexibility can be leveraged to reduce communication overhead among tiles, compared to traditional static overlays. The results also show URUK can enable software programmers without any hardware skills to create hardware accelerators at productivity levels consistent with software development and compilation

    Mocarabe: High-Performance Time-Multiplexed Overlays for FPGAs

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    Coarse-grained reconfigurable array (CGRA) overlays can improve dataflow kernel throughput by an order of magnitude over Vivado HLS on Xilinx Alveo U280. This is possible with a combination of carefully floorplanned high-frequency (645 - 768 MHz Torus, 788 - 856 MHz Mesh, 583 - 746 MHz BFT) design and a scalable, communication-aware compiler. Our CGRA architecture supports configurable Processing Element (PE) functionality supported by a configurable number of communication channels to match application demands. Compared to recent FPGA overlays like 4Ă—4 ADRES and HyCUBE implementations in CGRA-ME, our design operates at a faster clock frequency by up to 3.4Ă—, while scaling to an orders-of-magnitude larger array size of 19Ă—69 on Xilinx Alveo U280. We propose a novel topology agnostic ILP placer that formulates the CGRA placement problem into an ILP problem. Our ILP placer optimizes placement regardless of topology and even for non-linear objective functions by using pre-computed placement costs as inputs to the ILP problem formulation. Using the ILP placer reduces placement quadratic wirelength up to 37% compared to the commonly used simulated annealing approach but increases runtime from less than a minute to hours. Our communication-aware compiler targets HLS objectives such as initiation interval (II) and minimizes communication cost using an integer linear programming (ILP) formulation. Unlike SDC schedulers in FPGA HLS tools, we treat data movement as a first-class citizen by encoding the space and time resources of the communication network in the ILP formulation. Given the same constraints on operational resources as Vivado HLS, we can retain our target II and achieve up to 9.2Ă— higher frequency. We compare Torus and Mesh topologies, and show Mesh has less latency per area compared to Torus for the same benchmarks

    A soft processor overlay with tightly-coupled FPGA accelerator

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    FPGA overlays are commonly implemented as coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures with a goal to improve designers’ productivity through balancing flexibility and ease of configuration of the underlying fabric. To truly facilitate full application acceleration, it is often necessary to also include a highly efficient processor that integrates and collaborates with the accelerators while maintaining the benefits of being implemented within the same overlay framework. This paper presents an open-source soft processor that is designed to tightly-couple with FPGA accelerators as part of an overlay framework. RISC-V is chosen as the instruction set for its openness and portability, and the soft processor is designed as a 4-stage pipeline to balance resource consumption and performance when implemented on FPGAs. The processor is generically implemented so as to promote design portability and compatibility across different FPGA platforms. Experimental results show that integrated software-hardware applications using the proposed tightly-coupled architecture achieve comparable performance as hardware-only accelerators while the proposed architecture provides additional run-time flexibility. The processor has been synthesized to both low-end and high-performance FPGA families from different vendors, achieving the highest frequency of 268:67MHz and resource consumption comparable to existing RISC-V designs.postprin